Analytical tools for impact assessment natural resource potential for the development of Russian regions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.105-112

In the article, based on modern ideas about the use of natural resources, the concepts of natural resource potential and an economically demanded resource are formed, a methodological approach to assessing the tax potential for predicting the formation of income of the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the use of mineral resources is proposed. On the basis of the performed analysis, the subjects of the Russian Federation are identified, the economy of which is determined by the development of the mineral resource complex. The development in the regions of stimulating economic approaches in the field of environmental management and resource conservation is substantiated. Proposals are given to expand the economic independence of the regions of Russia.


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Total Figure: Pandemic as a Portal to the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.70-81

Review of 2020 strategic trends presents an analysis of the key components of the country’s integral power — economy, foreign policy, armed forces, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, governance — according to the original methodology developed by specialists of the Institute for Economic Strategies

Smile of Schr dinger’s Сat. Results of 2019

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.114-125

Traditional review of the past year strategic trends presents an analysis of the key components of the country’s integral power economy, foreign policy, armed forces, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, management – according to the original methodology developed by the Institute for Economic strategies. The authors suggest that the past 2019 will become a year of breakthrough in creating a quantum computer — a device that can fundamentally change the trend and the speed of technological development, as it once happened with introduction of electricity into industrial production and life.

Modeling and Assessing the National Strength of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.6-19

The article analyzes the world experience of assessing national strength, which is the most informative and popular indicator characterizing the combined national security potential of a particular country, allowing to compare the level of its military power and socio-economic development with other countries. Modeling and evaluating the national strength indicator is extremely important for adjusting strategic documents related to the long-term development of a country, as well as to its foreign policy. In many countries, the national security indicator is assessed by narrow circle of experts or through averaged survey results from a wider range of respondents. The disadvantage of this approach lies in subjectivity, and eventually, in an unreliable estimate. The authors provide a scientifically based methodology for modeling and assessing national power. In forming the components of the national strength integral indicator, key target indicators are used, which are established in the strategic planning documents of Russia. It should be also noted that they contain indicators that are not used by foreign researchers (for example, indicators related to the territory, population, industrial production, energy resources and many others). Results of calculating the integral indicators of national strength, obtained through convolution using factor analysis of group indices, show that at the moment Russia is a world leader (at the level of 3-4 places among 193 countries — members of the UN)

Homo Proponit, Sed Dues Disponit

#1. Choice of Identity
Homo Proponit, Sed Dues Disponit

Institute for Economic Strategies in the project “Strategic Matrix of Russia” again determines the most important strategic trends of the past 2013 by nine strategic matrix factors: governance, territory, natural assets, population, economy, culture and religion, science and education, armed forces, geopolitical environment.

Fresh Water — the Main Constraint of the World Economy Development

#3. Expectation of Light

Natural resource management can be thought of only as one of the essential components of the long-term strategy for the country’s development, but we don’t have such a strategy.