On the System of Goals and Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Eurasian Economic Union

#7. Hysteresis Loop
On the System of Goals and Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Eurasian Economic Union

The present scientific article, based on applying geo-civilizational reproductive-cyclical macro-model, proposes a System of Goals (Goals tree) for sustainable development of the Eurasian civilization and the main strategy directions to achieve them. On the basis of the World Bank statistics an analysis by five factors (coordinated with the structure of civilizations genotype) is carried out: socio-demographic, agrifood, energyecological, scientific-technological and economic.

Economic Development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Member States in the International Ratings System

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Economic Development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Member States in the International Ratings System

One of the information sources for analyzing and evaluating the countries’ competitive positions are the reports of international rating agencies and institutions. In 2016 the Eurasian Economic Commission prepared the analytical report assessing the level of economic development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Member States in the international ratings system. In the framework of the work carried out not only the position of each country was analyzed, but the EAEC consolidated position as a weighted average value in proportion to the contribution of the Member State in the aggregate GDP of the Union was also calculated.

Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

The article is dedicated to the reforms of the outstanding Russian statesman Pyotr Stolypin. It reflects realized and missed opportunities to reform the complex socio- economic system of the Russian empire, its economy, social structure , the Army, the Navy, the institutional sphere in general. The article the necessity and the possibility of applying some of the reform approaches and methods of the early 20st century in Russia to the modern practice of reforming and developing the domestic economy.

Regions on the Edge of a Debtor’s Prison

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Regions on the Edge of a Debtor’s Prison

In developing the Russian regions rating methodological apparatus of “Strategic Matrix of the Russian Federation region” was used, developed by the International League of strategic management, assessment and accounting in partnership with the Institute for Economic Strategies. Its functional purpose is not simply to reflect the current level of the regions development. The main objective is to ensure the strategic planning process, allowing to take account of the market situation variability and to choose with high degree of reliability the optimal strategies of regional development from the number of available alternatives.