Knowledge Management in the Context of Spiral Dynamics

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.104-111

Nowadays, the «knowledge management» concept is often used, since today an employee is, first of all, an intellectual worker. However, an allowance is rarely made for the organizational environment in which managers and executives manage

knowledge and due to which this management can be modified. The purpose of the present work is to explain the «knowledge management» term from the point of view of the spiral dynamics concept. The results of the analysis have revealed that interpretation of the «knowledge management» concept becomes more complicated as the level of spiral dynamics increases, and it also begins to acquire features of its previous levels. These assumptions are intended to help managers and executives adapt their skills in intellectual worker management based on the level of spiral dynamics at which their organization is.


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New Architecture of Digital Economy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Architecture of Digital Economy

Digital economy has become a key trend in building a modern information society, including e-governments, knowledge management, FinTech, industrialization 4.0, clusters, ecosystems, and the like. It offers new fundamental changes in all disciplines and industries. Today the chaotic creation of separate fragmentary software products of the Internet of Things is growing uncontrollably and avalanche-like. Such software products depending on the performer’s tastes or on the customer’s requirements are written in various ways, with various development tools, with various DBMS, GIS, CAD/CAM and other common software. Traditional cybernetics has outlived itself and is dying. At the conceptual level the IT leaders are exhausted. The article proposes a new paradigm and a network GGG-architecture for implementing the instrumental infrastructure of a collective balanced digital economy.

IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

#4. Window of Opportunities
IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

On the example of IBM strategies it is possible to look at the information revolution and to understand what drives the modern IT and what future these technologies are preparing for us. The article identifies relationships and the impact of the latest military developments on the IT development vector. One of the main conclusions: the information society should be seen metaphorically as an iceberg. First of all, we see only the tip of an iceberg, and the submarine part remains outside our focus area. Secondly, isn’t the modern society a sort of “Titanic” rushing toward the iceberg? But not everything is so bad. In principle there are possibilities to control the development movement and to choose the own course in order not to endure catastrophe from a collision with an underwater part of the iceberg. There is one way out, and it is evident in many respects. It is necessary to use the self-preservation and survival instinct. And our actions should be dominated by strategic thinking and foresight. Otherwise, society will get the shackles of the “digital slavery” from information owners of the world. One must not lose mind, sovereignty and the right to think. One should not go on about the puppeteers and deceivers — who will outwit or replay someone. Now decisive became the factor — who will strongly, elastically and with a margin do a great deal of thinking.

Crowdsourcing as a Model of Knowledge Management: Socio-Psychological Characteristics and Limitations

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Crowdsourcing as a Model of Knowledge Management: Socio-Psychological Characteristics and Limitations

The paper analyzes the crowdsourcing possibilities in predicting the future and developing solutions. The author distinguishes types of crowdsourcing, discusses its psychological characteristics in comparison with the other methods of knowledge management. He discusses cognitive and motivational mechanisms limiting the effectiveness of crowdsourcing as a form of collective intelligence.