Mathematical Poetry Knight

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.130-137

The present article is an essay dedicated to the life and work of mathematician Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov.


1. Kolmogorov v vospominaniyakh: posvyashchaetsya 120-letiyu velikogo uchenogo Rossii, krupneyshego matematika XX veka Andreya Nikolaevicha Kolmogorova (25.IV.1903–20.X.1987) [Kolmogorov in Memories: Dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of the Great Russian Scientist, the Greatest Mathematician of the 20th Century Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (25.IV.1903–20.X.1987)]. Red.-sost. A.N. Shiryaev. Moscow, Izd-vo Moskovskogo tsentra nepreryvnogo matematicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2023, 576 p.

2. Dolgov K.M. Iz vospominaniy o moey uchebe v MGU i rektore akademike Ivane Georgieviche Petrovskom: V kn.: Dolgov K.M. Sila slova, mysli, obraza [From the Memories of my Studies at Moscow State University and the Rector, Academician Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky: Dolgov K.M. The Power of Words, Thoughts, Images]. Vol. 2. Moscow, Berlin, Direkt-Media, 2016, pp. 509–517.

Economy: Realities and Illusions

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Economy: Realities and Illusions

Economic science, which incorporates cognitive illusions of XIX-XX centuries, cannot give an adequate idea of the current economic reality and requires decisive revision. Economy in reality is different, perceived and described not so scientifically, mathematically, based on models, that is, physically, but post-scientifically, over the limits, which is the same — metaphysically.