Analytical technology of the “economic cross” — a toolkit for modeling the efficiency of closing the nuclear fuel cycle

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.92-101

Changes in the economic development priorities during transition to a post-industrial society inevitably forces us to reconsider approaches to the role of innovation in the modern economy, including in nuclear energy. The life cycles of nuclear energy resources and nuclear power units are intersected, and at this intersection energy is generated, revenue occurs, etc. The rest of these life cycles are mainly costs. Method of analyzing this life cycles intersection was named the “economic cross”. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to specify conditions, under which the final revenue, with regard to discounting, will exceed the total costs, and nuclear power technology will be profitable.


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Scenarios for the Development of World Nuclear Power in the Context of Limited Fossil Resources


Forecasts of the scenarios for the development of the world nuclear power industry are given, taking into account the limited resources of natural uranium and the concept of sustainable development. On the basis of a new model of dynamic forecasting of the depletion of fossil resources, possible restrictions on the development of hydrocarbon and nuclear energy at thermal reactors are considered. It is shown that the existing nuclear power based on thermal reactors does not have a long-term perspective (more than 100 years) for a number of reasons. The most promising development in order to maintain and, moreover, increase the contribution of nuclear power plants to electricity generation, is the two-component nuclear power system with a combined uranium-plutonium nuclear fuel cycle. However, the widespread introduction of fast-neutron reactors is possible in the second half of this century. For the next few decades, the tasks of economic substantiation of the diversification of business product lines in the field of a closed nuclear fuel cycle for scenarios of the development of nuclear power on thermal reactors in conditions of limited traditional reserves of natural uranium are urgent

Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power Projects In the World Market

#7-8. Burning Ground

In the nearest 15 years up to 130 nuclear units could come into operation, from 40 to 80 of which — in Asia, with 15 reactors already under construction. The share of nuclear power in the world energy balance may rise up to 30%.