Monetary Policy in Russia Reduces Economic Activity during the Period of its Growth – isn’t this a Success?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.48-55

The article dwells on the policy of the Central Bank of Russia to suppress inflation and ensure stable economic growth. The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of the key interest rate on inflation and economic growth in Russia, to specify the negative consequences of its increase. Methodology is based on the theory of monetary policy and economic growth. The overall result obtained is that the current policy of increasing the k ey interest rate in Russia has a negative impact on economic development and is less successful in suppressing inflation than some economists and analysts expect. Moreover, it slows down economic growth, reproduces the growth of inequalit y over a long period, revealing a weakly positive effect in influencing inflation and a negative cumulative ef fect on the rate of economic growth. The approach from the perspective of “distributed control” and the cumulative ef fect, used in the article, makes it possible to reveal the joint dynamics of a number of relevant parameters that characterize and reflect the content and ef fectiveness of monetary policy in Russia. The proposal is that various policy instruments should be subordinated to the task of the real economy growth, supplying it with financial capital, against which the policy of a debt economy with a high interest rate works.


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3. Glazyev S.Yu. Kak denezhno-kreditnaya politika ugnetaet ekonomicheskiy rost v Rossii i Evraziyskom ekonomicheskom soyuze [How Monetary Policy Is Suppressing Economic Growth in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal, 2022, no 2, pp. 4–20.

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5. Analitiki TsB zayavili o predposylkakh dlya umen’sheniya peregreva v ekonomike [Central Bank Analysts have Announced Preconditions for Reducing Overheating in the Economy]. Interfax, 2024, 3 sentyabrya, available at:

6. Tseny, inflyatsiya. Potrebitel’skie tseny [Prices, Inflation. Consumer Prices]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

7. Klyuchevaya stavka i stavka refinansirovaniya [Key Rate and Refinancing Rate]. Garant, available at:

8. Denezhnaya massa M2 (natsional’noe opredelenie) [Money Supply M2 (National Definition)]. EMISS. Gosudarstvennaya statistika, available at:

Dental practice as a type of economic activity: conceptual apparatus and content in digital competition

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.42-48

The necessity of actualization the concepts in part of stomatological practice in a changing economic paradigm is substantiated. A conceptual apparatus has been developed that reflects the role, place and functionality of dental practice in the economy of our country. The semantic load of the specified categories corresponds to the prevailing economic conjuncture and established norms of economic practice. The use of specified categories in professional activities will allow scientists and practitioners to avoid misunderstandings, to achieve mutual understanding regarding the interpretation of organizational, economic, regulatory, medical, dental, and other aspects of the studied type of activity.Right arrangement of content will contribute to the intensive development of dental practice and the solution of priority tasks in terms of its regulation.

Information Model for Strategic Management of Navigation Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.82-88

Development of information technologies allows us to address challenges of different class, ranging from optimizing the execution of individual transactions to building systems for implementing the strategy at the enterprise level or a set of organizations. With an increase in the task scale, proportion of factors that do not fall into the control zone increases, however, with the growing information maturity of the economy, there are less and less zones of inaccessibility. The article dwells on the management model of engineering services on the example of navigation services provided by satellite systems. In order to build economic models the author considers possibilities of applying the life cycle model to implement a customer-oriented approach, as well as opportunities models for optimizing internal processes and interacting with suppliers. As a result of transition from a planned system of economic activity to market mechanisms in the Russian economy, production food chains that unite a large number of different enterprises were disrupted. The article shows how the use of information models can contribute to solving accumulated problems

Calculation of Medium-Term Cycles of Economic Activity Based on Regional Statistics

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Calculation of Medium-Term Cycles of Economic Activity Based on Regional Statistics

The article presents analysis results of medium-term economic cycles, calculated on the basis of statistical data of one of the regions of the Russian Federation. For analysis, the average cycles of Simon Kuznets (construction cycles), the small investment cycles of economic activity of Clement Juglar and short business cycles of Joseph Kitchin are taken. Bringing together the graphs of three cycles shows the convergence at the bottom point of three medium-term economic cycles in the period of 2019–2020. A conclusion is made about the need for investment growth in 2018. Also a graph is given with a large cycle of capital accumulation by Giovanni Arrighi, characterizing the cyclical change in the model of world development in connection with transition to a new dominant resource, as a result of which the country — the world leader — changes. Thus, according to J. Arrighi, the American cycle should be replaced by the Asian one, which is why 2018 is designated as the year of beginning of the active phase of the US struggle to maintain its domination. According to the authors, realization of J. Arrighi’s cycle took place meanwhile the center of the world’s money emission was moving following the center of world commodity production. It is concluded that the considered cyclicity will be the background for pursuing the economic policy in the regions of Russia, but will not determine it.

Dogmatism and Scientific Revolution in the Economy

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Dogmatism and Scientific Revolution in the Economy

Economy as an eternally living system does not stabilize at the equilibrium point, but passing through a structural crisis and renewing its technological and institutional framework, enters the new trajectory of growth. That is why, reduction of economic reality to search for equilibrium, applied by market fundamentalists, resembles attempts of medieval physiologists to disclose the mystery of life with the help of pathologic anatomy. Author of the article shows that neoclassical positive analysis, revolving around the doctrine of market equilibrium, is essentially a pseudo-scientific religion, substantiating the sacred right of private property. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to stop paying attention to the market fundamentalist demagogy and to pass to pragmatic economic policy in national interests — to implement a program of growth proposed by Stolypin club.

Sergey Yulievich Witte. Uncomfortable Lessons