Approaches to Predicting Technology Evolution

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.66-73

The article examines the change in ideas about technology from 1772, when Johann Beckmann introduced the term “technology” into scientific use, to the present day. A modern approach to forecasting the technology evolution as a certain implementation of a complex self-developing system is proposed. Comparative analysis of technological and biological evolution is carried out. The ar ticle examines a systemic approach to expert forecasting technology as a separate modern direction, within the framework of which the author proposes its hypershell and dwells on the systemic constituent elements of this shell. Eight directions for future research in the field of technology forecasting are examined.


1. Demidchenko V.V. Ponyatie politicheskikh tekhnologiy: sushchnost’, formy i vidy [Concept of Political Technologies: Nature, Forms and Types]. Vlast’, 2015, vyp. 12, pp. 140–142.

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3. Lem S. Summa tekhnologiy [Sum of Technologies]. Moscow, Mir, 1968, 608 p.

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7. Gibert P. Théologie en modernité et postmodernité. Recherches de Science Religieuse, 2004, no 3(3), pp. 341, 342.

8. Kononenko B.I. Bol’shoy tolkovyy slovar’ po kul’turologii [Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies]. Moscow, Veche, 2003, 509 p.

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10. Traditsionnaya i sovremennaya tekhnologiya: Filos.-metodol. analiz [Traditional and Modern Technology: Philosophical and Methodological Analysis]. Moscow, IFRAN, 1998, 216 p.

11. Vig D.N. Technology, Philosophy and Politics. Technology and Politics. E. Kraft Michael and J. Vig Norman (eds.). Durham, NC, and London, Duke University Press, 1988, 356 p., pp. 7–15.

12. Kurdyumov S.P. Zakony evolyutsii i samoorganizatsii slozhnykh system [Laws of Evolution and Self-organization of Complex Systems]. Moscow, IPM, 1990, 45 p. Bibliogr.: pp. 36–45. (Preprint. In-t prikl. matematiki im. M.V. Keldysha AN SSSR, no 45.)

13. Shchedrovitskiy G.P. Filosofiya. Nauka. Metodologiya [Philosophy. Science. Methodology]. Moscow, 1997, 642 p.

14. Stepin V.S. Samorazvivayushchiesya sistemy i postneklassichekaya ratsional’nost’ [Self-developing Systems and Post-non-classical Rationality]. Voprosy filosofii, 2003, no 8, pp. 5–17.

15. Tekhnologiya kak vyzov vremeni (izuchenie, ponyatie i tipy tekhnologiy) [Technology as a Challenge of Time (Study, Concept and Types of Technologies)]. Philosophy and Cosmology, 2017, vol. 19, pp. 133–142.

Japan 2040: Dialectics of Transhumanism and Society of the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.78-93

Analysis of the essence, content and forms of the scenario state of Japan in 2040, reflected in the 11th Scientific and Technical Forecast of NISTEP in 2019, revealed a number of conceptual dialectical contradictions. They narrow down to the question of admissibility and expediency of changing a man’s nature in order to ensure his prosperous, safe, meaningful and happy existence. The author proposes for discussion a conclusion on inevitability of the transhumanization of a mankind on the scale of a single country (Japan) and the whole world, given the nature of the great challenges facing it. The possibility of keeping the historical development in a conditionally humanistic direction is noted, given the emphasis of social reforms in Japan, reflected in the 6th Basic Plan for scientific, technical and innovative development of the country, on building a society for the fullest realization and use of human intellectual potential.


1. The 10th Science and Technology Foresight Scenario Planning from the Viewpoint of Globalization. Summary Report. Science and Technology Foresight Center, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). September, 2015, available at:

2. Report on the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan. Council on Science, Technology and Innovation. Cabinet office, Government of Japan, 2015, December 18, available at:

3. Toward Realization of the New Economy and Society — Reform of the Economy and Society by Deepening of the “Society 5.0” — Outline. Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), 2016, April 19, available at:

4. Mamed’yarov Z.A. Doroga k “Obshchestvu 5.0” [The Road to Society 5.0]. Ekspert, 2018, no 44, available at:


5. Uemura N.M. “Obshchestvo 5.0” — vzglyad Mitsubishi Electric [Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2017, no 4, pp.

122–131, available at:

6. Mitsubishi Electric predstavila platformu e-F@ctory rossiiskim kompaniyam [Mitsubishi Electric Presented the e-F@ctory Platform to Russian Companies]. OOO “Mitsubisi Elektrik (RUS)”, 2017, 20 iyulya, available at:

7. Overview of Japan’s Green Transformation (GX). GR Japan, 2023, January, available at:

8. Green Transformation (GX). Main points. Tentative translation. Keidanren, 2022, May 17, available at:

9. Kostyukova K.S. “Zelenaya” transformatsiya Yaponii i nekotorye kontury novoi energeticheskoi politiki strany [Elektronnyi resurs]. π-Economy, 2022, vol. 15, no 6, pp. 54–70, DOI:

Organizing Strategic Management of Scientific and Technological Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.72-77

In the context of growing technological gap between the Russian Federation and developed countries, restrictions on developing scientific research and innovation due to narrowing scientific cooperation opportunities, reduced access to world scientifictechnical achievements and scientific equipment, as well as low demand from public and business sectors of the economy for scientific, scientific-technical and innovative products, the role of strategic management in the sphere of scientific-technological development, aimed at increasing the role of science in reproductive processes, ensuring the optimal choice of priority areas in science, technology and engineering, concentration of existing scientific, technical and innovative potential for their implementation in a short term, is significantly increasing. The present article analyzes the current system of state strategic management of scientific-technological development, gives recommendations for its improvement with a focus on the final result of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities by ensuring the integrity and continuity of innovative processes.


1. Nauka. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii: 2023: Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik [Science. Technologies. Innovations: 2023: Brief Statistical Compendium]. Moscow, NIU VShE, 2023, 102 p.

2. Mindeli L.E., Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie nauchno-tekhnicheskoi deyatel’nost’yu v Rossii: sostoyanie i perspektivy [State Management of Scientific and Technical Activities in Russia: Current State and Prospects]. Moscow, Institut problem razvitiya nauki RAN, 2018, 108 p.

3. Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. O sovershenstvovanii modeli strategicheskogo upravleniya v sfere nauki i tekhnologii [On Improving the Strategic Management Model in the Field of Science and Technology]. Mikroekonomika, 2022, no 6, pp. 5–18.

4. Chereshnev V.A., Todosiichuk A.V. Nauka v Rossii: sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy razvitiya [Science in Russia: State, Problems, Development Prospects]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2022, vol. 92, no 3, pp. 201–212.

5. Todosiichuk A.V. Usloviya i faktory nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo i innovatsionnogo razvitiya ekonomiki [Conditions and Factors of Scientific, Technological and

Innovative Development of the Economy]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2023, vol. 93, no 3, pp. 237–245.

6. Indikatory nauki: 2022: Statisticheskii sbornik [Science Indicators: 2022: Statistical Compendium]. Moscow, NIU VShE, 2022, 400 p.

7. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii. 2022 god [Socio-economic Situation in Russia. 2022]. Moscow, Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, 2022, no 12, 340 p.

8. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii. 2023 god [Socio-economic Situation in Russia. 2023]. Moscow, Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, 2023, no 5, 287 p.

9. Todosiichuk A.V. Upravlenie naukoi v nestatsionarnoi ekonomike [Management of Science in a Non-stationary Economy]. Naukovedcheskie issledovaniya, 2022, no 3, pp. 71–85.

Strategic Prospects of the Demographic Component of Russia’s National Strength

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.38-53

Demographic situation largely determines the strategic prospects of our country in the context of fierce multifactorial competition between various countries of the world and their bilateral and multilateral alliances. The ar ticle examines dynamics of the Russian population trends, individual causes of male excess mor tality, the main factors for increasing the birth rate and also provides a quantitative assessment of the ef fectiveness of some of the above. To assess the consequences an agent-based demographic model of Russia was used and a sof tware package, developed jointly with researchers from China, was applied to make a long-term forecast of our country’s population.


1. Putin zayavil, chto rossiyan dolzhno byt’ bol’she, i oni dolzhny byt’ zdorovy [Putin Said that there Should be More Russians, and they Should be Healthy].TASS, 2022, 9 iyunya, available at:

2. Asel’ Gereikhanova. Vladimir Putin poruchil v 2023 godu dobit’sya rosta zarplat, rozhdaemosti i prodolzhitel’nosti zhizni [Vladimir Putin Instructed to Achieve an Increase in Wages, birth Rates and Life Expectancy in 2023]. Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2023, 29 yanvarya, available at:

3. Demografiya [Demography]. Rosstat, available at:

4. Andreev E. M., Darskii L. E., Khar’kova T. L. Naselenie Sovetskogo Soyuza: 1922–1991 [Population of the Soviet Union: 1922–1991]. Moscow, Nauka, 1993.

5. Rosstat [Website], available at:

6. Makarov V. L., Il’in N. I., Bakhtizin A. R., Khabriev B. R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World:

Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI:

7. Vsemirnyi bank [Website], available at:

8. Uroven’ smertnosti: Sravnitel’naya informatsiya po stranam [Mortality Rates: Comparative Information by Country], available at:

9. Demografiya: Prognoz [Demographics: Forecast], available at:

10. Makarov V. L., Nigmatulin R. I., Il’in N. I., Bakhtizin A. R., Sushko E. D., Sidorenko M.Yu. Tsifrovoi dvoinik (iskusstvennoe obshchestvo) sotsial’noekonomicheskoi

sistemy Rossii — platforma dlya eksperimentov v sfere upravleniya demograficheskimi protsessami [The Digital Twin (Artificial Society) of the Socio-Economic System of Russia is a Platform for Experiments in the Field of Managing Demographic Processes]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no

2(182), pp. 6–19, DOI:

11. Chislo rodivshikhsya (bez mertvorozhdennykh) za god [Number of Births (Excluding Stillbirths) per Year]. EMISS. Gosudarstvennaya statistika, available at:

Modeling the Consequences of a Nuclear Strike


The risks of increasing international tension have sharply exacerbated the possibility of a nuclear conflict. The main geopolitical players in the international arena have actually recognized the possibility and even expediency of using nuclear weapons. In this context, the need to simulate the consequences of a nuclear strike in order to prepare for emergencies of a critical nature has become extremely urgent. The present article analyzes foreign experience of using digital simulators to this end. The authors outline Russian views on applying agent-based simulation methods for this purpose in the analysis of non-military (civilian) aspects of a nuclear blow effects.



1. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Podgotovka sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravleniya Rossii k sverkhkriticheskim situatsiyam prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo kharaktera [Preparing the Public Administration System of Russia for Supercritical Situations of Natural and Man-made Nature]. Problemy upravleniya bezopasnost’yu slozhnykh sistem: Materialy XXIX Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Moskva, 15 dekabrya 2021 g. [Problems of Safety Management of Complex Systems: Proceedings of the XXIX International Scientific-practical Conference. Moscow, December 15, 2021]. Moscow, Institut problem upravleniya im. V.A. Trapeznikova RAN, pp. 99–103.

2. Ageev A.I., Bochkarev O.I., Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Setetsentricheskaya sistema povyshennoi zhivuchesti upravleniya energetikoi Rossii v slozhnoprognoziruemykh kriticheskikh usloviyakh [Net-Centric System of Elevated Survivability of Energy Management in Russia Under Difficult-to-predict Critical Conditions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, vol. 23, no 3 (177), pp. 6–17, available at: DOI:

3. Moiseev N.N., Aleksandrov V.V., Tarko A.M. Chelovek i biosfera: Opyt sistemnogo analiza i eksperimenty s modelyami [Man and the Biosphere: The Experience of System Analysis and Experiments with Models]. Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 271 p.

4. Yadernaya zima i ee komp’yuternoe modelirovanie v 80-kh [Nuclear Winter and Its Computer Simulation in the 80s]. Khabr, 2022, May, 28, available at:

5. Turco R.P., Toon O.B., Ackerman T.P., Pollack J.B., Sagan C. Nuclear winter: Global consequences of multiple nuclear explosions, 1984.

6. Kokoshin A.A., Arbatov A.G., Vasil’ev A.A. Yadernoe oruzhie i strategicheskaya stabil’nost’ (stat’ya pervaya) [Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Stability (Article One)]. SShA: Ekonomika, politika, ideologiya, 1987, no 9, p. 3.

7. John M. Gates. The U.S. Army and Irregular Warfare. The College of Wooster Wooster, Ohio, available at:

8. Starr S. Deadly Climate Change From Nuclear War: A threat to human existence, available at:

9. Velikhov E., Kokoshin A. Yadernoe oruzhie i dilemmy mezhdunarodnoi bezopasnosti [Nuclear Weapons and International Security Dilemmas]. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1985, no 4, p. 20.

About the possibility of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.83-90

The article discusses the possibilities of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot. According to the methodology of the National Corporate Governance Rating in 2018, Aeroflot PJSC has a rating of 7++, which indicates compliance with Russian legislation, taking into account the interests of all interested parties (shareholders, the state, employees, consumers of services). Currently, it is established that in 2020-2021. This aspect of corporate governance in PJSC Aeroflot is not fully implemented and needs to be improved. It can be assumed that precisely because of this, the risk management system of PJSC Aeroflot could not cope with the development of anti-crisis measures in a timely manner. The authors recommend considering pessimistic and optimistic scenarios in detail when drawing up budgets, planning a budget system for each of them, developing measures to reduce risks, and responding quickly to emerging threats. It has been established that the use of a scenario approach in budgeting and corporate governance practices will allow PJSC Aeroflot to consider all possible situations, including unlikely ones, to inform representatives of the Board of Directors about all possible risks in a timely manner, and to develop measures to minimize risk.


1. Alenina E.E., Zyulina V.V., Redin D.V. Priority directions of formation of organizational structures of innovative development of high-tech industries. In the collection: Innovations in business creation and management. Materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference of teachers, staff and Graduate students. 2016. pp. 3-8. (In Russ.).

2. Alenina E.E., Zyulina V.V. Sectoral problems of management of the development of modern Russian engineering. In the collection: Materials of the Scientific and practical conference with international participation «Management in the field of science, education and technological development». 2016. pp. 134-140. (In Russ.).

3. Golovanova N.B., Gorin D.S. Methodological approach to assessing the technological state of a machine-building enterprise to increase the validity of management decisions //Management of economic systems: an electronic scientific journal. 2012;4 (40):70. (In Russ.).

4. Golovanova N.B., Gorina T.V. Comparative characteristics of the main approaches to enterprise resource management //Management of economic systems: an electronic scientific journal. 2014;12 (72):83. (In Russ.).

5. Gorin D.S. The growth of the technological gap as a trend in the development of the machine-building industry //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2014;11-4 (52): 503-505. (In Russ.).

6. Gorin D.S. Assessment of the industry significance of machine-building enterprises based on the analysis of fixed assets //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2013;12-4(41):319-322. (In Russ.).

7. Gorin D.S. Organizational and methodological aspects of crisis management at machine-building enterprises //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2012;1(24):282-285. (In Russ.).

Forecasting the performance of credit institutions based on simulation modeling

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.5-14

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for the use of simulation methods for solving the problems of planning and forecasting the financial results of credit institutions. The article addresses the following issues: 1) an analysis of the activities of credit institutions of the Russian Federation was carried out, based on the results of which “pain points” were identified – unresolved problems, including the management of overdue loan debt; 2) the feasibility of using simulation modeling methods for the development of scenarios for the development of commercial banks was justified; 3) an approach based on simulation modeling was proposed to determine the impact of the amount of overdue debt on the indicators and economic standards of activity.

Scenarios for the Development of World Nuclear Power in the Context of Limited Fossil Resources


Forecasts of the scenarios for the development of the world nuclear power industry are given, taking into account the limited resources of natural uranium and the concept of sustainable development. On the basis of a new model of dynamic forecasting of the depletion of fossil resources, possible restrictions on the development of hydrocarbon and nuclear energy at thermal reactors are considered. It is shown that the existing nuclear power based on thermal reactors does not have a long-term perspective (more than 100 years) for a number of reasons. The most promising development in order to maintain and, moreover, increase the contribution of nuclear power plants to electricity generation, is the two-component nuclear power system with a combined uranium-plutonium nuclear fuel cycle. However, the widespread introduction of fast-neutron reactors is possible in the second half of this century. For the next few decades, the tasks of economic substantiation of the diversification of business product lines in the field of a closed nuclear fuel cycle for scenarios of the development of nuclear power on thermal reactors in conditions of limited traditional reserves of natural uranium are urgent

Security Strategy for the Russian Financial and Economic System: Problems and the Ways of Solution

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.134-141

The article presents the scientific approach to analysis of problem issues in the security sphere of the Russian financial and economic system. It has been reviewed the some important aspects of statistics, analysis of nonlinear processes, the construction of information and mathematical models of law enforcement unit practice, forecasting and strategic decisions development. Shows the ways to improve efficiency of security strategy for the Russian financial and economic system control.

“Long Waves” in the Economy and the RF Currency Market

#7. Connected Space
“Long Waves” in the Economy and the RF Currency Market

The article dwells on actual problems — increase in the volatility of the ruble exchange rate and its depreciation in 2018. At the same time, it is assumed that dynamics of the ruble exchange rate in general reflects the underlying economic processes (including abroad). Before the economic crisis that began in 2008, the ruble exchange rate for many years was mainly strengthening, and its volatility was relatively low. The situation has changed because the economies of a number of countries (in particular, Russia) have entered into a long, difficult period. So, for about a decade, the Russian economy has been showing slow growth. At the same time, the ruble exchange rate tends to depreciate. This allows the authors to assume that dynamics of the ruble exchange rate, which passed from a long upward to a downward stage about ten years ago, may be associated with a similar transition of the economy of Russia and some other countries to a downward stage (in N.D. Kondratieff terminology). The article analyzes a number of approaches to the problems of “long waves” in the economy and a conclusion is drawn up on the necessity to develop the RF monetary strategy (taking into account long-term macroeconomic processes).