The Institutions of Liberal and Conservative Values

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.104-109

The article is dedicated to the liberal and conservative values: to the actual problem of comparable analyze of the liberal and conservative sights on individual behavior on its influence on their judgments on economy policy. There is the small sketch about liberal movement in last and its interaction with religious reformation. The author does conclude about nearsightedness of the neoliberal and neoconservative judgments on individual behavior and economy policy that have the important mean for development of market institution

Challenges of the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Ethics

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.18-29

On April 17, 2019, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation held an expanded meeting of the expert-discussion club of the Association of Analytical Centers “Analytica” with participation of the RF Civic Chamber Commission on public diplomacy, humanitarian cooperation and maintenance of traditional values. The main purpose of the event was to discuss the challenges of the future and develop constructive proposals on the problems of artificial intelligence, technology and ethics. The keynote speaker was the president of the Global Ethics Foundation, founder and head of the social network, professor at the Basel University (Switzerland) Christoph Stuckelberger

The Basic Question of Ethics and Economic Theory

#5. Space Like a Punishment
The Basic Question of Ethics and Economic Theory

The author analyzes the place of basic ethic question — the problem of individual choice — in the polemics of A. Smith with B. Mandeville, theorems of R. Coase, K. Arrow, in “prisoner’s dilemma” and other liberal theories. She arrives at the conclusion that modern scholars, like representatives of classical school, consider ethical behavior of human as a key driver of economic development and welfare. The author also concludes that spiritual and moral education is a particularly important social good.

Ethical Business Practices is a Key Global Issue

#3. Green question

The ethical market economy should be based on the following principles: modest growth, stability, care, ability to share, focus on the needs, economic development with a human face and a long-term profit optimization. Under present conditions a balance between government regulation and free market relations is required.