Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in India, Cooperation and Application of this Experience in the Russian Federation
DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.132-137
The purpose of this study is to identify future prospects for development of the pharmaceutical industry in the Russian Federation, based on Indian experience. Today, India is the «world’s pharmacy», producing a wide range of drugs: from original ones to generics and vaccines. The country’s success is in full production cycles.
Russian pharmaceutical industry is going through difficult times today: geopolitical uncertainty, sanctions pressure, currency growth — all this has a negative impact on the industry’s development. Another feature of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia is the focus on importing both raw materials and finished products. The state is gradually moving away from this trend, trying to build progressively a model of its own production, and in the future, focus the industry on exports. If this trend continues, Russian pharmaceutical industry will be able to reach a new level in the coming years and provide the domestic market with drugs of its own production.
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