Peculiarities of Organizing the Staff Training for Priority Areas of Science and Technology Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.146-150

The present paper aims at forming approaches to providing effectiveness of human resources development in research and development sphere. The author raises the problem of studying new opportunities in organizing personnel training, identified by the “Science” national project. The article examines methodological aspects of ensuring the compliance of the workers’ professional competencies with technologies level of the new order, as well as conformity of characteristics of their interpersonal interaction with the systemic requirements for adaptability of production management in the context of technological development acceleration

Human Capital as a Factor of Economic Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.120-125

In the modern economy, an important role in providing sustainable development of an enterprise, a state and the world have got not only financial indicators, but also non-financial ones, especially human capital. The article dwells on the theories of human capital, their implementation in the third world countries and identifies directions for human capital development in these countries. In addition, the article analyzes the significance of human capital development for building an innovative society

In Anticipation of Changes

#7. Connected Space
In Anticipation of Changes

Calculation data of the multifactorial “Strategic Matrix” model methodology showed stability of the relatively low value of Russia’s integral index. However, just such static character of the calculated indicator means an increase of problems in the Russian society, which is evidently shown by hard decline in social support for the authorities activities. Another reelection of V.V. Putin as the President of Russia did not result in prospects for a way out of the crisis in the minds of Russian citizens.

Sapientation Process Energy

#7. Connected Space
Sapientation Process Energy

The authors have studied the possibility of taking into account the human rationality factor in the analysis of global problems of demography and energy. For this purpose, analogues of chemical kinetics and the idea of human communities as an open thermodynamic system were applied. The demography of sapientation was divided into two conventional energy zones — northern and southern, which differ in climatic and geophysical conditions. The sapientation process was formalized by correlating the number of creative and educated people with the amount of external energy they convert into new valuable information. The sapientation kinetics was modeled completing the formalism of the act of a person’s birth with a stage of his education requiring the involvement of at least one teacher from among educated people. The second-order kinetic equation, describing the growth of an equal population of men and women of reproductive age, was transformed into an equation of the third and higher orders. The stationary solution of these equations determines the optimal demography for sustainable noospheric development of the population in accordance with its education index. Real and durable solutions to the demographic and energy problems are proposed.

Problematic Elements and Points of Growth in the Russian System of Science and Education

#8. Hunting for Scientists
Problematic Elements and Points of Growth in the Russian System of Science and Education

The article deals with scientific staff’s emigration and immigration, including the practice of engaging leading foreign scientists. The authors propose concrete arrangements to form points of growth in the Russian system of science and education.

Sweeping Dustunder the Rug

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Sweeping Dustunder the Rug

When calculating the final integral index for the Russian Federation, determined according to the methodology of multifactor “Strategic matrix” model, the authors once again noted the low level of this indicator in 2015. It has not changed in comparison with the previous year. But in the factors context they have identified a tendency of compensating the key social indices lowering due to the growth of the secondary ones. Its presence is confirmed by opinion polls of the Public Opinion Foundation, that is, by how the Russians themselves assess changes in their daily life and the state of affairs in solving the problems they face.

Evaluation of Researchers Efficiency in Various Sectors of Science

#2. Noah’s Caste
Evaluation of Researchers Efficiency in Various Sectors of Science

Comparative analysis of approaches to the indicative assessment of scientific workers efficiency in academic and industrial institutions and educational organizations is held.

Breaking Patterns

#7. Maint Games
Breaking Patterns

Analyzing actual data of the RF subjects social development, the authors note: as follows from calculation data of integral indicators, defined on the basis of the multifactor model methodology “Strategic matrix of the RF region”, developed by the Institute for Economic Strategies, negative economic trends have not yet practically effected the population living conditions. On the contrary, the all-Russian 2014 final index has even slightly increased compared to the previous year index.

The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

#1. Change of Leader
The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

This paper investigates non-specific meta-factors blocking the social systemogenesis. Delay in transition from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, according to the authors, is conditioned by the meta-subject activity, primarily in the field of education. It is possible to overcome the obstacle only by means of systemogenesis conscious management.

The State Committee for Scientific-Technical Policy: Center of Network Concentration of Scientific-Technical Ties in Key Knowledge Areas for Integrated Management in the Science and Engineering Field

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
The State Committee for Scientific-Technical Policy: Center of Network Concentration of Scientific-Technical Ties in Key Knowledge Areas for Integrated Management in the Science and Engineering Field

Strategic nature of innovative technologies race in the global economy requires to form in Russia a systemic organizational-information structure, which will serve as the center of integrated management, including strategic planning of complex development in the science and engineering field through network concentration of scientific-technical ties in key areas of knowledge.