Cognitive Platform as an Institutional Structure for Making Socially Significant Decisions

DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​33917/​es-​5.​185.​2022.​120-​131

The article is devoted to the anthropic regulation of social processes in the conditions of social extremum. According to the authors, the way out of the “crisis of crises” is possible thanks to the functioning of a special information and semantic object — a cognitive platform that allows for the regulation of society in accordance with a new self-similar attractor of the historical process “from the future”. At the same time, the pathological structures of society that prevent the transition to a new level of development will not be able to function and reproduce.



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Causal Dissonance as a Basis «New Reality» (on the Mechanisms of Post-pandemic Social Regulation)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.92-103

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the regulation of social processes in Extreme conditions — the change of cause-andeffect relationships as a causal dissonance.

Causal misalignments are a natural and necessary process of preparation for a quantum leap in the development of our reality:

manifesting themselves critically in psychophysiological dysontogenies and generating socio-psychological polarization of society, they lead to the formation of an unbalanced social environment with a difference in levels of complexity.

So far, this causal environment is used for post-pandemic social regulation to attempt to preserve the existing world order through the formation of a «new reality».

But under the same conditions, new social actors are being formed that can make a conscious choice between the old and the new world, between the old zoopopulation methods of regulation and the new ones-psychosocial ones.

In order to ensure the quantum transition to the future, it is necessary to provide state support to the subjects of the new society in the format of education, upbringing and appropriate scientific support, as well as to ensure vertical institutional regulation.
