Principles of Trust Systems


Principles are the basis of the law: a constant connection between the previous and the next, between the current state of the world and the immediate coming. One of the basic principles of the evolution of human society since ancient times has been the principle of trust — you could only survive together by trusting your own. The principle of trust was the basis for building trust-based management systems that evolved, reflecting the basic models of the market code.


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On the issue of sustainable development of rural areas

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.86-91

The Russian Federation is in the process of searching for effective tools for state management of the development of rural areas that ensure the integrated development of the countryside throughout the country. The article considers the issue of the need to develop the socio-economic policy of the village, taking into account the main tasks and principles in the field of ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas. Currently, the sustainable development of rural areas is an important component of the food security of the state, stability and independence.


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3. Problems and prospects of socio-economic development of rural areas: regional aspect. M.: Publication of the State Duma, 2021. 320 p. (In Russ.).

4. Menshchikova V.I. Sustainable development of rural areas. Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2012;7-8:106-110. (In Russ.).

5. Loskutova M.V. Management of sustainable development of rural areas in the agro-industrial region. Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2013;9(055):67-71. (In Russ.).

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Innovations in Combating the Shadow Financial Segment in Recent Years on the Example of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.138-143

The article notes that in relation to the growth of the shadow component in the Russian economy, identifying the essence of the shadow economy is especially relevant. The author addresses shadow processes as the basis of the shadow economy, their place in its structure, basic principles of formation and classification according to various criteria.

Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

#8. Ideas Change the World
Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

The world economy is a dynamically developing system, where various processes continuously take place, being connected both with interaction and with opposition of the various participants’ interests in the context of globalization, regionalization, economic integration and competition. Today, under the effect of both objective and subjective factors, the environment itself has changed, the course of processes taking place there has changed. As a result, the world economy is undergoing complex transformations and humanity is going through a civilizational crisis. The world is entering a phase of turbulence, chaos, instability and uncertainty. No single country, including developed ones, can yet offer a way out of this phase. Due to disharmony in relationship between scientific-technological progress and spiritual development of mankind, the world is on the threshold of a global catastrophe. This situation has caused a complex problem that we plan to solve on the basis of a scientific approach. We believe that the main reason for violating the right course of events, processes and phenomena lies in the imperfect system of governing society, the state and the world development as a whole. The management system has left the natural path of development, has abandoned the canons of the Universe and the all-round laws of the Universe. Building on new knowledge, theories, concepts and technologies, it is necessary to create such a system of planning and management that will ensure safety and harmonious development of the system “nature – society – man”.