Security Risks and Concerns in Indo-Pacific Reg

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.32-37

The authors investigated the security situation (military, economic, energy, environmental, food, etc.) in the Indo-Pacific region using international expert surveys in the form of interviews in 16 countries, using a historical approach to show the situation in dynamics, comparative analysis of statistical data, as well as content analysis of scientific literature, publications in the media and in-depth analysis of texts using the Sorbonne method. The analytical materials prepared by the authors are confirmed by empirical data obtained as part of the research work of the international project “Dialogue Partnership as a factor of stability and integration” in 16 Eastern countries: Brunei, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, RF, Singapore, the USA, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea and Japan, in the pre- and post-ovoid period.


1. Kompleksnaya kharakteristika situatsii v ATR [A Comprehensive Description of the Situation in the Asia-Pacific Region]. Moscow, Academia, 2016, 340 p.

2. ATR glazami ekspertov (mezhdunarodnaya ekspertiza 2005–2019 gg.) [The Asia-Pacific Region Through the Eyes of Experts (International Expertise 2005–2019)]. Moscow, Academia, 2019, 350 p.

3. Masasi Murano, Ankito Panda i Dzhenni Taun. Novaya raketnaya era v Indo-Tikhookeanskom regione [A New Missile Era in the Indo-Pacific Region]. Moskovskiy Tsentr Karnegi, available at:

4. Sukin L. Kogda yadernoe prevoskhodstvo perestaet byt’ prevoskhodstvom: Peresmotr yadernogo balansa sil [When Nuclear Superiority Ceases to be Superiority: A Revision of the Nuclear Balance of Power]. Moskovskiy Tsentr Karnegi, available at:

5. Rybin A. NYT: Veroyatnost’ voyny v Indo-Tikhookeanskom regione seychas samaya vysokaya so Vtoroy mirovoy [The Probability of War in the Indo-Pacific Region is Now the Highest Since World War II]. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 2023, 1 marta, available at:


6. Balandin R. Syurpriz ot Dzho Baydena: pochemu SShA nachali postavlyat’ oruzhie Tayvanyu po “ukrainskoy” skheme? [Surprise From Joe Biden: Why Did the United

States Start Supplying Weapons to Taiwan According to the “Ukrainian” Scheme?]. TASS, 2023, 15 avgusta, available at:

7. Delegatsiya kongressmenov SShA pribyla na Tayvan’ [A Delegation of US Congressmen Arrived in Taiwan]. RIA Novosti, 2022, 14 avgusta, available at:

8. 900 voennykh baz SShA po vsemu miru. V kakikh stranakh ikh bol’she vsego? [900 US Military Bases Around the World. Which Countries Have the Most of Them?].

Dzen, 2023, 11 yanvarya, available at:

9. Vysotskiy V.I. Neft’ i gaz. Zapasy. Dobycha. Potreblenie, eksport i import: Informatsionnyy obzor [Oil and Gas. Stocks. Extraction. Consumption, Export and Import. (Information Overview)]. Moscow, Rosgeologiya. VNIIZARUBEZhGEOLOGIYA, 2022, 40 p.

Genesis and evolution of the development of a new Economic policy in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.36-42

The research is aimed at studying the factors of influence of economic prerequisites on ensuring the country’s food security. The main stages of economic policy development are considered. In the course of the study, various factors affecting the development of the agricultural sector of the economy are analyzed.

Taking into account the relevance of these studies, the authors conclude that it is necessary to develop the principles of a new economic policy to improve the level of food security in the country.

Given the relevance of the problems we have considered for any region of our country, the proposed approach will be interesting in practical application in the field of state and municipal administration, the agro-industrial complex, and the economy as a whole.

In addition, estimation of evolutionary approaches excludes errors in the development of the agrarian sector of the economy, and the modern Genesis of the development of agriculture forms the basis of numerous scientist’s opinions and personal assessment of the authors of individual approach in the formation of innovative development stages of the new economic policy in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Situation in the Agricultural Sector Represents a Threat Not Only for Food Sphere, But for the Entire National Security of Russia

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Situation in the Agricultural Sector Represents a Threat Not Only for Food Sphere, But for the Entire National Security of Russia

In modern conditions, when food becomes a leading factor of geopolitics and US agriculture is increasingly losing importance of world food “safety cushion”, when China and India are focused on providing their own population, Russia relying on its agro-industrial complex growth may become one of the founders and key players of a new “food world order” on favorable long-term conditions.

Overcoming Social and Industrial Backwardness of Agriculture — a Reliable Way to Russia’s Greatness

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Overcoming Social and Industrial Backwardness of Agriculture — a Reliable Way to Russia’s Greatness

The theme of the next Discussion Club meeting of the RAS academician O.T. Bogomolov is more than burning, especially in the light of deterioration of relations with the West.