Anthropic Control of Causal Processes to “Requantize Reality”

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.98-107

The role of a man in the universal evolutionary process is underestimated. With the advent of a man, the Multiverse begins to realize itself, cognize and transform itself. Creation of a socially significant reality throughout history is manifested by the anthropic principle, which makes the quantum properties of objects dependent on a person endowed with intelligence.

In the universal evolution formation of mass-kinetic structures and processes has completed and the “requantization of reality” is taking place — transition to information-semantic forms of being and consciousness. A social state, capable of concentrating the necessary resources for a quantum leap into the future, can become an instrument of planned transition. To interact with the Multiverse, it is necessary to apply closing technologies both in technical and humanitarian fields of knowledge.


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Self-similar Attractors of the Historical Process as Observable “Laws of Nature and Society”

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.94-103

The author dwells on self-similar factors that have regulated, regulate and in the nearest future will regulate sociohistorical processes. The old regulation methods, which have been characteristic of the planet and societ y’s biosphere for billions of years, are losing their dominance. This is expressed as a “crisis of crises”. New regulation methods have already begun to emerge in the historical process, but the final transition of societ y to the next stage of development will take place only after the singularity, that is, after a radical change in the principles, scales and dimensions of development. The main features of the new regulation methods are the reasonable exogenous development of our civilization, which can become an element of large space systems.


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