Post-Pandemic Syndrome as a Socio-Psychological and Economic Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.94-103

The article highlights the socio-psychological and economic aspects of the regulation of society during an extreme psychosocial event in the format of a Pandemic as a staged act of social separation. Artificial Extremum highlighted the main thing: in state entities aimed at satisfying only the vital needs of a person, intra-system contradictions are critically increasing, since the regulation of society is associated with the dominant satisfaction of higher needs in the creative development of a person.

Technologies of social separation have led to pathological psychological consequences — a critical breakdown of social ties. This is the first time that an irrevocable extreme situation has emerged in History, and there is no way out of it under the old model of social regulation. It also became clear that the “Pandemic-2020” did not allow to remove the accumulated financial crisis contradictions, as the global industrial Autonomous circuit continues to work properly and consistently provides vital functions of the human population.

Since the second wave of the pandemic extreme has been announced, individuals who have lost the features of social subjectivity cannot integrate to achieve socially significant results of their activities. The only way out of the crisis situation is a conscious scientifically based transition to a new psychosocial model of society, already programmed by a new universal attractor of the historical process.

On the Reasonable Nature Management in the Economy and Other Spheres of Human Activity

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.122-129

The article dwells on a complex of issues related to rational use of natural resources. It is shown that development of the economy requires not only clear state goal-setting, serious technical and economic calculations, but also other types of substantiations. The cost of goods and services has not yet been thoroughly studied. Pricing in its entirity does not take into account material components that initially exist by nature and are created without human participation. The role of environmental factors in development of economic and other social sciences is revealed.

Formation of a digital increase model within the EAEU transparency and success of ensuring control over the movement of assets between participants in commodity, financial and property transactions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.5-12

The article discusses the problems of creating a digital model for increasing transparency and the success of ensuring control over the movement of assets between participants in commodity, financial and property transactions within the framework of the EAEU financial system. It is proposed to increase the observability of any segments of the financial system, which can be digitally structured by electronic digital identification of each currency in the monitoring spaces of digital financial assets. The results of the analysis can be used to optimize the operational dynamics of electronic transactions of explicit alliances and informal cartels of financial agents in the observed space of digital formats of financial communications, taking into account the movement of funds in various forms and denominated in different currencies.

Smile of Schr dinger’s Сat. Results of 2019

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.114-125

Traditional review of the past year strategic trends presents an analysis of the key components of the country’s integral power economy, foreign policy, armed forces, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, management – according to the original methodology developed by the Institute for Economic strategies. The authors suggest that the past 2019 will become a year of breakthrough in creating a quantum computer — a device that can fundamentally change the trend and the speed of technological development, as it once happened with introduction of electricity into industrial production and life.

On the development of the shadow economy in the field of migration

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of illegal migration and the use of migrant labor in the shadow sector of the economy. The author’s division of all labor migrants into three groups is given, according to income level, social status and specifics of the performed works. A large list of different sources consisting of statistical data, analytical reviews, scientific texts and journal articles has been studied. The dependence of poor sectors of the economy on cheap labor provided by labor migrants and, at the same time, the gradual and steady displacement of indigenous local residents by foreign workers in the labor market is shown. The authors come to the conclusion that it is impossible to build an economically developed state and a humane civilized society without solving the problems of illegal migration and its attendant shadow economy.

Sapientation Process Energy

#7. Connected Space
Sapientation Process Energy

The authors have studied the possibility of taking into account the human rationality factor in the analysis of global problems of demography and energy. For this purpose, analogues of chemical kinetics and the idea of human communities as an open thermodynamic system were applied. The demography of sapientation was divided into two conventional energy zones — northern and southern, which differ in climatic and geophysical conditions. The sapientation process was formalized by correlating the number of creative and educated people with the amount of external energy they convert into new valuable information. The sapientation kinetics was modeled completing the formalism of the act of a person’s birth with a stage of his education requiring the involvement of at least one teacher from among educated people. The second-order kinetic equation, describing the growth of an equal population of men and women of reproductive age, was transformed into an equation of the third and higher orders. The stationary solution of these equations determines the optimal demography for sustainable noospheric development of the population in accordance with its education index. Real and durable solutions to the demographic and energy problems are proposed.

The Russian Economy in 2017–2019 — Results and Trends: in Anticipation of Change

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
The Russian Economy in 2017–2019 — Results and Trends: in Anticipation of Change

The article examines the macroeconomic results of 2017 and provides an analysis of problems related to overcoming risks and threats that hamper the acceleration of the development of various spheres of the economy. Comparisons are given of trends by the development of the Russian and world economies on the dynamics of gross domestic product (GDP) and other macroeconomic indicators. The forecasts of macroeconomic indicators for 2018–2019 are given.

Social and Economic Crisis in Russia. Subtotals

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Social and Economic Crisis in Russia. Subtotals

In 2009, the “Economic Strategies” published an article on the crises in Russia [1]. Then there were five crises, including the 2008 crisis. The crisis that began in 2014, in our opinion, is the sixth. Exactly this crisis will be discussed in the present article. We shall consider the socio-economic situation in Russia in 2015. And the main emphasis will be made on the state and prospects of the real sector of the domestic economy. The real sector, according to Adam Smith [2], means extraction of raw materials, production of all types of goods, energy resources, housing and communal services and agriculture. Rendering various services, including financial services, is not considered to be the real sector. The article consists of three parts. The first part is dedicated to external economic and political situation around the Russian Federation. The second part will consider the main processes that took place in the real sector. In the third part, we’ll answer the question of the possible situation evolution in 2016–2017.

New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

The paper presents an original interpretation of both economy at large and current economic reality, fraud with dramatic changes which may entail the transformation of economy into post-economy or technomy. The author views the economy as a value-driven phenomenon of active consciousness within which it is implemented accepting specific digital (monetary) expression. The author argues that at the basis of any economic organization lies the notion of ‘creating chaos’ which, thanks to consciousness as synergy attractor, constantly generates a certain economic order, chaosmos, overcoming initial chaos but not attaining sustainable order of cosmic character. The economy is chronically changeable either towards growth and development or towards decline and stagnation. Here the negentropy is combined with entropy, thus reflecting the apocalyptic nature of economy, where crisis is a natural anomaly. Overall economic self-organization, or self-governing, is necessarily coupled with assertive selective organization, or management (various forms of dirigizm). In general, the organization of economy is not only diversified, but also is much more large-scale than economy itself; it is bound to be supported by an external organization, mainly not economic one but institutional, legal, governmental, political, etc. Managerial ecology of economy implies taking into consideration the importance of economic self-governance through dirigizm; managing the economy is only possible on the basis of self-governnance combined with economic freedom. Massive introduction of computing and analytical devices in economic processes creates an opportunity not only for greater administrative efficiency in the economy but also for the replacement of economic organization proper (homo-socio-value type) with non-economic technotronic organization, and of the economy with technomy. Hence, there exist a probability of transgressive revolution in the economy and then in the society. Presently, world economy, undergoing overall qualitative and organizational crisis, is on the brink of transition from uni-centered global type to the poly-centered integrated one, which, in turn, will put an end to the dominance of the US dollar, the Wall Street, the USA and the West.

Economy: Realities and Illusions

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Economy: Realities and Illusions

Economic science, which incorporates cognitive illusions of XIX-XX centuries, cannot give an adequate idea of the current economic reality and requires decisive revision. Economy in reality is different, perceived and described not so scientifically, mathematically, based on models, that is, physically, but post-scientifically, over the limits, which is the same — metaphysically.