Actual problems of digitalization of companies on the example of the industrial sector

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.51-55

The concept of «digital twin» as a tool for building strategic planning for the industrial sector is generalized. The use of leadership «models» in strategic planning is substantiated, the stages of evolution and the stages of building a «digital twin» in production are reflected.


1. Andreev Yu.S., Tsarev M.V. Digital twins in industry: development history, classification, development scenarios. Economics and Management. St. Petersburg, 2019. pp. 45-46. (In Russ.).

2. Zhukovskaya I.V. Service market segmentation: problems, solutions. Microeconomics. 2021;2:32-37. (In Russ.).

3. Mineva O.K., Gubanova A.V. Digital transformation as a tool for developing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. Creative economy. 2020;6:17-18. (In Russ.).

4. Ragimkhanov A.V. Systematization of scientific approaches to the study of the competitiveness of services: from theory to practice / A.V. Ragimkhanov, I.V. Zhukovskaya. Microeconomics. 2022;1:75-78. (In Russ.).

Arctic zone territories development and their environmental safety

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.59-71

The article is devoted to creating new and improving existing infrastructure in the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, ensuring the year-round operation of the Northern Sea Route as a promising international main waterway. The authors analyze the liquefied natural gas production plants, ports, and railways under construction on the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean as these objects create opportunities for increasing the volume of maritime transport and icebreakers, as well as the speed of goods delivery to the countries of the Southeast Asia and the Pacific basin. In addition, the facilities optimizing energy supply are studied as key impacts that improve the conditions and quality of life of the population in this area. The authors analyze the fundamental documents for the development of the Arctic zone, approved by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. The article highlights dynamics of the population, average per capita cash income from 2005 to 2021 as the main factor contributing to the population stability and the main indicators from the annual state statistical reporting, that characterize the changes in the level of atmosphere and surface water pollution and determine the level of environmental safety of the Arctic zone territories of the Russian Federation.


1. On the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2035: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2020. No. 164. URL:

2. On the strategy for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security until 2035: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2020. No. 645. URL:

3. On the land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2014. No. 296 Retrieved from:

4. On approval of the plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route for the period up to 2035: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2022. No. 2115-r. URL:

5. On the peculiarities of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and in other territories of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 05/01/2016. No. 119-FZ. URL:

6. On production and consumption waste: Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 (as amended on December 19, 2022. URL:

Capital Accumulation Dynamics

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.24–35

The article discusses the scheme of K. Marxian expanded reproduction through the prism of the capital accumulation analysis by R. Luxembourg taking into account of the infrastructure impact on the development of capitalism.

The author gives examples of the 21st century infrastructure, in par ticular he examines multilateral platforms — payment systems for cross-border payments, associated with broadband satellite Internet access and an ar tificial intelligence environment.


1. Kuznetsova A.I. Infrastruktura: voprosy teorii, metodologii i prikladnye aspekty sovremennogo infrastrukturnogo obustroistva. Geoekonomicheskii podkhod [Infrastructure: Issues of Theory, Methodology and Applied Aspects of Modern Infrastructure Development. Geoeconomic Approach]. Moscow, KomKniga, 2006, 456 p.

2. Novoselov A.S. Regional’nye rynki [Regional Markets]. Moscow, TERRA, 1999, 476 p.

3. Samuel’son P., Nordkhaus V.M. Ekonomika [Economy]. Moscow, Vil’yams, 2001, 688 p.

4. Buzgalin A.V., Kolganov A.I. Global’nyi capital [Global Capital]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 512 p.

5. Vazyulin V.A. Logika “Kapitala” K. Marksa [The Logic of K. Marx’s “Capital”]. 2-e izd. Moscow, Sovremennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2002, 392 p.

6. Gegel’ G.V.F. Nauka logiki [The Science of Logic]. Saint Petersburg, Nauka, 2005, 799 p.

7. Marks K. Kapital [Capital]. T. I–III. Moscow, Politizdat, 1978, 629 p.

8. Lyuksemburg R. Nakoplenie kapitala [The Accumulation of Capital]. 5-e izd. Moscow — Leningrad, Gos. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel’stvo, 1934, 478 p.

9. Organizatsiya ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva i razvitiya, M3 dlya SShA [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, M3 for the United States]. FRED, Federal’nyi rezervnyi bank Sent-Luisa, available at:

10. Zaidenvarg V.E., Podolyak V.I., Saraev V.N. Osnovy upravleniya krizisami na rynkakh uglya, gaza i elektroenergii [Fundamentals of Crisis Management in the Coal, Gas and Electricity Markets]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategii, 2003, 192 p.

11. Malkov S.Yu. Sotsial’naya samoorganizatsiya i istoricheskii protsess: Vozmozhnosti matematicheskogo modelirovaniya [Social Self-Organization and the Historical Process: Possibilities of Mathematical Modeling]. Moscow, Knizhnyi dom “LIBROKOM”, 2009, 240 p.

12. Interlinking payment systems and the role of application programming interfaces: a framework for cross-border payments. Basel, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI). Report to the G20, 2022, July, 53 p.

13. Exploring multilateral platforms for cross-border payments. Basel, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements, 2023, January, 33 p.

A Qualitatively New Infrastructural Matrix of Russia as a Territory of Safe Solidary Development. New foreign policy paradigm


“The world will never be the same again,” says the overwhelming majority of socially active Russians, referring to the “old world” as the planetary community until February 24, 2022. At the same time, the most rapid, cardinal, unmistakably projected transformations are announced as crucial tasks for Russia all Russian life support systems and accelerated modernization. The most important of them, according to the authors of the article, is the logistics project proposed in 2006 by Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichim and G.V. Osipov, which in the new edition is presented in the article as “United Eurasia – Transsib 2.0”. It is based on the concept of the spatial economy, which is made up of transnational megaprojects that have been successfully implemented over the past 70 years.

“United Eurasia — Transsib 2.0” at the initial stage is intended to overcome the attempts of Europe and the United States to implement a transport blockade of the Russian Federation. Such a blockade could hinder the development of our country, which would lead to a decrease in the living standards of the population and, as Russia’s enemies suggest, corrosion of national unity and consolidation of the masses with power structures after the start of the military operation to liberate Donbass. In the future, after the successful solution of the Russian transport problems proper, the proposed logistics project can successfully develop as a transcontinental one, linking different regions of the world along new economically and politically promising vectors and directions. In particular, we can talk about pairing with the Chinese logistics corridor “Silk Road”, to counter which at the June G7 summit in South Bavaria, the countries of the “golden billion” proposed to allocate unprecedented investments of 0 billion.

The article contains a list of the main threats to the Russian Federation, consisting of 10 points, and a summary of their prompt relief with subsequent complete elimination. The technology for the implementation of the megaproject “United Eurasia — Transsib 2.0” has been prescribed — along with budgetary financing of the new Transsib, it is planned to attract investments from the regional budgets of those entities through which the proposed route will pass, as well as to co-finance the capital of private investors and issue marketable “Trans-Siberian” loan bonds.

Obviously, after conducting a special military operation in Ukraine, Russia will have to equip its Eurasian space between Europe and East Asia in the shortest possible time in the neighborhood of five civilizations — Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto and Buddhist — so that it can finally become a territory of safe solidarity development.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of a tourist destination on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.85-90

The scientific article summarizes the types, stages of the life cycle and the constituent elements of a tourist destination according to the R. Prossera method; the author’s definition of a tourist destination is given. A rating assessment of the indicator of the tourist destination of the Republic of Tatarstan was made on the basis of the points of dislocation of the centers of the tourist destination.


1. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of service market research on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan // Microeconomics. 2020;5:93-98.  (In Russ.).

2. Vdovkina V.N., Kholodilina Yu.E. Foreign experience of formation and development of tourist and recreational systems //Electronic collection of articles based on the materials of the XLIII student International Scientific and Practical conference. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of ANS «SibAK». 2018;8 (43):25-31. URL:// (In Russ.).

3. Khusaenov R.R. The methodology of rank correlation as a way of assessing small and medium-sized businesses in the service sector: from theory to practice //Microeconomics. 2019;2:50-56. (In Russ.).

4. Maksakovsky N.V. Preliminary list of the World Heritage of Russia: history of development, modern composition, ways of optimization //Heritage and modernity. 2018;1(2):39-71. (In Russ.).

5. Official information of the Federal Agency for Tourism. URL: https:

Problems of the development of the Northern Sea Route and its infrastructure amid a decline in economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.69-77

The article notes that the development of the Northern Sea Route and the Russian Arctic area around it is a necessary condition for improving long-term competitiveness of the national economy. Negative economic trends are identified that have resulted from a decline in economic activity due to the coronavirus epidemic, which significantly affect the performance of ongoing investment projects in the field of mining in the Arctic zone. It is proposed to clarify and correct the existing forecasts for the transportation of goods along the Northern Sea Route, to ensure the most efficient use of the federal budget resources for the development of its infrastructure. Using the methods of comparative analysis and a systematic approach, the authors conclude that in the context of a decline in economic activity, the volume of cargo transportation by private companies along the Northern Sea Route by 2024 will be in the range of 47-50 million tons, and a number of planned projects in the field of production minerals will not be sold. Recommendations are given for adjusting the existing plans for the development of the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route (including the construction of nuclear icebreakers) in order to more efficiently use the federal budget funds.

The Project of Crating a New World Logistics. Part I. History and Economics of the Project


The article presents one of the most promising and ambitious in socio-economic, political, humanitarian aspects of the Russian scientists’ project: “United Eurasia: Trans-Eurasian Belt of RAZVITIE — Integrated Eurasian Transport System (United Eurasia: TEBR-IETS)”.

The main purpose of the project is to ensure the connectivity of the territories of the Russian Federation and their active development, first of all, the deep integrated development of Siberia, the Far East and the Arctic. The role of the project in the partnership of the progressive world community is great; the radically modernized Trans-Siberian Railway — the backbone of the project — is designed to connect the Far East, including Japan, with Western Europe and the USA in the future. This fact will make it possible to carry out on the territory of the Russian Federation and the countries included in the project, the systemic coordination of all types of transport, including river and nautical, to create a single world logistics complex of advanced technical and managerial development.

The creation of the IETS will consolidate Russian geopolitical position as a transport bridge between the world economic and civilizational regions. It will create conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation with Austria, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India; will open up new opportunities for cooperation with North Korea, Canada and USA in the future. It will arouse interest from the PRC in the integration of a similar Chinese project, the “Silk Road” with

the Russian Megaproject. The implementation of the Megaproject will allow Russia to offer the world a new effective version of a non-confrontational way of solving international problems, become a geo-economic and geopolitical integrator on the Euro-Asian continent, lay the foundations for the solidarity development of all civilizational centers around Russia as a civilization state, make it senseless and impossible to impose sanctions on Russia, and raise to a qualitatively new level of authority and the role of the Russian Federation in the modern world

Organization of scientific and technological development in the period of command economy: achievements and shortcomings

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.5-13

The article briefly reviews the state of the scientific and technological complex of the USSR in the most favorable period of its economic development (late 1970s-early 1980s). There is shown the structure of the organization of scientific research and the application of findings in the industry. Attention is drawn both to the advantages of centralized planning of scientific and technological developments, and to its disadvantages, in particular, the lack of using methods of economic incentives, which led to a drop in the innovative activity of participants in the scientific and technological process from the development of the idea to its implementation.

In Anticipation of Changes

#7. Connected Space
In Anticipation of Changes

Calculation data of the multifactorial “Strategic Matrix” model methodology showed stability of the relatively low value of Russia’s integral index. However, just such static character of the calculated indicator means an increase of problems in the Russian society, which is evidently shown by hard decline in social support for the authorities activities. Another reelection of V.V. Putin as the President of Russia did not result in prospects for a way out of the crisis in the minds of Russian citizens.

Relationship Between Development of the Industrial Complex and the Infrastructure Sector in the Region

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Relationship Between Development of the Industrial Complex and the Infrastructure Sector in the Region

The article proves that industrial enterprises develop most quickly and qualitatively in the presence of modern infrastructure, contributing to reduce time and labor costs. In turn, it is inexpedient to build infrastructure facilities on territories where there are no large industrial companies and their functioning is not expected. Actual examples of interdependent development of industry and the infrastructure sector are given (on the example of the transport sector) and a demonstrative correlation-regression model is constructed.