Mental Sovereignty

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.96-101

Over the past three centuries, economic liberalism has emerged as a global cultural norm that permeates international institutions and business practices. Global turbulence has coincided with degradation of the idea of liberalism; corporate leaders feel the need for change, but don’t associate the transformation goals with exhaustion of the liberal model.


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Digital Economy Infrastructure

#8. New Year’s Forces
Digital Economy Infrastructure

Building digital economy (DE) is a complex task. On this path, a number of directions require qualitative study, the absence of which (in any direction) can nullify all the positive results achieved in solving other issues, such as regulatory controls, staffing, organization and management, technological groundwork, etc. The author dwells only on one of such aspects — building the DE infrastructure.

On the Complexity Problem

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
On the Complexity Problem

Article considers methodology of applying the complexity concept in modern scientific discourse. Noting impossibility of its further use in a wellestablished blurred and eclectic form, the author proposes to differentiate this concept for three reasons: syncretic and composite complexity, system complexity and complexity of specialization, complexity of structural elements and inter-elementary links. This differentiation sets a fundamentally new methodological optics in analyzing a wide range of phenomena relating both to the natural sciences and to the humanitarian area, as well as to the problem of evolutionary dynamics.

On the Problem of Complexity

#1. Choice of Identity
On the Problem of Complexity

Article dwells on methodology of complexity concept application in modern scientific discourse. Noting impossibility of its use in a well-settled blurred and eclectic form, the author proposes to differentiate this concept by three arguments: syncretic and combined complexity, complexity of system and complexity of specialization, and finally complexity of structural elements and inter-elementary links. This differentiation sets a fundamentally new methodological optics in analyzing a wide range of phenomena relating to both the natural sciences and humanitarian areas, as well as to the problem of evolutionary dynamics.

Journey to the East. The Tree of Life Mystery

#1. Beyond Design Basis Evaluations

The Urantia Book contains surprising and sometimes shocking information about the origin and evolution of man, about the Universe organization and its spiritual commencement.

Locality and Globality. Self-Reproduction of Society

#5. Cultural Revolution

The society consumes what it was convinced to consider necessary, but to convince it are not those who are concerned about life and true needs of a man as he was conceived by the Creator, but consumer hunters, concerned only about his wallet.