Improving the competitiveness of Russian oil and gas companies in modern conditions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.98-104

The article examines the economic benefit from the introduction of information technologies in the oil and gas industry using the example of PJSC Gazpromneft. The advantages of the development of the oil and gas sector through the implementation of IT solutions are considered, and the economic effect of the introduction of information technologies is assessed. The forecast for the implementation of information technologies up to 2030 and up to 2050 has been fulfilled.


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System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

#4. Window of Opportunities
System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

The paper examines in detail the system designs of the global oil and oil products market based on accomplishing a series of preconditions for a global competition compliance (for example, by such indicator as the price-quality of oil and oil products), to which the following compliances can be attributed: the existence of the great number of independent oil producer, as well as producers, suppliers and consumers of petroleum products, the possibility of a free trade of the productive forces (logistics) and oil products produced with the help of such forces. The productive forces include the broad paradigm of activities related not only to mining and processing of oil resources, but also to their transportation through pipelines and marine large vessels. It is also necessary to include here the independence of business entities; uniformity, comparability of oil and oil products; availability of access to objective information about the market.