Time of Troubles and Management Science. New Twists in History

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.80-89

The basic reasons for the onset of the Time of Troubles in Russia, associated with inability of the central government to perform their functions, are identified. An important role in instability was played by external organizations, including those that demonstrated a “friendly” attitude towards Russia. Withdrawal of the Fatherland from the Time of Troubles’ instability is connected with the emergence of organizations within it that are capable of realizing the idea of the country’s selfpreservation. The author concludes that the Time of Troubles in Russia came when the three main forces of organizations — owners, managers and the staff (in this case, the “orphan people”) lost their value orientations and did not act as a common front against the interventionists.


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Management Schools in Russia in the 20th Century: on the History of the Issue

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-1.181.2022.126-137

The studies on the history of managerial thought do not fully cover the development of management schools in Russia in the 20th century and don’t mention many scientists, who were at the origins of scientific schools, and organizations within which they emerged. Hypotheses are put forward about how researchers in the last 30 years have made an attempt to study the schools of managerial thought in the 20th century in various organizations, especially universities. Narrative, comparative and historical research methods are used. The author describes the main schools of management in Russia in the 20th century, their origins, evolution, inspirers and leaders, as well as their main scientific works. The question of scientific schools of the two greatest mega-projects, successfully implemented in the USSR – nuclear and space project, remains unexplored. It is concluded that in Russia during the twentieth century. Management thought was developing, but it is currently extremely difficult to describe a holistic picture of the evolution of scientific management schools.


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