Collapse of Neoliberalism as a Theory of Constructing a Monopolar World or Transformation of Globalization?

#5. Digital Agitation
Collapse of Neoliberalism as a Theory of Constructing a Monopolar World or Transformation of Globalization?

The article considers duality of the globalization concept — as a process based on internationalization of the reproductive chain of the world GDP creation and as a policy pursuing and realizing the goal of forming and maintaining a monopolar global community; it is argued that economic content of globalization remains important for the present stage of the world community development; the article presents the arguments proving supportive measures taken by international organizations in order to support the process of cooperation and production specialization, restoration of balanced structures of national economies; arguments are given proving the monopoly insolvency, disavowing neoliberalism as a theory justifying this process; the author substantiates the principles determining formation of a multipolar world community and meeting the current realities of the world community development.
