Personnel Selection and Training for Structures with Critical Cognitive and Psychological Workloads in the Conditions of Complex Special Situations (Operations)

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.78-87

A number of different kinds of critical situations (from natural and man-made disasters to coup attempts and military operations), which took place primarily in the very last period of our country’s life, demonstrated significantly more serious, close to the maximum possible pressure on security forces and other departments – more than it was envisaged for many post-Soviet years. It became clear that new, more rigorous and effective technologies for forming and developing specialists’ competencies are needed. The purpose of the present article is to develop tools and methodological recommendations for selecting and training personnel for work or service in structures whose functioning involves critical cognitive and psychological workloads, including in complex special situations (operations).


1. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Golublev A.A. Spetsial’naya podgotovka kadrov v interesakh gosudarstvennykh vedomstv dlya vypolneniya osobo vazhnykh zadach v slozhnykh usloviyakh s kriticheskoy intellektual’noy i psikhologicheskoy nagruzkoy na sotrudnikov: Novye tekhnologicheskie vyzovy: problemy tsifrovoy transformatsii sistem upravleniya: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Special Personnel Training in the Interests of Government Departments for Performing Particularly Important Tasks in Difficult Conditions with Critical Intellectual and Psychological Stress on Employees: New Technological Challenges: Problems of Management Systems’ Digital Transformation: Proceedings of the International Conference]. Moscow, MNIIPU, 2019, pp. 9–11.

2. Gaynullin D.E., Kodzov T.N. Primenenie tsifrovykh tekhnologiy obucheniya v obrazovatel’nykh organizatsiyakh MVD Rossii [Application of Digital Learning Technologies in Educational Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs]. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2023, no 79-1, pp. 111–113.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Shkuta A.A. Neyrooperirovanie povedeniem kognitivnykh agentov na osnove elektronnoy semanticheskoy interpretatsii sostoyaniy soznaniya i psikhiki s effektami pogruzheniya, prisutstviya i edineniya s virtual’noy real’nost’yu [Neurooperation of the Cognitive Agents Behaviour based on Electronic Semantic Interpretation of States of Consciousness and Mentalit y with the Effects of Immersion, Presence and Unity with Virtual Reality]. Mikroekonomika, 2020, no 1, pp. 5–12.

4. Loginov E.L., Eriashvili N.D., Bortalevich S.I., Loginova V.E. Sistematika atributivno-semanticheskikh svyazey pri osushchestvlenii obrazovatel’nykh programm interaktivnogo obucheniya dlya metaprogrammirovaniya kachestv lichnosti [Systematics of Attributive-semantic Connections in Implementing Educational Programs of Interactive Learning for Metaprogramming of Personality Traits]. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal psikhologii i pedagogiki v sluzhebnoy deyatel’nosti, 2016, no 2, pp. 46–52.

5. Volobuev N.A., Groshev I.V., Loginov E.L., Matskevich I.M., Eriashvili N.D. Konstruirovanie informatsionnoy sredy upravleniya obrazovatel’nym protsessom, realizuyushchey funktsii intellektual’nogo analiza dannykh o kognitivnykh i lichnostnykh osobennostyakh obuchayushchegosya [Constructing an Information Environment for Managing the Educational Process, Implementing the Function of Intellectual Analysis of data on the Cognitive and Personal Characteristics of a Student]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2021, no 6, pp. 366–373.

Normative-dynamic approach to assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 2

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.92-105

The article proposes a normative-dynamic approach, new for Russia, to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the management of the implementation of the state program «Development of Education» for the period 2018-2025 and the national project «Education» for the period 2024-2030. Based on the use of rank correlation methods and taking into account the current legislative acts and strategic planning documents, various options for the current, short-term, medium-term and long-term normative and dynamic assessment of the development of education in the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is made about the weak scientific validity and low effectiveness of the state strategic planning of the State Program for the development of education in the Russian Federation.


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Normative-dynamic approach to assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 1

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.94-100

The article proposes a normative-dynamic approach, new for Russia, to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the management of the implementation of the state program «Development of Education» for the period 2018-2025 and the national project «Education» for the period 2024-2030. Based on the use of rank correlation methods and taking into account the current legislative acts and strategic planning documents, various options for the current, short-term, medium-term and long-term normative and dynamic assessment of the development of education in the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is made about the weak scientific validity and low effectiveness of the state strategic planning of the State Program for the development of education in the Russian Federation.


1. Afonina I. A., Soldatov R. V. Strategic analysis of the development of the educational sphere of Moscow in the 21st century. Microeconomics. 2021;1(96): 88–102. (In Russ.).

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Japan 2040: Dialectics of Transhumanism and Society of the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.78-93

Analysis of the essence, content and forms of the scenario state of Japan in 2040, reflected in the 11th Scientific and Technical Forecast of NISTEP in 2019, revealed a number of conceptual dialectical contradictions. They narrow down to the question of admissibility and expediency of changing a man’s nature in order to ensure his prosperous, safe, meaningful and happy existence. The author proposes for discussion a conclusion on inevitability of the transhumanization of a mankind on the scale of a single country (Japan) and the whole world, given the nature of the great challenges facing it. The possibility of keeping the historical development in a conditionally humanistic direction is noted, given the emphasis of social reforms in Japan, reflected in the 6th Basic Plan for scientific, technical and innovative development of the country, on building a society for the fullest realization and use of human intellectual potential.


1. The 10th Science and Technology Foresight Scenario Planning from the Viewpoint of Globalization. Summary Report. Science and Technology Foresight Center, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). September, 2015, available at:

2. Report on the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan. Council on Science, Technology and Innovation. Cabinet office, Government of Japan, 2015, December 18, available at:

3. Toward Realization of the New Economy and Society — Reform of the Economy and Society by Deepening of the “Society 5.0” — Outline. Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), 2016, April 19, available at:

4. Mamed’yarov Z.A. Doroga k “Obshchestvu 5.0” [The Road to Society 5.0]. Ekspert, 2018, no 44, available at:


5. Uemura N.M. “Obshchestvo 5.0” — vzglyad Mitsubishi Electric [Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2017, no 4, pp.

122–131, available at:

6. Mitsubishi Electric predstavila platformu e-F@ctory rossiiskim kompaniyam [Mitsubishi Electric Presented the e-F@ctory Platform to Russian Companies]. OOO “Mitsubisi Elektrik (RUS)”, 2017, 20 iyulya, available at:

7. Overview of Japan’s Green Transformation (GX). GR Japan, 2023, January, available at:

8. Green Transformation (GX). Main points. Tentative translation. Keidanren, 2022, May 17, available at:

9. Kostyukova K.S. “Zelenaya” transformatsiya Yaponii i nekotorye kontury novoi energeticheskoi politiki strany [Elektronnyi resurs]. π-Economy, 2022, vol. 15, no 6, pp. 54–70, DOI:

Education, Science, Culture and the Future of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.72-79

At all times, the issues of upbringing and education were the core, foundation, cornerstone of the existence and development of society and the state. And to this day we are fascinated by the science and culture of antiquit y – Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, China, Rome, and etc. Development of society and the state directly stems from the at tention paid to education and upbringing of the youth. The author concludes that when they try to replace classical science with various fashionable items, this is an encroachment on the holy of holies, this is an at tempt to belittle, humiliate, fetter the freedom of the human mind development.


1. Posledstviya kapitalizma: Interv’yu amerikanskogo uchenogo i obshchestvennogo deyatelya Noama Khomskogo [Consequences of Capitalism: An Interview with American Scholar and Public Activist Noam Chomsky]. YouTube, 2021, Oktyabr’, available at:

2. Maikl R. Blumberg. Kolledzhi dolzhny vernut’ trebovaniya k testirovaniyu [Michael R. Bloomberg: Colleges Should Bring Back Testing Requirements]. Bloomberg, 2022, 26 oktyabrya, available at:

3. Akademik V.I. Arnol’d: Puteshestvie v khaose [Academician V.I. Arnold: Journey in Chaos]. Nauka i zhizn’, 2000, no 12, avail able at:

4. Vladimir Arnol’d: Opasat’sya kompetentnykh sopernikov ochen’ estestvenno dlya nachal’nikov [Vladimir Arnold: It’s very Natural for Bosses to be Afraid of Competent Rivals]. RUT MIIT, 2010, 3 iyunya, available at: ht tps://

Strategic analysis of the development of the educational sphere of the city of Moscow in the XXI century

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.88-102

In the context of the most important legislative acts and documents of strategic planning in Russia, national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation until 2030, the state and prospects for the development of the educational sphere of Moscow in the XXI century are analyzed. Identified external and internal contradictions and challenges to the development of the education sector in the capital of the Russian Federation associated with the dominance of technocratic and liberal – market approaches to strategic planning and education management in the city of Moscow. In this regard, strategic guidelines and prospects for the development of education in the Moscow metropolis in the medium term until 2024 are outlined.

Conceptual basis for improving mechanisms for managing the development of social infrastructure of territories

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.73-79

The algorithm for choosing strategic priorities for the development of social infrastructure is considered as a mechanism for managing territorial socio-economic systems (TSES). The applied approach is supplemented by monitoring the state of health care and education on the basis of a survey of direct consumers of social services at all stages of strategy development. To determine the priority areas for improving social infrastructure, a methodology for assessing the dynamics of the main indicators of the social sphere of TSES is proposed. It is based on determining the increment in the quantitative parameters of objects of health care and education systems. The advantage of the technique is the possibility to use publicly available statistics.

On the Issue of Class Stratification in Modern Russian Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.114-119

The author analyzes the latent process of reestablishing a class society in Russia, which aims to eliminate the equal opportunity society that existed in the Soviet Union

What it Means to Manage the Economy in the Interests of a Man

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.118-125

The article discusses the current problems of economic science, which should participate in the state goal-setting and strategic planning and should become a doctrine of the laws of production aimed at all-round development of a man. Moral principles should pervade the entire economy. In the 21st century special attention should be paid to the system of education and upbringing. To educate a new person, it is necessary to reconstruct society in accordance with its traditional foundations

Peculiarities of Organizing the Staff Training for Priority Areas of Science and Technology Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.146-150

The present paper aims at forming approaches to providing effectiveness of human resources development in research and development sphere. The author raises the problem of studying new opportunities in organizing personnel training, identified by the “Science” national project. The article examines methodological aspects of ensuring the compliance of the workers’ professional competencies with technologies level of the new order, as well as conformity of characteristics of their interpersonal interaction with the systemic requirements for adaptability of production management in the context of technological development acceleration