Mathematical Substantiation of Demand Management in the Medical Device Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.126-131

The article dwells on the features of demand management in the medical products mark et from the standpoint of clinical marketing. The factors that determine demand at each level are described and t ypical tools of influence are proposed.

Using the scalar multiplication formula, the author proposes an algorithm for forecasting demand and contribution of each marketing tool, which helps to optimize the marketing budget. It is shown that demand management tools in the medical device market can be classified according to the type of impact and the nature of the influence on demand.


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The formation of the imperative of clinical marketing in the management of sustainable development of innovations in the medical industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.39-48

The article discusses the concept of clinical marketing as one of the types of marketing in healthcare. The imperative of clinical marketing has been defined. The prerequisites for the development of clinical marketing include the transition to the principles of evidence–based medicine, regulation, and an increase in the cost of R&D for innovative medical products. The key success factors of medical products that accelerate the penetration of medical innovations into the market are highlighted. The program and the main tools of clinical marketing, the scope of their application is described. The scope of application of clinical marketing has been determined in accordance with the class of medical devices. It is shown that the use of elements of clinical marketing can have a positive impact on the commercialization of innovations in the context of the import substitution policy of the medical industry.


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