Innovative potential of the economy: approaches to assessment and formation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.12-23

The paper examines the issue of determining the innovative potential of the economy at various levels of its organization – firms, branches of the macrosystem. The purpose of the study is to summarize the main methods for measuring and forming innovative potential, as the most important condition for measuring innovative development. The methodology consists of the theory of innovative and technological development, comparative analysis, methods for measuring innovative potential, generalizations and taxonomy. The general result of the analysis is the substantiation of the position that it is difficult to imagine the growth of the innovative potential of the economy outside the effective interaction of the production, scientific and technical and management systems. Methods for measuring innovative potential according to various criteria are typified within the framework of the resource and effective basic approaches. The results are of theoretical and methodological significance, since they demonstrate what negative and positive characteristics have absolute, relative and integral, as well as rating indicators for assessing innovative potential. The author also gives an updated definition of innovation potential within the framework of the resource approach as the presence of unused estimated resources that provide or potentially affect the innovation process. As a result, a conclusion is made about the ambiguity of assessing the innovative potential and the limitations of each of the approaches developed so far. This outlines the prospect for further research on the theory of socio-economic potential, where innovation potential can be considered as an integral part.


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Strategic Development Trajectories of the Industrial Complex of the Republic of Tajikistan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.108.2023.46-51

The relevance of the study is based on the need to find solutions to problematic issues of the priority strategic guidelines formation for the development of the industrial complex enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan. The necessity of searching for ways to form and implement priority strategic guidelines for the development of the industrial complex enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan, including through the development of innovative potential, is determined. The systematization of priority strategic guidelines for the economic development of the industrial complex of the republic is proposed, reflecting the relationship with the targets for achieving strategic and national objectives for the development of industry in Tajikistan.


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