Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

Successful development of our country is closely connected with the option of creating a digital economy in Russia. Herewith, one of the most important components of this process is creation of supporting infrastructure for the digital economy as a convergent aggregate of digital ecosystems based on “big data” technologies, quantum computers, new production methods and artificial intelligence. Development of the Russian economy requires effective state regulation, increased manageability based on introduction of digital platforms for the main sectors of economy. The article dwells on formation of strategic mechanisms for monitoring, planning and market regulation of the Russian economy on the basis of building an integrated system of electronic markets for commodity resources using electronic trading platforms (ETP). Integrating ETP for creation of a complex system of electronic markets for commodity resources, associated with digital management platforms for major industries, creates new opportunities for optimizing dynamic interaction and adaptive improvement of commodity management transactions chains for creating a common logic of management processes in different commodity and market spaces and at all levels of management in Russia (and EAEU), which form the demand for issuing support of economic activity and volumes of financial resources (assets), denominated in a particular currency of one of the states — members of the EAEU.

Battle for the Future: Who Will Be the First in the World to Master the Noomonitoring and Cognitive Programming of Subjective Reality?

#2. Alliance Great
Battle for the Future: Who Will Be the First in the World to Master the Noomonitoring and Cognitive Programming of Subjective Reality?

The key factor determining the victory in the battle for the future is not the territory, not the army and not the volume of financial, material and intellectual resources being involved. The key factor of the victory is cognitive programming of subjective reality: mass-individual adjustment of the semantic interpretation of the existence goal and life success to form the material future through self-adjustment of the surrounding subjective reality to the “image of Victory” in cognitive perception of oneself and the surrounding material, virtual and imaginary individual world. Special urgency is acquired by this factor in conditions of building a “digital economy”. The basis of such mechanisms constitutes noomonitoring as a tool for making a “cognitive snapshot” of subjective reality, forecasting, planning and metaprogramming on its basis the “image of Victory” by forming in groups of individuals new knowledge about themselves and the surrounding world, as well as the structure of ideological and professional patterns for interpreting surrounding reality and its subsequent correction within the personal management while developing and implementing management decisions of individuals and groups as a basic reference point for managing groups of interrelated people, machines, technical, including information, systems and natural objects.

The Struggle Against Terrorism: Control Problems Solution Under Critical Instability Conditions

#9. Preserving humanness
The Struggle Against Terrorism: Control Problems Solution Under Critical Instability Conditions

A series of terrorist attacks in Paris, plane crashes, explosions in different cities around the world, a terrorist war against the legitimate government in Syria, the terror in Russia’s North Caucasus — all these phenomena called forth the problem of ongoing processes of the terrorist component expansion in the global geo-strategic players’ activities like regularity pattern manifesting the systemic crisis of the western world order model. Geostrategic nature of terrorist operations is an integral part of the globalized competition in contemporary geo-economic and geopolitical environment. It is necessary to comprehend the new macro-terroristic reality and to develop measures to confront qualitatively new risks and threats to our country’s security and whole world’s.

Eurasian Economic Union: the Need for a New Strategic Management Outline

#4. The Square of Transformation
Eurasian Economic Union: the Need for a New Strategic Management Outline

Building a configuration of transboundary EAEU manufacturing technological complex, beneficial for member countries, including import-substituting production and sales structures, makes possible the gradual replacement of foreign suppliers by Russian (allied) producers. With the help of distributed-integrated information management system it is possible to “joint” the interests of various economic agents on the basis of heterogeneous system components (including business entities and physical objects) of the common EAEU economic space.

Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning Socio­economic Development of Russia

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning  Socio­economic Development of Russia

The article examines organizational approaches to formation of Gosplan in Russia as a system of qualitatively new tools for monitoring and planning of market socio-economic development through infrastructure of well-ordered complex system of commodity resources formalized electronic markets within the framework of developing the system of Electronic trading platforms. The amount of data, collected from the interconnected electronic trading platforms, is an information base of Gosplan for issuing analysis results of the market trends and optimization recommendations (“planned targets”) for state structures and government authorities of the relevant product markets.