Optimization of management systems for housing complexes, waste management and water resources in the department of housing and communal services of the city of Moscow based on the corporate philosophy of quality improvement

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.49-64

The article discusses the concept of clinical marketing as one of the types of marketing in healthcare. The imperative of clinical marketing has been defined. The prerequisites for the development of clinical marketing include the transition to the principles of evidence–based medicine, regulation, and an increase in the cost of R&D for innovative medical products. The key success factors of medical products that accelerate the penetration of medical innovations into the market are highlighted. The program and the main tools of clinical marketing, the scope of their application is described. The scope of application of clinical marketing has been determined in accordance with the class of medical devices. It is shown that the use of elements of clinical marketing can have a positive impact on the commercialization of innovations in the context of the import substitution policy of the medical industry.


1. Adler Yu.P. Dr. Edwards Deming is a thinker who was ahead of time. Quality and life. 2020;3 (27):5–10.

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Development Strategy for a Housing and Utilities Company

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.138-143

The article dwells on the state of the regional housing and communal services and its individual enterprises, identifies therole of developing strategic models (competitive, adapted, situational) for their evolution. Attention is made to the need to coordinate housing and utility development strategies in the region as a whole and specific housing and communal services enterprises. A model of consistent strategic development of housing and utility companies is proposed, positive and negative aspects of the strategy of housing and utility enterprises, as well as internal and external factors are highlighted.


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3. Blinov A.O., Ugryumova N.V. Upravlencheskie aspekty razvitiya sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistem ZhKKh [Managerial Aspects of the Development of Socio-economic Systems of Housing and Communal Services]. Vestnik UGUES. Nauka, obrazovanie, ekonomika. Seriya: Ekonomika, 2015, no 1(11), pp. 51–55.

4. Makarova V.I., Bogdashkin Yu.N., Eliseeva I.V. Protsess razrabotki i realizatsii strategii zhilishchno-kommunal’nogo khozyaystva strany [The Process of Developing and Implementing the Country’s Housing and Communal Services Strategy]. Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V.N. Tatishcheva, 2016, no 2(3), pp. 148–154.

5. Stakhanov D.V. Strategicheskoe upravlenie zhilishchno-kommunal’nym khozyaystvom (ZhKKh) kak sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoy sistemoy [Strategic Management of Housing and Communal Services (HCS) as a Socio-economic System]. Vestnik Taganrogskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta im. A.P. Chekhova, 2014, no 1, pp. 108–112.

6. Kemaykin N.K., Pavlenkov M.N. Napravleniya razvitiya ZhKKh Rossii [Directions for the Development of Housing and Communal Services in Russia]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2020, no 51, pp. 21-34, DOI: 10.17223/19988648/51/2

7. Leus I. Sistema monitoringa innovatsionnoy i investitsionnoy deyatel’nosti zhilishchno-kommunal’nogo khozyaystva [System for Monitoring Innovation and Investment Activities of Housing and Communal Services]. Natsional’nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost’, 2015, no 4(289), pp. 23–42.

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The Public-Private Partnership Market as a Factor of Economic Growth in the Regions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-5.185.2022.12-21

The purpose of this article is to assess the regions of the Russian Federation by the level of PPP development from the perspective

of their infrastructural and socio-economic development and the impact of PPP on accelerating their economic growth. To do this, the following tasks are being implemented: assessment of the general characteristics of the PPP market for the period 2006–2021, in particular, public and private contributions to PPP projects, distribution of investments in the areas under consideration; analysis of accumulated investments in the PPP market for the period 2006–2021, assessment of their impact on investment attractiveness and economic growth of regions based on the distribution by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation; analysis of the market of large PPP projects for the period 2006–2021 from the position of influence on the strategic development of regions, its distribution by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation; based on the results of the study, determining the top 10 most developed regions for the use of PPP mechanisms.

The methodology of the study is an analysis of the distribution of the classical PPP market by regions and districts based on the

construction of tables and diagrams. To characterize the overall economic and infrastructural development of the regions, PPP

projects in the housing, social, transport and IT spheres were considered.

The results of the study are that the assessment of the level of economic and infrastructural development of the regions is given; the strategic importance of PPP projects for the regions (especially large ones) is substantiated; it is determined that the successful implementation of PPP projects is a factor in the economic growth of the regions. Based on the analysis, the 10 most developed regions are identified from the point of view of the use of PPP mechanisms. The perspective of the study is to use its results to expand the PPP market, in particular, in territories in need of economic development. At the same time, in order to expand the territorial coverage of the PPP market, it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of such projects in order to ensure the economic growth of the regions.



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