Economics of Technological Development: Principles, Problems, Prospects

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
Economics of Technological Development: Principles, Problems, Prospects

The article dwells on the basic principles and problems of technological development that arise from the specifics of certain technologies. The choice of technological capabilities at the individual and firm level cannot comply solely with the investment logic of decision-making, as the technologies life cycle includes unpredictable effects that can significantly improve the return, which cannot be anticipated at the initial point of transition from one technological opportunity to another. Technologies are characterized by special properties, which have a decisive influence on the course of technological development. And these properties are not characteristic for other types of goods, this fact fundamentally distinguishes formation of demand for new technologies and affects the options for their use. Any technology consists of a kind of nucleus and variable periphery, is characterized by various kinds of animation effects and can also be an integral element of the combinatorial effect in the sphere of technologies. Owing to this “frame” that defines the structure of technology, it acts as a kind of a rule that determines the behavior of agents and conditions for developing the service infrastructure. Existing models of economic growth do not fully take into account the microeconomic institutional properties of technology, creating a pseudo-correct image of technologies’ impact on the system’s growth. In this regard, formation of the theory framework for the economic system processability will provide the necessary guidance in describing and investigating technological and institutional changes and economic growth, which are highly dependent on them. The aggregate productivity of factors also becomes to a significant degree a system parameter, dependent on overall technological applicability and institutional changes. The article describes the main characteristics of functioning of the fundamental research sector, which acts as the generator of all subsequent technological changes in a long range of economic development.

Integrated Reporting as a Key Innovation in Ethical Management Thinking

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
Integrated Reporting as a Key Innovation in Ethical Management Thinking

Recently, with development of globalization processes, both the object of accounting and its subject have become more complicated, which has caused the need to change methods of providing and reflecting information on economic entities’ activities. In addition, the concepts of financial management, complex fundamental analysis, corporate responsibility, business ethics and sustainable development have transformed. The purpose of this article is to consider integrated reporting as the basis of ethical management thinking and a new paradigm of management activity.

Science as a Natural Resource of Development, Irreplaceable Instrument of a Country’s Modernization and a Global Project

#9. Preserving humanness
Science as a Natural Resource of Development, Irreplaceable Instrument of a Country's Modernization and a Global Project

The article discusses two approaches to assessing the relationship between Science (grasping principles of nature) →Engineering (application of science) →Technology and Innovation (making engineering useful for public good and/or commercial gain) and their role in formation of economy. It is considered in relation to the Soviet history and economic development as well as in conjunction with planning, social policy and education. The philosophy of the process is at attempt to be analysed the achievement of the status of the superpower.

“Patent Box” for Innovations

#9. Preserving humanness
“Patent Box” for Innovations

Today the problems of efficient innovation development are in the spotlight of government bodies. Obviously, only in this way it is possible to succeed in improving the national economy competitiveness in the medium and especially in the long term. This understanding was formed as a result of evaluating the existing resource constraints, consequences and prospects of wide spread of information and computer technologies, biotechnology, alternative energy sources, automation of production processes and so on. It has become even more prominent on the background of the global financial crisis, hardly predictable high volatility in commodity markets and environmental problems aggravation caused by the use of technologies hostile to environment.

Strategic Management of Meanings

#7. Maint Games
Strategic Management of Meanings

What is the meaning of management and is it possible to manage meanings? The scientific community has begun to discuss these issues quite recently, but to business persons they may seem strange and abstract. Meanwhile, if we don’t deal with them, we’ll be hardly able to truly appraise what is happening around and to create a strategy for the society and individual organizations development. The article briefly highlights some of these issues.

Status and Prospects of Engineering and Scientific Staff Preparation in the Field of High-Tech Engineering

#4. The Square of Transformation
Status and Prospects of Engineering and Scientific Staff Preparation in the Field of High-Tech Engineering

The article considers the state of the domestic mechanical engineering and highlights the key problem of its revival and development — restoration of human resources potential. The paper discusses negative features of the current state of human resources and proposes ways out of the existing situation.

Personnel Trajectory

#3. Countdown
Personnel Trajectory

The results of opinion poll conducted among participants of the Second closed business dinner for personnel directors of different enterprises and business owners, held in Moscow on October 11, 2013 in the “Davos” hall of “Swissotel Red Hills” Hotel, eloquently demonstrate that personnel problems in enterprises and companies from completely different branches of the Russian economy are very similar and require systematic approach and solution on a national or industry scale, and not within a single enterprise.

Innovators are Struggling With Death

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Innovators are Struggling With Death

Academician Vladimir Skulachev — the leading Russian biologist with the highest citations rating in prestigious scientific journals, director of the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, the MSU professor. The scientist regards study of aging processes as the main direction of his scientific career. And in the last five years he specified an audacious goal: to cancel the aging process in living cells, programmed by the nature, to win a number of geriatric diseases and to postpone death. The project that became one of the few examples of successful domestic innovation, managed to survive in difficult Russian conditions only thanks to private investments.

Innovation Centers: Basic Concepts and Approaches

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Innovation Centers: Basic Concepts and Approaches

Research parks of various types and sizes are more often considered like effective mechanisms of improving returns on investment in research and development. In addition, innovation parks are considered a proven means, promoting formation of new and increasing competitiveness of existing high-tech companies, as well as creation of new jobs and increase of the general welfare and society stability.

Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

The article is dedicated to the reforms of the outstanding Russian statesman Pyotr Stolypin. It reflects realized and missed opportunities to reform the complex socio- economic system of the Russian empire, its economy, social structure , the Army, the Navy, the institutional sphere in general. The article the necessity and the possibility of applying some of the reform approaches and methods of the early 20st century in Russia to the modern practice of reforming and developing the domestic economy.