Comprehensive Approach to Harmonizing the Problem of Sustainable Development of the «Climate — Nature — Society» System

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.114-119

The author examines transformation of the “climate-nature-society” system (CNSS), identifying potential directions for sustainable development and improving the well-being of the Russian population. In this context, an example of the forestry complex shows the key role of the best available technologies in creating social production, minimizing losses, waste and negative impacts on the environment. It is proven that effective implementation of conceptual platforms within the digital economy depends both on the legislative framework and on national policies on environmental management issues that are consistent with the trend of CNSS stable development.


1. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Rossiyskaya ekonomika v nachale 2020 goda: o glubinnykh prichinakh narastayushchego khaosa i komplekse antikrizisnykh mer [The Russian Economy at the Beginning of 2020: About the Underlying Causes of the Growing chaos and a Set of Anti-crisis Measures]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy

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2. Khabibullina Z.R. Tvorcheskiy trud: spetsifika, dinamika razvitiya i kharakteristika sistemnoy transformatsii [Creative Work: Specificity, Dynamics of Development and Characteristics of Systemic Transformation]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii, 2020, no 1, pp. 32–40.

3. Bartalev S.A., Stytsenko F.V. Sputnikovaya otsenka gibeli drevostoev ot pozharov po dannym o sezonnom raspredelenii proydennoy ognem ploshchadi [Satellite Assessment of the Death of Tree Stands from Fires Based on Data on the Seasonal Distribution of the Area Covered by Fire]. Lesovedenie, 2021,

no 2, pp. 115–122.

4. Pavlov P.V. Prigranichnaya torgovlya kak chast’ prigranichnogo sotrudnichestva Rossii s inostrannymi gosudarstvami: problemy administrativnopravovogo

regulirovaniya [Cross-border Trade as Part of Cross-border Cooperation Between Russia and Foreign States: Problems of Administrative and Legal Regulation]. Administrativnoe pravo i praktika administrirovaniya, 2013, no 2, pp. 1–71.

5. Ryumina E.V. Vklyuchenie ekologicheskogo faktora v traditsionnye otsenki kachestva zhizni [Inclusion of the Environmental Factor in Traditional Assessments of the Quality of Life]. Ekonomika prirodopol’zovaniya, 2020, no 6, pp. 122–129.

6. Kryazhev A.M., Guseva T.V., Tikhonova I.O., et al. Tsellyulozno-bumazhnoe proizvodstvo: ustoychivoe razvitie i formirovanie ekonomiki zamknutogo tsikla [Pulp and Paper Production: Sustainable Development and the Formation of a Closed-cycle Economy]. Ekologiya i promyshlennost’ Rossii, 2020, vol. 24, no 11, pp. 48–53.

7. Broslavskiy L.I. Rossii nuzhen zakon o vozmeshchenii ekologicheskogo vreda [Russia Needs a Law on Compensation for Environmental Damage]. Ekologicheskoe pravo, 2020, no 3, pp. 37–43.

On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.6-15

How is it that in Russia, unlike in other countries, during the coronavirus pandemic the total mortality increased by a record amount and the income and consumption of the population decreased to the greatest extent? The point is that the crisis, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is completely different from previous ones. It highlights the dilemma: should we use forces and means to prevent an economic recession with lower costs for anti-crisis measures, or focus on saving people’s lives while minimizing additional mortality and maintaining real incomes of the population? Each country, depending on objectives, prevailing conditions and opportunities, chooses its “golden mean”. In many cases such choice is not fully conscious, since it’s not possible to forecast with any certainty even over the near term. Decisions have to be taken up along the way, based on the situation and assessing the probability of certain events, including in view of the other countries’  experience in combating the pandemic.

On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.6-15 

How is it that in Russia, unlike in other countries, during the coronavirus pandemic the total mortality increased by a record amount and the income and consumption of the population decreased to the greatest extent? The point is that the crisis, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is completely different from previous ones. It highlights the dilemma: should we use forces and means to prevent an economic recession with lower costs for anti-crisis measures, or focus on saving people’s lives while minimizing additional mortality and maintaining real incomes of the population? Each country, depending on objectives, prevailing conditions and opportunities, chooses its “golden mean”. In many cases such choice is not fully conscious, since it’s not possible to forecast with any certainty even over the near term. Decisions have to be taken up along the way, based on the situation and assessing the probability of certain events, including in view of the other countries’  experience in combating the pandemic.

On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia


How is it that in Russia, unlike in other countries, during the coronavirus pandemic the total mortality increased by a record amount and the income and consumption of the population decreased to the greatest extent? The point is that the crisis, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is completely different from previous ones. It highlights the dilemma: should we use forces and means to prevent an economic recession with lower costs for anti-crisis measures, or focus on saving people’s lives while minimizing additional mortality and maintaining real incomes of the population? Each country, depending on objectives, prevailing conditions and opportunities, chooses its “golden mean”. In many cases such choice is not fully conscious, since it’s not possible to forecast with any certainty even over the near term. Decisions have to be taken up along the way, based on the situation and assessing the probability of certain events, including in view of the other countries’  experience in combating the pandemic.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management of high-tech industries in the context of their digital transformation: challenges and new opportunities

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.39-44

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in business management, creating several challenges and opening up new opportunities for development. The purpose of the study is to formulate recommendations for business management in a pandemic and post-pandemic period. The authors concluded that the pandemic not only caused problems, but also opened up new opportunities in the context of digitalization. The recommendations for business management proposed by the authors are to use the possibilities of digital economy and flexible approaches to management, to increase information security, to optimize resources as well as to prioritize projects in terms of their economic efficiency.

“Black Dragon” and Management Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.70-81

The coronavirus pandemic this year has become one of the main topics on the world agenda and is now being analyzed from different angles — biological, medical, economic, political, social, historical. But another aspect to take into account is administrative, since this virus has infected not only individuals but also society, government and business systems. The pandemic is very complex, large-scale and multidimensional and, as is well known, it is hard to control the increasing difficulty and uncertainty, especially when the time factor is involved. There is a principle in methodology: if a problem identified at a certain level of the system’s complexity is not solved by means of the same level, then you need to rise to a higher level. In other words, it is necessary to rise to the metalevel, and this is where the problems of public administration and management are identified, and they are two-sided. The first one is practical — what to do and how to manage the unfolding processes to minimize damage to people, economy and society, what strategy to develop for recovery from this pandemic and how to implement it. This is a focus of everyone’s attention now, but it is too early to fully assess the effectiveness of various current measures and strategies, especially given the new wave of the pandemic. The second side — theoretical — how this problem can be viewed conceptually through the prism of changing the paradigm of the society existence and the paradigm of management. The present article deals with some fundamental aspects of the latter aspect of the problem.

War and World: Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Terms of Hybrid War. Psychoevotional Factors and Psychomatic Medicine in Combating SARS-CoV-2

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.62-69

The article provides a systematic analysis of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the theory of hybrid warfare, identifies the factors of psycho-emotional impact on citizens and society of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The author has formed a hypothesis of the specific influence of the psychoemotional factor in the context of a hybrid war on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic on a global scale, country, society, person; the key directions for preparing the Russian control system for “viral” crises (“second wave”, pandemic, biological warfare, etc.) are highlighted. The critical importance of the integrity of approaches to a person in medicine, an interdisciplinary approach not only to diagnosis, but also to treatment, rehabilitation, accompanying patients and their families — these are new social values

Post-Pandemic Syndrome as a Socio-Psychological and Economic Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.94-103

The article highlights the socio-psychological and economic aspects of the regulation of society during an extreme psychosocial event in the format of a Pandemic as a staged act of social separation. Artificial Extremum highlighted the main thing: in state entities aimed at satisfying only the vital needs of a person, intra-system contradictions are critically increasing, since the regulation of society is associated with the dominant satisfaction of higher needs in the creative development of a person.

Technologies of social separation have led to pathological psychological consequences — a critical breakdown of social ties. This is the first time that an irrevocable extreme situation has emerged in History, and there is no way out of it under the old model of social regulation. It also became clear that the “Pandemic-2020” did not allow to remove the accumulated financial crisis contradictions, as the global industrial Autonomous circuit continues to work properly and consistently provides vital functions of the human population.

Since the second wave of the pandemic extreme has been announced, individuals who have lost the features of social subjectivity cannot integrate to achieve socially significant results of their activities. The only way out of the crisis situation is a conscious scientifically based transition to a new psychosocial model of society, already programmed by a new universal attractor of the historical process.

Refunding for Cancelled Applications During a Pandemic

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.54-59

The issue of money back in connection with the coronavirus pandemic for acquired tour packages is very relevant today. Most companies offer transfer tours or deposits, there are almost no returns. The Federal Tourism Agency explained how operators can use the funds from the personal liability fund (FPO); the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published an updated assessment of the likely impact of coronavirus on international tourism. The article discusses ways to return money for canceled applications

COVID-2019 Pandemic — a Catalyst for the Possible Loss of the Democratic Foundations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.30-41

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic began quite unexpectedly for all countries of the world community, although WHO has repeatedly warned about its possibility. It turned out that spreading of infection in all countries of the world depends not only on the level of urbanization and population density per 1 km2, but on the capability to effectively mobilize the national health system and on the quality of medical services, on their accessibility to all sectors of society, on the ability of the states leaders to provide appropriate regulation of public life. The most effective tools in the world became self-isolation, remote work (distance working) and introduction of quarantine regimes. Continuance of such measures implies, on the one hand, developing technologies for monitoring and ensuring social contact between citizens, and on the other, tightening control over the citizens behavior, including in remote work mode. The article provides a comparative analysis of these control systems, including the “social credit” in China, and concludes that remote working and opportunities that modern tracking and person re-identification technologies provide can be used even after the 2020 pandemic.