Neurocommunity — the Future of Humanity?


Neurodigital technologies qualitatively and quantitatively expand the possibilities of human behavior control, creating conditions for ensuring a targeted cognitive-psychological state of both an individual and groups within a neurocommunity. One of the key vectors for applying such new management opportunities is imprinting on a person of a positive perception of the surrounding reality, which contributes to maintaining socio-political stability in the state and society and also increases the efficiency of individual employees and their teams. Identification of psychosemantic qualities of a person based on analysis of his interests and preferences allows to form and imprint a cognitive-reflexive model of identification and interpretation of what is happening, adapted to a particular person, which serves as a source of actions for person and groups of his like-minded people and provides stability of the society, which is gradually acquiring the features of a neurocommunity.



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5. Loginov E.L. Ispol’zovanie tekhnologii BIG DATA dlya protivodeistviya massovym besporyadkam v usloviyakh nedostatka informatsii i neopredelennosti razvitiya situatsii [Using BIG DATA Technologies to Counter Riots in the Face of Lack of Information and Uncertainty of the Situation Development]. Iskusstvennyi intellekt (bol’shie dannye) na sluzhbe politsii: Sb. statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Artificial Intelligence (Big Data) in the Police Service: Collection of Articles of the International Scientific-practical Conference]. Moscow, Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii, 2020, pp. 145–150.

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Digitalization: Sociology and Law, Concept and Practice of Socialization


The article highlights the short history of the Russian and world digitalization in details, focusing on the identified problems and priorities, which must be resolved if to successfully build and further effectively function information society in all its aspects.

The theoretical part has formed important opinions and ideas about the topic under study and shows that the spread of digital technology in all spheres of life is evidence of an active stage in the transition of human civilization from an industrial development stage to a digital one with social reality relevant to it. An analysis to identify the process of digitalizing human civilization’s linear development vector based on creating an indicative planning system allowed the author to conclude that there is a long-awaited transition to a purposeful scientific management of society and the state.

As it follows from the title of the article, legal coverage and all-round socialization are dominant in providing a successful solution to many challenges of digitalization. Russia’s political class is fully aware of the need to develop legal provisions, which are able to successfully prevent and mitigate possible threats to information society. It is primarily about the data breach related to both the functioning of the State and corporate/personal data. But the proposed draft legal acts of various kinds do not provide enough insight into how these protective, desirably preventive measures will be globally and nationally ensured.

Digitalization offers great opportunities for a rapid economic and social recovery to society. Developing information and communication technology gives an unprecedented rise in productivity, creates new forms of work organization, ensures conditions for increased trade in goods and services, offers infinite possibilities for education, communication between representatives of various societies and cultures, community commitment and network. The challenges of digitalization are so complicated that they do not seem possible to be solved by legal precedents without enhancing the population’s moral upbringing. The efforts of the really responsible citizens, the users of digital technology, the Internet initially can only effectively confront a new global digital environment in which there are opportunities to act rather immorally while at the same time anonymously and with impunity. We shall have to act gradually, but as strict as possible in the domestic and international legalization of the “digital environment”, paying a special attention to its moral dimension and the creation of particular barriers for ethical violations.



1. Moiseev N.N. S myslyami o budushchem Rossii [Thinking About the Future of Russia]. Moscow, Fond sodeistviya razvitiyu sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh nauk, 1997, pp. 59–60.

2. Pochemu Mask ne da Vinchi. Kasperskaya — o tsifrovom kontrole i “kloune” iz SShA [Why Musk is not da Vinci. Mrs Kaspersky — About Digital Control and the “Clown” from the USA]. Argumenty i fakty, 2021, June, 25, available at:

Neuromanagement: Convergent Integration of the Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.46-57

World achievements in the field of neuroscience have provided previously inaccessible opportunities for creating fundamentally new control systems based on neurointerfaces (brain — computer — brain). Hybridization of environments — gradual blurring of the boundaries between physical, cognitive and digital realities — is taking place. Descriptions of social and cognitive practices of real people are transformed into forming an artificial electronic subject, which becomes more real, replacing a biological object in society (a person is how he is represented in the electronic information environment). At the same time, development of the neurointerface perspectively leads to conversion of nervous tissue and changes biological substrate of the human brain and body in the vector of convergent collaboration of living and artificial nervous systems. Our American competing partners (the US Department of Defence represented by DARPA) carry out multidisciplinary comprehensive research in this area, leading in real results, the US leadership is increasing government funding. A qualitative change in technologies for managing people, society and the state is taking place. Russia’s objective in these conditions is to form its own segment of Neuronet, relying on domestic neurotechnologies, by analogy with the policy of import substitution in Russian nuclear energy.

Neurooperating the behavior of cognitive agents based on electronic semantic interpretation of states of consciousness and psyche with the effects of immersion, presence and unity with virtual reality

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.5-12

The article is devoted to the possibility of neurooperating behavior of heterogeneous groups of cognitive agents, which in the conditions of immersion of consciousness in virtual reality is based on the formation of a complex image of quasi-reality in the human mind using the information technology platform of non-invasive neurointerfaces. The necessity of using neural networks and fuzzy logic for identification and analysis of nonlinear neuro-fuzzy approximations of the psychosemantic state of the control object’s personality on the basis of electronic semantization (semantic interpretation) of the States of its consciousness and psyche is justified. It is proposed to develop software tools for quenching or activating, depending on the need, neurophysiological or psychoemotional stress as a source of aggressive behavior in real life, through neuro-linguistic elements and neuro-marketing mechanics with the effects of immersion, presence and unity of the individual with the digital virtual environment.