“I Immediately Blurred the Map of Everyday Life”, or the Recent Situation in the Appraisal Business

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.183.2022.101-109

The methodology for studying the strategic potential of valuation companies in Russia is based on the use of the Strategic Matrix of the Company software package, the algorithm of which involves the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow building a complete profile of the company and giving a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters taken for analysis include such as the degree of innovation and differentiation of services, the level of competition and the position of the company in the market, the priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, the effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture, the ability to quickly access the necessary resources.


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Fundamental Changes as a Condition for Preserving Valuation

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

The situation formed in the National Council of valuation activities (NCVA), in fact, represents the split of valuation community.

Activities of the Professional Cost Valuation Institute Becomes International

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

It would be useful to create a general certification center for all members of the Eurasian Association of Appraisers (EAA) as the qualification requirements should be uniform.

Eurasian Standards of Cost Valuation: History and Concept

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

Precise identification of valuation object was always important, but under emerging markets conditions it was proposed to pay special attention to it.

While Stagnation in Russian Economy Does Not Transform Into Recession, There Won’t Be Any Serious Adjustments in the Country’s Financial Market

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

If Russia has recourse to Eurasian integration it will inevitably get rid of the dollar, multinational corporations and oligarchic system.

Development of Appraisal Standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers

#1. Beyond Design Basis Evaluations

Evolution of this profession in our country went along with the development of international standards system. So we did not have to “reinvent the wheel” in the sphere of assessment methodology.

Russian Society of Appraisers — the First in Profession, the First in Russia

#1. Beyond Design Basis Evaluations

From the very start the Russian Society of Appraisers identified those key areas that were successfully evolving over the successive years.