Self-similar Attractors of the Historical Process as Observable “Laws of Nature and Society”

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.94-103

The author dwells on self-similar factors that have regulated, regulate and in the nearest future will regulate sociohistorical processes. The old regulation methods, which have been characteristic of the planet and societ y’s biosphere for billions of years, are losing their dominance. This is expressed as a “crisis of crises”. New regulation methods have already begun to emerge in the historical process, but the final transition of societ y to the next stage of development will take place only after the singularity, that is, after a radical change in the principles, scales and dimensions of development. The main features of the new regulation methods are the reasonable exogenous development of our civilization, which can become an element of large space systems.


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Organizational and Digital Network Means of Terminal Destruction of Social Development


At the moment, there is a change in the universal attractors of the historical process; in this regard, a new management model is required, corresponding to the new “program requirements” of the attractor “from the future”. The former political and economic regulators have fulfilled their role, but the patterns of thinking developed over the centuries do not allow for any other means of “reset” than destruction. The article analyzes who, why, and by what means attempts to preserve the existing world order. As a tool of destruction, the actors of globalization have chosen ultra-effective digital network methods of cross-border impact — a hidden organizational weapon that allows, without destroying the infrastructure facilities necessary to meet vital needs, to block the development of society through the deformation of the motivational and need base of a person.

In order to identify the hidden impact of organizational weapons, the authors propose to use a methodological “polarizing filter” — a normative ranking that allows us to determine the direction of various social phenomena as the results of “horizontal” or “vertical” regulation, leading to the limit of destruction or development.

Causal Dissonance as a Basis «New Reality» (on the Mechanisms of Post-pandemic Social Regulation)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.92-103

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the regulation of social processes in Extreme conditions — the change of cause-andeffect relationships as a causal dissonance.

Causal misalignments are a natural and necessary process of preparation for a quantum leap in the development of our reality:

manifesting themselves critically in psychophysiological dysontogenies and generating socio-psychological polarization of society, they lead to the formation of an unbalanced social environment with a difference in levels of complexity.

So far, this causal environment is used for post-pandemic social regulation to attempt to preserve the existing world order through the formation of a «new reality».

But under the same conditions, new social actors are being formed that can make a conscious choice between the old and the new world, between the old zoopopulation methods of regulation and the new ones-psychosocial ones.

In order to ensure the quantum transition to the future, it is necessary to provide state support to the subjects of the new society in the format of education, upbringing and appropriate scientific support, as well as to ensure vertical institutional regulation.

Management of Superposition in Information-Cognitive Processes (Invariance of Methods of Destruction of Society)

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.124-133

The second part of the work analyzes new information-semantic methods of social destruction, which have a higher level of complexity in relation to traditional forms: hot, cold wars, as well as various forms of hybrid wars. The difference between wars of a new kind is in the management of information and cognitive processes: in the formation of the so-called superposition with the help of a global digital platform: programming the perception and evaluation of a social event. The use of new methods of destruction blocks the processes of regulation of social systems, disorganizes the work of institutional structures, acting as an organizational weapon. The danger of war of superpositions as “war of schr dinger” is almost infinite variability of sophisticated methods of destruction, their stealth and high efficiency achieved by imposing the external contour of information management, as well as the use of the specifics of shimmering subjectivity — when objects and subjects of war are constantly changing places. The authors postulate that the tactical and strategic counteraction in the war of superpositions can be organized only on the basis of scientific methodology, which has an appropriate level of complexity, that is, on the platform of the social state

Science in the Period of “Re-Quantization of Reality” and Information-Cognitive Mechanisms of Social Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.70-81

The article opens a new cycle of works devoted to the development of scientific methodology of functional systems for the study of the phenomenon of “reality re-quantization”: a sharp increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions — as the main property in their “work against entropy”. According to S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitse and A.D. Panov, the “mode of operation with exacerbation” observed in social systems is due to the change of self-similar attractors — when they begin to be regulated not only by the past, but also by the “absolute future”. The authors postulate that the dominant regulator in the future cycle of development of system constructions are moral and ethical constructs created by people as subjects of singularity, which determine the possibility of social systems to “work against entropy” in even more complex forms and manifestations: namely, through science, education and upbringing — project and consciously. As an example of the study of destructive social phenomena of a higher level of complexity, the “Schr dinger War” is considered, in which the “meaning” of social events is controlled through a superposition — through its interpretation imposed from a higher level of system organization using the technologies of the global digital platform.

Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

The article continues the cycle of studies devoted to the study of the “crisis of crises” of the human population caused by the “re-quantization of reality” — the transition from the outdated forms of Zoopopulation to the new Psychosocial formation; at the same time, it is noted that the “Image of a bright future” as a system-forming factor of the New World is distorted by subjective and objective reasons. Among the objective reasons that impede his perception, the authors see a sharp threshold increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions, including society, which requires immediate changes in the modern methodology of science. Subjective factors are the persistent attempt to preserve the obsolete global world order and stagnate the development of mankind by various methods of social destruction, primarily by creating artificial inequality. In response to the specific Russian question “What to do?”, The authors propose the obvious: revival and transition to dominance of higher forms of motivation, development of moral and ethical qualities as relevant anti-entropic factors and development of closing technologies as the highest form of livelihood of the population — all on the platform of social of the state.

Choosing Singularity

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Choosing Singularity

The article continues the cycle of works dedicated to the social system transition into a new qualitative state — from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, where the moral-ethical characteristics of people will be the factor determining its further development and functioning. The authors postulate that “singularity” like a “vertical” on a well-known graph of the phase transitions distribution of A.D. Panov is attributable not only to biological and technical development of civilization — “technical singularity”, how it seems to ideologists of transhumanism, but namely to “moral singularity”. Moral and ethical properties, “worked out” by mankind in the course of historical process, have an even higher level of complexity than technical ones, therefore they are the leading factor in the further systemogenetic development of our space-time continuum. Aspiration of the transhumanism ideologists to represent singularity as a result of purely technical progress is an attempt to camouflage due to various information campaigns the destructive “concept”, which somehow manifests itself in the continuum of nonspecific activity results — in destruction of social structures and stagnation of social processes, in blocking the begun phase transition (moral singularity).