The Problem of Marriage Stability in Modern Russia: Theological and Sociological Analysis

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.100-107

The article examines the problem of sustainability of marriage unions in modern Russia. The author reviews the opinions of Orthodox theologians and sociologists on the causes of this phenomenon and identifies two main concepts: the crisis concept and the progressive one. It is argued that the common underlying cause of family destabilization is weakening of faith in the Triune God, manifested in selfishness, fornication, distorted ideas about gender equality, disorderly parental intervention and excessive concern with economic issues. As a conclusion, it is proposed to further develop Orthodoxy’s efforts to affirm the unsurpassed valu of marriage according to “once for a lifetime” formula and to reveal its deep relationship with the teaching of the Church.


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General Trends and Topical Issues of Moscow Demographic Development

#1. Theodicy of the Future
General Trends and Topical Issues of Moscow Demographic Development

The present article analyzes demographic situation in Moscow. It focuses on such topical demographic problems of the city population as migration, birth rate, marriage, length of life, population aging. The author considers the problem of low birth rate as one of the key ones in demographic development of Moscow, without solution of which in many respects it is impossible to cope with the other demographic problems of the capital, such as depopulation of the indigenous population, deformation of the population age structure, reduction of the traditional marriage value. The article presents statistical data characterizing demographic processes in Moscow, it identifies the main trends, evaluates the consequences.

Locality and Globality. Self-Reproduction of Society

#5. Cultural Revolution

The society consumes what it was convinced to consider necessary, but to convince it are not those who are concerned about life and true needs of a man as he was conceived by the Creator, but consumer hunters, concerned only about his wallet.