Experience of military-civilian merger in the USA and China: new organizational and strategic engineering is needed in the Russian defence and civilian industries

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.5-17

In the United States and China, in conditions of preparing for a major war, there is an intensive restructuring of not only the armed forces, but also the industry that provides military needs. The key trend is the development and implementation of civil-military merger strategies. The Russian experience in conducting Special Military Operation, including an analysis of NATO’s problems with providing equipment and weapons to Russia’s real and potential military opponents and countering these processes by the Russian defence industry, has actualized the problem of developing a new approach to organizational and strategic engineering in the Russian defence and civil industries and scientific-technical sector.


1. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Russia in the new economic reality. Moscow, INES, 2016. 460 p.

2. Ageev A.I. Dynamics and structure of global risks. Civil defense strategy: problems and research. 2013;3(2(5)):7–8.

3. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions. Economic strategies. 2023;25(3(189)):6–15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.189.2023.6-15

4. Ivanov S. US military innovation. Infrastructure and projects. Mirtesen, 2021, September 15. URL:  https://s30116489994.mirtesen.ru/blog/43322544035/Voennyie-innovatsii-SSHA-Infrastruktura-i-proektyi

5. Kokoshin A.A. Military reform in China in 2015–2020: defense and foreign policy aspects. Moscow, ISPI RAN, 2016. pp. 39.

6. Ageev A.I., Kapustyan S.G., Korobkin V.V. State and forecast expectations for the development of the global robotics market. Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Practice. 2023;3(3):50–58.

7. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L., Chinaliev V.U., Epishkin I.I. Management of the development of complex scientific and technical complexes based on intelligent digital platforms (implementation of the competencies of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology in the digital economy). Moscow, Institute of Economic Strategies, 2023. 504 p.

8. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Efremov D.N. The State committee for Scientific-Technical Policy: center of network concentration of Scientific-Technical Ties in Key Knowledge Areas for Integrated management in the Science and engineering field. Economic strategies. 2014;16(8(124)):12–21.

9. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Management of research, power engineering and electric power companies as elements of an integrated industrial technological complex: Instrument making in the 21st century – 2020. Integration of science, education and production: Sat. materials of the XVI All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. Izhevsk: Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, 2020. pp. 16–21.

10. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Formation of an integrated information environment for digital support of life cycle management processes of scientific and technical research and development in the Russian electric power industry: Modern information technologies. Theory and practice: Materials of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Cherepovets: Cherepovets State University, 2020. pp. 32–35.

Why did the Russian Economy not Collapse under the Influence of Sanctions?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.16-27

Chronicles of the trade and economic war (sanctions, restrictions, etc., in fact, attempts to organize an economic, scientific and technical blockade) of the conventionally united West against Russia after 2014 in general and after the beginning of the Limited Military Operation in particular clearly demonstrate that Atlantic opponents didn’t manage to defeat us economically. They don’t understand why that happened… Russia, to the whole world’s surprise, is successfully realizing its economic potential, monetizing it into stability of the political regime and building up a victorious defence potential. What’s the cause of such macroeconomic stability (national strength) of Russia?


1. Isard W. Interregional and Regional Input-Output Analysis: A Model of a Space Economy. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, vol. 33, pp. 318–328.

2. Leontief W., Strout A. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis. Structural Interdependence and Economic Development (ed. T. Barna). London, Macmillan (St. Martin’s Press), 1963, pp. 119–149.

3. Koopman R., Wang Z., Wei Shang-Jin. Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports. NBER Working Paper no 18579, Cambridge, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012.

4. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Natsional’naya strategicheskaya sila stran, mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i ekonomicheskaya uspeshnost’ stran v nestabil’nom mire [National Strategic Power of Countries, International Trade and Economic Success of Countries in the unstable World]. Strategirovanie: teoriya i praktika, 2023, vol. 3, no 3(9), pp. 277–297.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v

usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii,

2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.189.2023.6-15

6. Makarov V.L., Il’in N.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Khabriev B.R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World: Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-6.186.2022.38-51

7. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Loginov E.L. Primenenie ekonomiko-matematicheskikh metodov i modeley optimal’nogo planirovaniya v tsifrovoy ekonomike budushchego (TsEMI AN SSSR i TsEMI RAN: prognosticheskaya interpretatsiya i razvitie nauchnogo naslediya nobelevskikh laureatov L.V. Kantorovicha i V.V. Leont’eva) [Application of Economic-mathematical Methods and Optimal Planning Models in the Digital Economy of the Future (CEMI AS USSR and CEMI RAS: Predictive

Interpretation and Development of the Scientific Heritage of Nobel Laureates L.V. Kantorovich and V.V. Leontief)]. Moscow, Tsentral’nyy ekonomiko-matematicheskiy

Organizing Strategic Management of Scientific and Technological Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.72-77

In the context of growing technological gap between the Russian Federation and developed countries, restrictions on developing scientific research and innovation due to narrowing scientific cooperation opportunities, reduced access to world scientifictechnical achievements and scientific equipment, as well as low demand from public and business sectors of the economy for scientific, scientific-technical and innovative products, the role of strategic management in the sphere of scientific-technological development, aimed at increasing the role of science in reproductive processes, ensuring the optimal choice of priority areas in science, technology and engineering, concentration of existing scientific, technical and innovative potential for their implementation in a short term, is significantly increasing. The present article analyzes the current system of state strategic management of scientific-technological development, gives recommendations for its improvement with a focus on the final result of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities by ensuring the integrity and continuity of innovative processes.


1. Nauka. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii: 2023: Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik [Science. Technologies. Innovations: 2023: Brief Statistical Compendium]. Moscow, NIU VShE, 2023, 102 p.

2. Mindeli L.E., Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie nauchno-tekhnicheskoi deyatel’nost’yu v Rossii: sostoyanie i perspektivy [State Management of Scientific and Technical Activities in Russia: Current State and Prospects]. Moscow, Institut problem razvitiya nauki RAN, 2018, 108 p.

3. Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. O sovershenstvovanii modeli strategicheskogo upravleniya v sfere nauki i tekhnologii [On Improving the Strategic Management Model in the Field of Science and Technology]. Mikroekonomika, 2022, no 6, pp. 5–18.

4. Chereshnev V.A., Todosiichuk A.V. Nauka v Rossii: sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy razvitiya [Science in Russia: State, Problems, Development Prospects]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2022, vol. 92, no 3, pp. 201–212.

5. Todosiichuk A.V. Usloviya i faktory nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo i innovatsionnogo razvitiya ekonomiki [Conditions and Factors of Scientific, Technological and

Innovative Development of the Economy]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2023, vol. 93, no 3, pp. 237–245.

6. Indikatory nauki: 2022: Statisticheskii sbornik [Science Indicators: 2022: Statistical Compendium]. Moscow, NIU VShE, 2022, 400 p.

7. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii. 2022 god [Socio-economic Situation in Russia. 2022]. Moscow, Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, 2022, no 12, 340 p.

8. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii. 2023 god [Socio-economic Situation in Russia. 2023]. Moscow, Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, 2023, no 5, 287 p.

9. Todosiichuk A.V. Upravlenie naukoi v nestatsionarnoi ekonomike [Management of Science in a Non-stationary Economy]. Naukovedcheskie issledovaniya, 2022, no 3, pp. 71–85.

Strategic Prospects of the Demographic Component of Russia’s National Strength

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.38-53

Demographic situation largely determines the strategic prospects of our country in the context of fierce multifactorial competition between various countries of the world and their bilateral and multilateral alliances. The ar ticle examines dynamics of the Russian population trends, individual causes of male excess mor tality, the main factors for increasing the birth rate and also provides a quantitative assessment of the ef fectiveness of some of the above. To assess the consequences an agent-based demographic model of Russia was used and a sof tware package, developed jointly with researchers from China, was applied to make a long-term forecast of our country’s population.


1. Putin zayavil, chto rossiyan dolzhno byt’ bol’she, i oni dolzhny byt’ zdorovy [Putin Said that there Should be More Russians, and they Should be Healthy].TASS, 2022, 9 iyunya, available at: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/14871349

2. Asel’ Gereikhanova. Vladimir Putin poruchil v 2023 godu dobit’sya rosta zarplat, rozhdaemosti i prodolzhitel’nosti zhizni [Vladimir Putin Instructed to Achieve an Increase in Wages, birth Rates and Life Expectancy in 2023]. Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2023, 29 yanvarya, available at: https://rg.ru/2023/01/29/zadachidlia-razvitiia.html

3. Demografiya [Demography]. Rosstat, available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/12781

4. Andreev E. M., Darskii L. E., Khar’kova T. L. Naselenie Sovetskogo Soyuza: 1922–1991 [Population of the Soviet Union: 1922–1991]. Moscow, Nauka, 1993.

5. Rosstat [Website], available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru

6. Makarov V. L., Il’in N. I., Bakhtizin A. R., Khabriev B. R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World:

Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-6.186.2022.38-51

7. Vsemirnyi bank [Website], available at: https://data.worldbank.org

8. Uroven’ smertnosti: Sravnitel’naya informatsiya po stranam [Mortality Rates: Comparative Information by Country], available at: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/death-rate/country-comparison

9. Demografiya: Prognoz [Demographics: Forecast], available at: https://www.agents.media/demografia-prognoz

10. Makarov V. L., Nigmatulin R. I., Il’in N. I., Bakhtizin A. R., Sushko E. D., Sidorenko M.Yu. Tsifrovoi dvoinik (iskusstvennoe obshchestvo) sotsial’noekonomicheskoi

sistemy Rossii — platforma dlya eksperimentov v sfere upravleniya demograficheskimi protsessami [The Digital Twin (Artificial Society) of the Socio-Economic System of Russia is a Platform for Experiments in the Field of Managing Demographic Processes]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no

2(182), pp. 6–19, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.182.2022.6-19.

11. Chislo rodivshikhsya (bez mertvorozhdennykh) za god [Number of Births (Excluding Stillbirths) per Year]. EMISS. Gosudarstvennaya statistika, available at: https://www.fedstat.ru/indicator/31606

Principles of corporate ethics of managers of industrial and service enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.82-92

The article explores different approaches to the term “sustainability” existing in academic literature and used in practice. It describes three methods – two well-known ones and another one developed by the authors – used for quantitative assessment of the degree of economic and financial sustainability in regions. The regions include four Russian federal subjects in the Russian Arctic and three macroregions that include the aforesaid regions. The indicators used for the assessment are grouped by the following aspects: relevance to national projects, type of assessment scale, internal or external economic factors, and income or spending in a consolidated regional budget. The article explores and draws a distinction between the influence of external factors – indicators of the demographic and natural environments – on the economic sustainability of an area.  A comparative analysis is done for three Russian macroregions and four Arctic regions by degree of economic and financial sustainability. The regions and macroregions are ranked based on the results of the comparative analysis using the selected indicators. The ranking helps identify potential strategic vectors and their succession as well as criteria for improvement of economic sustainability in the Russian Arctic.


1. Babkin N., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August. No 012147.

2. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E.  Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 723. Issue 5. 12 April 2021.

3. Bulletin of current trends in Russian economy, Retrieved, 2020. URL: https://e-cis.info/upload/iblock/520/520a5eee087274f9007f341e5865b0b3.pdf

4. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August No 012103.

5. Concept of Sustainable Development in Countries United Nation Conference on Environment and Development, 1993.  New York. Vol. 1-3. URL: https://www.un.org/ru/conferences/environment

6. Towards a Global Pact for the Environment of 10 May 2018: Resolution A / 72 / L.51. URL: https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/72/277

7. National Projects: expectations, results, and prospects. 28.07.2020 Ekspert RA Rating Agency. URL: https://raexpert.ru/researches/national_project_2020/

8. On national development goals in the Russian Federation until 2030:  Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 June 2020 No 474. URL: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/74304210/

9. On Land Territories in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 May 2016 No. 296 // Collected Laws of the RF 05.05.2014 No18 Part I Art. 2136.

Neurocommunity — the Future of Humanity?

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-5.185.2022.42-51

Neurodigital technologies qualitatively and quantitatively expand the possibilities of human behavior control, creating conditions for ensuring a targeted cognitive-psychological state of both an individual and groups within a neurocommunity. One of the key vectors for applying such new management opportunities is imprinting on a person of a positive perception of the surrounding reality, which contributes to maintaining socio-political stability in the state and society and also increases the efficiency of individual employees and their teams. Identification of psychosemantic qualities of a person based on analysis of his interests and preferences allows to form and imprint a cognitive-reflexive model of identification and interpretation of what is happening, adapted to a particular person, which serves as a source of actions for person and groups of his like-minded people and provides stability of the society, which is gradually acquiring the features of a neurocommunity.



1. Vannevar Bush. As We May Think. The Atlantic, available at: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/?single_page=true.

2. Ageev A.I. Golovokruzhenie intellekta [Intelligence Dizziness]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2019, no 5 (163), p. 5, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-5.163.2019.5.

3. Denisov A.A., Sablin V.A. Rezul’taty aprobatsii sistemy upravleniya v postindustrial’nykh tekhnologicheskikh sredakh [Results of the Control System Approbation in Post-industrial Technological Environments]. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii zhurnal “Evraziiskii soyuz uchenykh”, 2020, no 10 (79), pp. 16–21. (Seriya: Tekhnicheskie nauki.)

4. Lepskii V.E. Problema sborki sub”ektov v informatsionnykh voinakh [Problem of the Subjects Assembly in Information Wars]. Informatsionnye voiny, 2019, no 4 (52), pp. 2–8.

5. Loginov E.L. Ispol’zovanie tekhnologii BIG DATA dlya protivodeistviya massovym besporyadkam v usloviyakh nedostatka informatsii i neopredelennosti razvitiya situatsii [Using BIG DATA Technologies to Counter Riots in the Face of Lack of Information and Uncertainty of the Situation Development]. Iskusstvennyi intellekt (bol’shie dannye) na sluzhbe politsii: Sb. statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Artificial Intelligence (Big Data) in the Police Service: Collection of Articles of the International Scientific-practical Conference]. Moscow, Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii, 2020, pp. 145–150.

6. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Shkuta A.A. Kitai kak neiroinformatsionnaya megamatritsa: tsifrovye tekhnologii strukturirovaniya kognitivnykh ansamblei poryadka [China as a Neural-Information Megamatrix: Digital Technologies for Structuring Cognitive Ensembles of Order]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 1 (175), pp. 50–61, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-1.175.2021.50-61.

7. Raikov A.N. Komp’yuternaya podderzhka refleksivnykh protsessov v upravlenii [Computer Support for Reflexive Processes in Management]. Sb. “Psikhologiya i ee prilozheniya” [Psychology and Its Applications]. Ezhegodnik Rossiiskogo psikhologicheskogo obshchestva, 2002, no 1, p. 52.

Formation of a mechanism for strategic management of natural gas consumption by industrial enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.12-20

The work is devoted to the analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the strategic management of natural gas in industrial enterprises. The research was based on a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis of indicators of the economics of natural gas consumption. The analysis showed that at present a number of issues related to the effective management of energy consumption remain unresolved, which affects the quality of the fuel and energy balance of the enterprise. The author proposes a conceptual approach to the strategic management of natural gas consumption, which uses a situational matrix model for planning an energy efficiency strategy for natural gas consumption based on the life cycle of energy efficient technologies.


1. Gumerova G.I. On the concept of the technology life cycle. G. I. Gumerova, E. Sh. Shaimieva. Innovative Economy. 2008;8 (118):71-75.

2. Zavadsky V.V. Economic foundations of technological development. Neb. Naberezhnye Chelny, 1998. 121 p.

3. Tyshkevich K.V. Formation of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of technological innovations at enterprises. N.-Novgorod, 2003. 158 p.

4. Schwärtzel H. G. Forschung, Technologie, Innovation — dieökonomische Sicht. Klagenfurt, 1998.

5. Kirshina I.A. The concept of situational and strategic planning of natural gas consumption at an industrial enterprise. I.A. Kirshina, V.A. Koksharov. Microeconomics. 2021;6 (101):58-68.

6. Bobryshov A.M. Innovative energy-saving technologies in the electric power industry. Evaluation of efficiency and stimulation of capital investments / A.M. Bobryshov, E. M. Kosmatov, V. Sh. Telyashova; edited by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E. E. Ovcharova. Belgorod: Publishing House of BSTU, 2015. 112 p.

7. Favorsky O. GTU – the basis of the future energy of Russia. Engine. 1999;6:26-30.

8. Tumanovsky A.G., Morozov O.V. Reserves of energy and resource saving at small thermal power plants, in boiler houses and heat supply systems // Materials of the V Moscow International Exhibition Dorcomexpo, 2003.

9. Telyashova V.Sh. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving technologies in the production and transmission of energy: dis. Candidate of Economic Sciences. St. Petersburg, 2009. 127 p.

10. Novikova T.V., Erokhina I.V., Khorshev A.A. The scale of implementation of CCGT and GTU in the medium term. Gas turbine technologies / Specialized information and Analytical Journal. 2005;6:6-9.

11. Batenin V.M., Lapir M.A., Maslennikov V.M., Tsoi A.D. Environmentally friendly power generating complexes based on gas turbine superstructures of hot water boilers RTS. Heat supply News. 2002;1 (17):41-46.

12. Batenin V.M., Maslennikov V.M. On some unconventional approaches to the development of a strategy for the development of energy in Russia. Thermal power engineering. 2000;10:9-12.

13. Batenin V.M., Maslennikov V.M. About the strategy of development of Russian energy. Gas turbine technologies. 1999;3:48-62.

The Digital Twin (Artificial Society) of the Socio-Economic System of Russia is a Platform for Experiments in the Field of Managing Demographic Processes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.182.2022.6-19

One of the most promising tools for monitoring and predicting social processes are agent-based models, which are widely used abroad. Their advantage lies in the consideration of the system under study at the level of its individual individuals, which increases the realism of these computer-based assessment methods. In Russia, this direction is also developing, although not so actively. The article discusses the dynamics of the population of Russia, as well as the factors of increasing the birth rate, successful examples of the practical implementation of agent models for studying social processes, a brief description of the model we developed, which includes 146 million agents, is given. With the help of this tool, a forecast of the population of Russia and an assessment of the impact on this indicator of some measures aimed at improving the demographic situation were obtained.


1. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Il’in N.I. Modelirovanie i otsenka natsional’noi sily Rossii [Modeling and Assessing the National Strength of Russia]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2020, no 2, pp. 6–19, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.168.2020.6-19.

2. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Il’in N.I., Sushko E.D. Natsional’naya bezopasnost’ Rossii [National Security of Russia]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2020, no 5, pp. 6–23, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-5.171.2020.6-23.

3. Andreev E.M., Darskii L.E., Khar’kova T.L. Naselenie Sovetskogo Soyuza: 1922–1991 [Population of the Soviet Union: 1922–1991]. Moscow, Nauka, 1993, 143 p.

4. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Federal State Statistics Service], available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru.

5. Zdravookhranenie [Healthcare]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, available at:  https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/13721.

6. Sobotka T., Matysiak A., Brzozowska Z. Policy responses to low fertility: How effective are they? Working Paper, May, 2019, N 1, available at: https://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/Policy_responses_low_fertility_UNFPA_WP_Final_corrections_7Feb2020_CLEAN.pdf.

7. The World Bank, available at: https://data.worldbank.org.

8. Aganbegyan A.G. O katastroficheskom uvelichenii smertnosti i merakh po sberezheniyu naroda v Rossii [On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 4, pp. 6–13, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-4.178.2021.6-13.

9. Country Comparisons — Death Rate. The World Factbook, available at: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/death-rate/country-comparison.

10. Goldstein J.R., Koulovatianos C., Li J., Schr der C. Evaluating how child allowances and daycare subsidies affect fertility. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, available at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-430067.

11. Kalwij A. The impact of family policy expenditure on fertility in western Europe. Demography, 2010, N 47(2), pp. 503–519, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/dem.0.0104.

Digitalization: Sociology and Law, Concept and Practice of Socialization

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-1.181.2022.6-19

The article highlights the short history of the Russian and world digitalization in details, focusing on the identified problems and priorities, which must be resolved if to successfully build and further effectively function information society in all its aspects.

The theoretical part has formed important opinions and ideas about the topic under study and shows that the spread of digital technology in all spheres of life is evidence of an active stage in the transition of human civilization from an industrial development stage to a digital one with social reality relevant to it. An analysis to identify the process of digitalizing human civilization’s linear development vector based on creating an indicative planning system allowed the author to conclude that there is a long-awaited transition to a purposeful scientific management of society and the state.

As it follows from the title of the article, legal coverage and all-round socialization are dominant in providing a successful solution to many challenges of digitalization. Russia’s political class is fully aware of the need to develop legal provisions, which are able to successfully prevent and mitigate possible threats to information society. It is primarily about the data breach related to both the functioning of the State and corporate/personal data. But the proposed draft legal acts of various kinds do not provide enough insight into how these protective, desirably preventive measures will be globally and nationally ensured.

Digitalization offers great opportunities for a rapid economic and social recovery to society. Developing information and communication technology gives an unprecedented rise in productivity, creates new forms of work organization, ensures conditions for increased trade in goods and services, offers infinite possibilities for education, communication between representatives of various societies and cultures, community commitment and network. The challenges of digitalization are so complicated that they do not seem possible to be solved by legal precedents without enhancing the population’s moral upbringing. The efforts of the really responsible citizens, the users of digital technology, the Internet initially can only effectively confront a new global digital environment in which there are opportunities to act rather immorally while at the same time anonymously and with impunity. We shall have to act gradually, but as strict as possible in the domestic and international legalization of the “digital environment”, paying a special attention to its moral dimension and the creation of particular barriers for ethical violations.



1. Moiseev N.N. S myslyami o budushchem Rossii [Thinking About the Future of Russia]. Moscow, Fond sodeistviya razvitiyu sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh nauk, 1997, pp. 59–60.

2. Pochemu Mask ne da Vinchi. Kasperskaya — o tsifrovom kontrole i “kloune” iz SShA [Why Musk is not da Vinci. Mrs Kaspersky — About Digital Control and the “Clown” from the USA]. Argumenty i fakty, 2021, June, 25, available at: https://aif.ru/society/web/pochemu_mask_ne_da_vinchi_kasperskaya_-_o_cifrovom_kontrole_i_kloune_iz_ssha.

Raising Labor Productivity: from the Shchekino Experiment (1967) to the “Labor Productivity and Employment Support” National Project (2018). What’s Next?

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-5.179.2021.78-95

The article provides examples of introducing advanced management practices at Russian enterprises, and also describes the experience of highly skilled managers with an adequate to market realities mentality. According to the author, by actively mastering the three “whales” — management, mentality and business culture — we increase labor productivity, and therefore we have every reason to increase the workers’ wages, which are unacceptably low today.