In Search of a New Paradigm of Socio-Economic Development. Part I

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.14-21

The most important conditions for socio-economic development of countries in the «era of globalization» are now rapidly turning into barriers. On the contrary, what was previously considered a burdensome cost to the national economy now can become a factor in generating benefits, including the economic ones. Macroeconomic targets begin to «lose» to fundamental political economic values. In such circumstances, the priority of economic policy becomes not a quantitative economic growth or nominal inflation and unemployment indicators, but a technological «leap» potential. The article problematizes the dominant paradigm of a global socio-economic development and outlines the contours of its alternative. This alternative, according to the authors, is capable to become a conceptual basis for global leadership in the 21st century.


1. Who Cares Wins, 2004–08: Issue Brief. International Finance Corporation, available at: pdf/113850-BRI-IFC-Breif-whocares-PUBLIC.pdf

2. Arkhipova I., et al. Kak izmenilas’ ESG-povestka v novykh usloviyakh [How the ESG Agenda has Changed in the New Conditions]. Strategicheskie proekty. Novosti, 2023, 17 aprelya, available at:

3. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 3, pp. 6–15, DOI:

4. Lindsi Grem prizval NATO isklyuchat’ strany s nizkimi voennymi raskhodami [Lindsey Graham Calls on NATO to Exclude Countries with Low Military Spending]. RBK, 2024, 19 fevralya, available at:

5. Belousov E. CNN: Rossiya proizvodit vtroe bol’she boepripasov, chem Zapad mozhet dat’ Ukraine [CNN: Russia Produces Three Times More Ammunition than the West can Give Ukraine]. Kommersant”, 2024, 11 marta, available at:

6. Pol’sha i Vengriya proigrali v sude po isku o mnogomilliardnykh dotatsiyakh ES [Poland and Hungary Lose Court Case over Multi-billion EU Subsidies]. Vedomosti, 2022, 16 fevralya, available at:

7. Remarks by President Biden on Bidenomics (Chicago, IL). The White House, June 28, 2023, available at: speeches-remarks/2023/06/28/remarks-by-president-biden-on-bidenomics-chicago-il/

8. Tolkachev S.A. Protivorechiya politicheskoy ekonomii “baydenomiki” [The Contradictions of the Political Economy of “Bidenomics”]. Voprosy politicheskoy ekonomii, 2023, no 4, pp. 55–75.

9. Remarks by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings Institution. The White House. April 27, 2024, available at:

Improving the Implementation Efficiency of Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation Based on the Cluster Approach

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.108-117

The article dwells on the author’s concept of implementing the industrial policy of the Russian Federation based on the principles of target-costing, behavioral economics and TBC-costing, permitting to increase the accuracy of planning the cost and price of cluster products; objectivity of settlements between participants of a single end-to-end technological process (USTP). In accordance with the proposed concept, theoretical foundations for implementing the industrial policy of the Russian Federation are developed. Methodology for forming the end-to-end cost of an industrial cluster, cluster-costing, is described, which, unlike the existing one, has a very high accuracy, which in its turn contributes to more efficient implementation of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation. The author presents a new method for conducting factor analysis of a clustercosting, which allows us to more accurately identify the reasons for deviations of the actual cluster-costing from the planned value, determine the responsibility of each USTP participant, including within the process, as well as obtain a fair mechanism for adjusting the cost of a cluster order. The article proposes an algorithm allowing to manage the cluster order for industrial clusters, taking into account the principle of fairness, which makes it possible to harmonize relationships in the chain “state – enterprises — participants in a single end-to-end technological process.”


1. Federal’nyy zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. N 275-FZ “O gosudarstvennom oboronnom zakaze” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ “On State Defense Order” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

2. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 2 dekabrya 2017 g. N 1465 “O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii tsen na produktsiyu, postavlyaemuyu po gosudarstvennomu oboronnomu zakazu, a takzhe o vnesenii izmeneniy i priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotorykh aktov Pravitel’stva RF” (s izm. i dop.) [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2017 No. 1465 “On state regulation of prices for products supplied under the state defense order, as well as on amending and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

3. Federal’nyy zakon ot 5 aprelya 2013 g. N 44-FZ “O kontraktnoy sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal’nykh nuzhd” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

4. Federal’nyy zakon ot 31 dekabrya 2014 g. N 488-FZ “O promyshlennoy politike v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

Technological and spiritual development: mutual determination?

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.11-24

The paper examines the possible connection between technological and spiritual development, that is, in fact, between economic and non-economic factors of development. The purpose of the study is to identify the possibilities of the modern theory of technological development to explain the effect of the lag in technology development, taking into account the factor of spiritual development, and also to consider the mutual influence of the two types of development. The research methodology consists of the theory of technological structures, approaches to the analysis of technological choice, as well as the method of comparative analysis. The overall result is the conclusion that it is not possible to explain the decline in the level of spiritual development by an increase in the level of technological development. A diagram of the long-term institutional development cycle is obtained – the circulation of institutional forms of life organization based on the assessment of non-economic factors according to the ancient Chinese philosopher Sima Qiang. It reflects a change in preferences in agency relationships regardless of technological development and shows the determination of other factors of spiritual development. The given examples, in particular, of Nazi, pre-Nazi and post-Nazi Germany, also serve as an argument that the reverse determination of technological and spiritual development is not fair. The position has been put forward that both types of development still determine one another, that is, they show a positive relationship, and possible regression occurrences may have a nature unrelated to the sources of technology development. A general conclusion has been reached that the studies allegedly revealing the paradox of the lag associated with the difference in the time of the spiritual crisis for different countries are untenable due to many errors in the interpretation and schematic representation of technological and spiritual evolution identified in the study. A “pseudo-paradox” arises, and the real problem of the lag comes down to the fixation and emerging dependence at the level of technology and institutional-organizational structures, which does not allow overcoming this lag.


1. Kleiner G.B. Economy. Modeling. Mathematics. Selected works. M.: CEMI RAS, 2016. 856 p.

2. Lvov D.S., Glazyev S.Yu. Theoretical and applied aspects of scientific and technological progress management. Economics and mathematical methods. 1986;5:793–804. (In Russ.).

3. Perez K. Technological revolutions and financial capital. Dynamics of bubbles and periods of prosperity. M.: Delo, 2011. 232 p.

4. Skobelev D.O. Mathematical model for determining the best available technologies. Competence. 2019;9–10:64–67. (In Russ.).

5. Sukharev O.S. Economics of industry, technology and intellectual firms. M.: Lenand, 2022. 304 p.

6. Sukharev O.S. Technological sovereignty: solutions at the macroeconomic and sectoral level. Microeconomics. 2023;2:19–33 (In Russ.).

Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Policy (Based on Examples of Certain Countries)


The goal of the study is an attempt to rethink the role of Foreign Direct Investment, Industrial Policy and others phenomenon.

The author propose a new analysis of them in today’s conditions and circumstances. This article uses statistics published by OECD and IMF. The article pays particular attention to different approaches of certain countries (USSR, Russia, Italy, South Korea) in the field of import of Foreign Direct Investment and in the field of the Industrial Policy. Based on many years of the author’s experience in the Russian banking sphere and Russian business, the author puts forward certain economic advice to regulators in Russia.



1. IMF. World Economic Outlook — Rising Caseloads, a Disrupted Recovery, and Higher Inflation. Washington, DC, 2022.

2. IMF. World Economic Outlook — War Sets Back the Global Recovery. Washington, DC, 2022.

3. Soboleva Inna. Les experts russes redoutent une guerre mondiale d’ici dix ans. FR. Russia Beyond, 2013, April 16, available at:

4. Glazyev S. How to win the war. Top War, 2014, July 26, available at:

5. Kondratieff N. The World Economy and its Conjunctures during and after the War. Moscow, International Kondratieff Foundation, 2004.

6. Trotsky L. La courbe du d velopppement capitaliste. Marxists, 1923, Avril 21, available at:

7. Pokidchenko M.G. Sushchestvuet li ekonomicheskii tsikl? [Is there an Economic Cycle]. Voprosy teoreticheskoi ekonomiki, 2017, no 1, pp. 66–73, available at:

8. Ershov M.V, Lokhmachev V.F., Tatuzov V.Yu, Tanasova A.S. Global’nyi krizis (sravnitel’nyi analiz tsiklicheskikh protsessov) [About Tendencies of Global Crisis]. Bankovskoe delo, 2009, no 5, pp. 16–20, available at:

9.FDI in Fugures. Paris, OECD, 2022, April, available at:

10. Putin V. Economic Tasks. Working Day, 2012, January, 30, available at:

11. Ministerial Decree No. 328 validating the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of industry and increase of its competitiveness” (аpril 2014), available at:

12. Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 “On Industrial Policy”. FAO, available at:

13. Vstrecha s chlenami pravitel’stva [Meeting with Governments Members]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, 2022, 23 marta, available at:

14. Idrisov G.I. Promyshlennaya politika Rossii v sovremennykh usloviyakh [Towards Modern Industrial Policy for Russia]. Moscow, Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2016.

15. Strukturno-investitsionnaya politika v tselyakh ustoichivogo rosta i modernizatsii ekonomiki: Nauchnyi doklad [Structural and Investment Policy for Sustainable Growth and Modernization of the Economy: Scientific Report]. Pod red. V.V. Ivantera. Moscow, INP RAN, 2016.

Strategic Planning and Industrial Policy at the Current Stage of the Cyclic World Economic Development


The article substantiates appropriateness of the network industrial policy to technological and socio-economic challenges of the modern era of the VI technological order (the second stage of the third technological megacycle). Given the fact that at the present stage technological and sectoral priorities of the national economic development can be formulated more clearly (compared to the previous stage of the technological megacycle), one of the key elements of industrial policy is strategic planning. It is concluded that in Russia since the 2000s there has been a process of establishing a national system of strategic planning, accelerated after the 2014 events. At the same time, its contradictory nature is shown, which determines the low effectiveness of the strategic documents implementation. This, in its turn, significantly reduces the probability that in the XXI century Russia would be able to become one of the world economic leaders.


1. Tolkachev S.A., Teplyakov A.Yu. Kontseptsiya otraslevogo rasprostraneniya bazisnykh tekhnologii: novyi tekhnologicheskii megatsikl [The Concept of Sectoral Diffusion of Basic Technologies: New Technological Megacycle]. Ekonomist, 2020, no 1, pp. 25–35.

2. Tolkachev S.A., Teplyakov A.Yu. Tekhnologicheskii megatsikl i promyshlennaya politika [Technological Megacycle and Industrial Policy]. Ekonomist, 2021, no 1, pp. 43–54.

3. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Mirokhozyaistvennye uklady v global’nom ekonomicheskom razvitii [World Economic Orders in Global Economic Development]. Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody, 2016, no 2, pp. 3–29.

4. Aivazov A.E., Belikov V.A., Romanova A. Evolyutsiya mirovoi denezhno-valyutnoi sistemy v protsesse smeny mirokhozyaistvennykh ukladov [Evolution of the World Monetary System in the Process of Changing World Economic Orders]. Ekonomist, 2019, no 7, pp. 40–53.

5. Tolkachev S.A., Teplyakov A.Yu. Kontseptsiya tsiklicheskoi posledovatel’nosti rasprostraneniya bazisnykh tekhnologii v ekonomike i ontologicheskaya obuslovlennost’ teorii industrial’nogo obshchestva [The Concept of Cyclic Sequence of the Basic Technologies Diffusion in the Economy and Ontological Conditionality of the Industrial Society Theories]. Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii, 2019, no 4, pp. 19–36.

6. Tolkachev S.A. Setevaya promyshlennaya politika v epokhu novoi industrial’noi revolyutsii [Network Industrial Policy in the Era of the New Industrial Revolution]. Zhurnal NEA, 2018, no 3, pp. 155–162.

7. Kontseptsiya sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii do 2020 goda [The Concept of Socio-economic Development of Russia until 2020]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

8. Strategiya-2020, available at:

9. Kontseptsiya razvitiya Rossii do 2020 goda okazalas’ nevypolnimoi. Pochemu razoshlis’ traektorii natsional’nykh tselei 2008 goda i fakticheskogo razvitiya strany [The Concept of Russia’s Development until 2020 Turned Out to be Unfeasible. Why Trajectories of the National Goals of 2008 and of Actual Development of the Country have Diverged]. RBK, 2019, November, 2, available at:

Special Investment Contract Instrument Reforming

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.64-71

In July 2019 the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ “On industrial policy in the Russian Federation” that determines legal and regulatory basis of the usage of special investment contract instrument (SPIC) was extensively revised. At this moment a package of new secondary legislation is being developed, regulatory framework in the sphere of SPIC is due to be reviewed locally. The article analyses key changes and distinctions between ‘SPIC 2.0’ and the previously used variant of the instrument. In the article there are given the results of SPIC’s application in the previous version during 4-year period. Taking into account that the reviewed changes of the instrument not only clarifies its content and masters its application but also changes subject focus of SPIC one can be talking about complex reforming of the instrument at present time

New Strategy of Industrial Policy and Its Role in Modernization of the Russian Economy

#7. Connected Space
New Strategy of Industrial Policy and Its Role in Modernization of the Russian Economy

The article defines the essence of industrial police in the context of the main challenge — objective necessity of modernization of the Russian economy; special attention is given to three debatable aspects of elaboration of the new strategy of industrial police: defining its strategic goal, choice of strategic model of industrial development, defining the main directions of industrial policy. The key importance of the main statements of the Presidential Message to the Federal Assembly for handling these problems is underlined.

How to Respond to Strategic Challenges: on the Agenda of Mobilization

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
How to Respond to Strategic Challenges: on the Agenda of Mobilization

On March 1, 2018 President of Russia V.V. Putin in his annual address to the Federal Assembly said: “To move forward, to develop dynamically we must expand the space of freedom, strengthen the institutions of democracy, local government, structures of the civil society, courts and be a country open to the world”. However, Russia’s experience of the last quarter of the century shows that in fact, having opened to the world and strengthening democracy, we have only lost resources, dispersed and lost forces and almost lost “the will for daring labor”. The poor people are far away from daring work, they hardly survive with pasta and potatoes, the rich are bogged down in hedonism and consider “this country” only as a source of superprofits, and the power is wrapping the absence of a real working strategy and its own political will in beautiful verbal covers speaking about democracy, a free market and endless long-term and medium-term strategies and programs that have never been implemented. To practice the strategy of opening to the world, when the United States have already declared to all, in point of fact, a trade war, to put it mildly, is short-sighted. Yet no country has succeeded in creating or reviving industry without protecting its own producer. Is a new industrialization possible in such conditions and who can and should become its driving force?

Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

For guiding the process of European integration to address economic development goals it is necessary to develop and adopt a common strategy of commercial-economic policy of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Concept of integrated industrial and agricultural policies, as well as plans for their implementation. This involves harmonization of national and EAEU development policies: industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical, energy, transport etc. Subsequently it is necessary to create strategic planning system of the EAEU development, including long-term projections, the medium-term concepts and strategies for commercial, industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical policy, the main aspects of socio-economic, monetary and fiscal policies, as well as interstate programs and action plans for their implementation. As soon as possible it is required to develop and adopt strategic plan of EAEU development and its implementation program for the next decade. Such approach to planning development of Eurasian economic integration will allow to fully realize its potential and to achieve maximum macroeconomic effect in the member states.

Devaluation and its Impact on the Russian Economy: a View Through the Foreign Trade Prism

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Devaluation and its Impact on the Russian Economy: a View Through the Foreign Trade Prism

The article analyzes problems of Russia’s participation in international economic relations. It dwells on different aspects of Russian external economic policy and the experience of several countries, including oil exporters, in supporting their national economy. The paper analyzes rouble devaluation occurring in 2013–2014.