New Economic Doctrine for Russia. Methodological Principles of Analysis: from Domination of Plutocracy to Real Multiformity and Industrial Democracy

#8. Hunting for Scientists
New Economic Doctrine for Russia. Methodological Principles of Analysis: from Domination of Plutocracy to Real Multiformity and Industrial Democracy

A series of permanent and severe crises in Russia requires radically reform the liberal model of an open economy. The methodological basis of the analysis provides the basic theses, terms and principles of philosophy of Russian traditionalism and the modern Russian scientific tradition. Russia as the Russian Eurasia is developing on the basis of the principle of collectivism, which is the key methodological principle — the principle of methodological collectivism. The article emphasizes that the economy in traditional society is a utility area and is considered as part of the culture, a part of the whole social and living organism. Thus culture is considered as an important intangible resource of economic development, and public dynamics stands out as the social and cultural dynamics. This study allows to determine the methodological foundations of a new economic doctrine for Russia. Our ideal is a model of a just and solidarity society. We can confront the U.S. as a global Empire of evil, countering it the brotherhood of Nations, intergenerational solidarity and the higher justice.

Information and Technological Factors of Developing Cooperation in the Military-Industrial Complex and Risk-Based Approach to its Formation While Creating the System of Aerospace Defense

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Information and Technological Factors of Developing Cooperation in the Military-Industrial Complex and Risk-Based Approach to its Formation While Creating the System of Aerospace Defense

The article describes technical and economic issues of providing defense potential in the aerospace sector under in conditions of increasing military and technological challenges and threats and implementing the strategy of import substitution. The paper presents analysis of the information-technological problems of development of domestic military-industrial complex enterprises — developers of aerospace defense systems, it identifies reserves for increasing their efficiency through introducing integrated information systems. On the example of “VNIIRT” JSC the paper presents prospects for implementing the lean manufacturing concept on the basis of product lifecycle management technology. It gives comparative characteristics of cooperation business models in the defense industry both in foreign countries and in Russia. The article identifies technological and organizational-economic factors of developing cooperation of the final integrators, sub-integrators and components suppliers in the military products manufacturing. It sets out system-forming elements of a risk-oriented approach to forming co-operation in the defense-industrial complex. The authors propose a mathematical model of risk indicator for the company-finalist when choosing the composition of enterprises participating in cooperation, based on aggregation of private indicators of scientific and technical, industrial and technological, financial and economic risks. They formulate long-term objectives for the proposed approach implementation with application of neural network technology.

Methodological Basis for Enhancing Strategy of Innovative Development of Russia

#1. Theodicy of the Future
Methodological Basis for Enhancing Strategy of Innovative Development of Russia

The article presents philosophical and methodological analysis of the innovative development basic models, taking into account the specificity of these models the article evaluates individual projects and strategic documents defining the current state of Russia’s innovative development, it discusses perspective directions of improving the innovative development mechanisms.

Regions of Russia — Community with a Common Destiny

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

From solving the problem of uneven regional development depends the life of the whole country. The question is how to overcome this inequality, to smooth the historically formed differences.