Main Directions for Improving the State and Municipal Proper ty Management System
DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.88-95
The state and municipal property management system is a set of agreed methods and means of targeted influence on the subjects of management process in order to achieve specified goals. The principle of maximizing the income received cannot be used as the basis for assessing the management of state and municipal proper ty objects due to the public nature of this category. In addition to the general principles of managing state and municipal proper ty inherent in the existing mixed economy, it is also necessary to take into account specific ones that meet the requirements of the transition period.
These include: compliance of the content and methods of management with the nature of reforms and, first and foremost, with ensuring progressive institutional shifts in the economy; focus of management on overcoming the systemic crisis of the economy and implementing its restructuring; compliance of organizational elements of management with the tasks of implementing industrial, investment, innovation and other policy areas.
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