Specificity of the service market research on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.93-98

The research article studies the specifics of the service market using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, within the framework of which the structural components of improving the quality of service are identified and the main directions for the development of innovations are determined. The monitoring of the state and development of the service market was carried out, in the process of which the respondents assessed the problem areas on a 5-point scale. When researching the questionnaires of a sociological survey, the main directions of development of the service sector are presented.

Economic assessment of innovative potential by using mesofractal indicators

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.74-81

The scientific article assesses the innovative potential of enterprises in the retail and trade sector of the service sector in order to identify the level of their competitiveness. The modular categories are highlighted, according to which it is possible to identify the degree of readiness of enterprises for innovation. The algorithm for determining the innovative potential has been determined; the systemic components of the mesofractal of innovative potential were identified, and the methodology for assessing the readiness of an enterprise for innovation was improved, on the basis of which empirical indicators were obtained.

Comparison of Methodologies for Strategic Forecasting and Planning of Economic Development in Developed Countries and Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.24-31

The authors considered the organization of strategic planning and forecasting of five countries that are among the world’s economic leaders — USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and Russia. The main features of the organization of the process of strategic planning and strategic forecasting in these countries are revealed, and a brief description of the organizational paradigms in the area under consideration is given. The purpose of the article is to determine the possibilities of borrowing in the field of methodology of strategic planning and forecasting. While there are no borrowing problems in the field of technical forecasting methods, there are a number of obstacles in the organizational field, determined by various factors. The authors identified nine such factors, and concluded that the prospects for the development of strategic planning and forecasting in Russia lie outside the directly specified area

Features of the development of a competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.99-104

The article presents the structural features of the competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District; the most active market segments were identified; empirically calculated market volume of paid services. On the basis of net profit indicators and the numerical characteristics of economically significant subjects of the service market, the factors hindering business activity of the level are identified.

Methodological Aspects of Modeling Concept Value Assessment of Live Cycles in the Assessment Activities in the Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.80-91

The article discusses the subject of research, focused on the study of the transformation processes of the valuation methodology, focused on the effective management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development by ensuring the effective implementation of National projects using the results of the value management genesis in valuation activities based on the use of the concept of cost-based life cycle assessment The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of solving the national economic problem of the need to ensure the launch of innovative high-tech investment cycles for the development of industries, enterprises and investment projects based on the formation of an updated methodological base for valuation activities. Moreover, it is proposed to use the model of formalizing the processes of valuation and cost and cost management in economic systems based on the life cycles of goods, products and works as the main evaluative ideology. The aim of the study is to develop a set of relevant methodological proposals for modeling the concepts of valuation of life cycles in the valuation of Russia in order to ensure its transformation that is sufficient for cost management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development of the country through ensuring the effective implementation of national projects. The object of the study is the development of theoretical principles and conceptual approaches for modeling the methodological foundations of valuing and managing the life cycles of goods and products in the process of implementing national projects based on minimizing the cost of their life cycles, life cycle contracts, total costs and the cost of ownership of life cycles. As applied research methods, a comprehensive approach was used, based on analysis and synthesis, logical analysis, expert approach, methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting.

Assessing the Quality of Socio-Economic Development Strategies: How to Choose the Best Approach?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.134-139

What approach is better to put into practice for evaluating strategies of socio-economic development of cities and regions of the Russian Federation? What are peculiar features of existing approaches? To answer these questions, the author examines strategies evaluating methods proposed in the works by B.S. Zhikharevich, I.N. Ilyina and E.E. Plisetsky, V.V. Klimanov and K.V. Budaeva, P.V. Pogrebnyakov, V.N. Knyaginin, I.A. Nikolaev and O.S. Tochilkina, V.E. Seliverstov. These approaches were divided into four groups depending on the purpose of assessment. It was revealed that considered approaches cover the full life cycle of a strategic document — from setting the task on its development to evaluating the final strategy “from outside”. Many approaches include the image of a sample strategy, with which a strategic document is compared to assess its quality, but at the same time, ideas about high-quality, “ideal” strategy in different works differ significantly. In conclusion, practical recommendations for choosing a methodology for evaluating a strategy are given

Features of Formation and Development of the Methodology of Evaluating the Cost of Vital Cycles in the Russian Economy

The importance of the formation and development of the life cycle cost assessment methodology in the Russian economy is determined by the need to supplement the practice of valuation activity with its new variety — assessment of the life cycles of goods, works, services or systems of a technical or production-economic nature. The analysis showed that in the valuation activity it is necessary to use not only traditional types of values, such as market, liquidation, investment and cadastral, but also a new type of value — life cycle assessment for total costs, estimation of cost of ownership, as well as assessment of the value of contracts for life cycles. The actualization of the life cycle value assessment as a special type of valuation activity is associated with the development of the global economic trend of managing goods based on their presentation as life cycles. Summing up the value of the goods in exchange with their value in use, it is possible at a certain period of ownership to obtain the integral value of the cost of the life cycle or cost of ownership. The aim of the study is to summarize the domestic experience and features of its development in relation to the use of the methodology for assessing the cost of life cycles as a special direction of valuation activity in the Russian economy, taking into account the review of foreign analysis in this area. The research methods were used in the form of a set of interrelated methodological approaches based on expert assessments, retrospective analysis, forecasting, comparative, cost and income assessment methodologies, economic and mathematical modeling, as well as logical, technical, economic and situational analysis. The article summarizes the results in the field of the genesis of valuation activity in the domestic economy regarding the cost modeling of life cycles, highlighting the main stages of their development. A review of the main existing methods for estimating total costs is given and their characteristics are given. Shown excursion assessment in a foreign economy. Debatable questions of the methodical modeling of the valuation of life cycles and life cycle contracts have been disassembled and highlighted

Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

#8. Ideas Change the World
Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

The world economy is a dynamically developing system, where various processes continuously take place, being connected both with interaction and with opposition of the various participants’ interests in the context of globalization, regionalization, economic integration and competition. Today, under the effect of both objective and subjective factors, the environment itself has changed, the course of processes taking place there has changed. As a result, the world economy is undergoing complex transformations and humanity is going through a civilizational crisis. The world is entering a phase of turbulence, chaos, instability and uncertainty. No single country, including developed ones, can yet offer a way out of this phase. Due to disharmony in relationship between scientific-technological progress and spiritual development of mankind, the world is on the threshold of a global catastrophe. This situation has caused a complex problem that we plan to solve on the basis of a scientific approach. We believe that the main reason for violating the right course of events, processes and phenomena lies in the imperfect system of governing society, the state and the world development as a whole. The management system has left the natural path of development, has abandoned the canons of the Universe and the all-round laws of the Universe. Building on new knowledge, theories, concepts and technologies, it is necessary to create such a system of planning and management that will ensure safety and harmonious development of the system “nature – society – man”.

Investment Cost Management Land Plots with Housing Construction Based on State-Private Partnership

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Investment Cost Management Land Plots with Housing Construction Based on State-Private Partnership

The article examines the subject of research, focused on the study of economic and organizational relations and processes associated with the management of the investment value of land for residential development of the territory at the stage of land development based on the application of public-private partnership models. The relevance of this problem is related to the importance of solving the goal of increasing the commissioning of housing according to the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of 2018, which provides strategic plans for the transition from an average annual input of 80 to 120 million square meters. This is possible only through the use of economic tools for forecasting and managing the investment value of land. The purpose of the study is to develop conceptual theoretical and methodological and practical models for assessing and managing the investment value of land plots at the stage of land development in relation to housing construction with the priority of integrated development of territories on the basis of optimization of public-private partnership. As the applied research methods, a set of systemically interconnected methodological approaches based on the application of the theory of appraisal activity, economic and mathematical modeling, technical and economic, logical analysis, as well as the theory of risks, expert assessments, situational analysis and forecasting were used. The article shows both the author’s methodology and the results obtained that allow to simulate the management processes of the investment value of projects of the complex residential development of the territory to transfer it from negative to positive. Such management decisions are recommended to be carried out on the basis of the multivariate parameters of public-private partnership in relation to the performance of technical conditions, the volume of participation in social facilities, the transport and engineering infrastructure of construction. Ultimately, the article demonstrates the value of the completed studies both from the standpoint of the development of theory and methodology in the field of valuation theory applied to the category of “investment value”, and for the scientific and practical development of public-private partnership processes in the field of managing the increase in housing commissioning for corporate investment management and bodies of state and municipal management.

Ustirsyn, or Chronicles of No Year Whatever

#2. Sisyphean Task
Ustirsyn, or Chronicles of No Year Whatever

The review presents strategic trends of 2017. The annual research is conducted through methodology of Russia’s strategic matrix developed by experts of the Institute for Economic Strategies, which analyzes the main aspects of Russia’s internal development in nine areas: governance, territory, natural resources, population, economy, culture and religion, science and education, armed forces, geopolitical environment.