Analysis approaches to assessing digital inequality of education systems

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.32-49.

In the new economic conditions such as globalization, the information revolution, and the growing need for a highly skilled workforce, countries are increasingly shifting priority to education. Digitalization, as a modern trend in the development of the world economy and society, also has an influence on the education system. However, it is difficult to make cross-country comparisons in the area of digital competitiveness because there are no common approaches to assessing the digital divide, which is shifting from the gap in access and connectivity to ICT to the knowledge gap. To consider various aspects of digitalization of education systems, it is important to identify the countries that are most advanced in this issue. With this in mind, to determine global trends of digital education it is advisable to carry out their classification by characteristics reflecting the differences between these digital systems. However, the absence of such system-forming features makes classification difficult. Therefore, it is important to identify factors that can serve as a basis for classifying the world’s education systems by their level of digitalization. There are no methodological approaches to measuring digital inequality in education systems in international practice. This work is an attempt to identify indicators that would allow us to compare global educational models in terms of creating conditions for learning using ICT. As a result, the relationship between the digital gap in access and connection to ICT and the digital inequality of national education systems is determined, and the comparison of national education systems using digital gap indicators is carried out.

Strategy for the True Digital Transformation of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.100-107

The article substantiates the doubt on constructiveness of the existing approach to digital transformation of Russian society. The author proposes types of solutions, which should become the basis for developing the strategy of its actual transformation. It will allow to set requirements not only for application, but also for digital technologies development and to protect society from lagging behind and imitating world economic trends. Outlining the strategic view on goal-setting, the author proceeds from understanding the essence of relationship between the technologies development and development of a society as a culture. The material is developed based on the methods of conceptual analysis and design of organizational management systems

Thorny Path or Why the State Should Not “Wait” for the Digital Platforms Advent

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.106-113

Era of digital changes concerns everybody. Under the slogan of digitalization government bodies have begun implementation of national projects understood mainly as creation of GIS, infrastructure and electronic services. Big business, sensing new profitable opportunities, is trying its hand in building platforms and developing new technologies, gradually filling up the digital space and leaving less and less space for implementing the duties, assigned to state bodies by the Constitution, in new economic environment. At the same time, there is a growing expansion of “our Western partners”, especially in industry areas. Only small and medium-sized businesses remained aloof from digitalization — this segment of economy has simply got neither desire nor the capital. The state bodies’ operation according to old patterns, expectation that business will draft and develop everything on its own, and ministries and departments will only have to choose and promote the “best cases”, generating presentations on forums instead of real steps demonstrates confusion of our “digital leaders”, the lack of clear vision of the existing processes transformation and further development of public administration in the context of digital economy. We call your attention to an article that will reveal the approach to creating a new economic management model — state digital platforms. Described solutions are shown by the authors using the example of the transport and logistics complex of the Russian Federation

Digitalization of Economy and Energy Sector: Prospects and Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.96-105

The article discusses the main prospects and problems of developing digitalization concept not only of Industry 4.0 (fourth generation), but also of all units of the new civilization based on energy-informational conception of ecos — our planetary home, including the economy (economic activity system), ecology (system of harmonization of human relations with the environment) and energy sector as a system of life support and vital activity itself in this house

Where are You Going, Russia?

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.58-69

To answer the question “Whither goest thou, Russia?”, the authors analyzed the period of the neoliberal reformation in the social and economic aspects. They summed up the political confrontation that had taken place in the “tumultuous” 1990s and identified the main trends towards the integral development of the Russian Federation for the near to medium terms. A situation that first occurred in the country, when the systems scientific and mental approaches are not in the binary opposition, but they are interacting research technologies, holds out hope for a success in studying the complicated actors of social life. In the authors’ opinion, for Russia’s successful development one can need a sovereignty of the State and society, to support creative directions in the intellectual sphere, to return the masses to active politics and to restore a direct and honest dialogue between the Government and civil society, otherwise there would be no way to save a considerable stratum of the population from a metacognitive bias with regard to their hope for a social and just transformation of society

When Digital Boom Falls Down: Two Stratagems for Public Administration

#2. Breakthrough Betting
When Digital Boom Falls Down: Two Stratagems for Public Administration

2018 did not bring a significant breakthrough in the Russian digital economy development, the boom is being replaced by disappointment. Digital transformation as a process of cardinal change is gradually being superseded by numeralization or digitalization, that is, simply by converting “everything” into digital form. At the same time, practical issues concerning approaches of the state bodies to implementation of digital economy plans both in the nearest future and in the 5–10 years prospect, stay out of the attention zone. Of paramount importance becomes the discussion by the authorities not about the processes of effective changes in the economy, but the accelerated introduction of foreign digital technologies or provision of services on digital platforms. The article proposes to discuss two stratagems that will allow the government bodies of the Russian Federation to consolidate their leadership position in the digital transformation process, not only by implementing control and supervisory functions, but also through providing greater economic opportunities to large, medium and small businesses based on numeral.

Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

The article publishes research results of the strategic behavior of modern organizations in the field of human resources management in terms of digitalization. The study sample — 250 companies from the Forbes list in 2008. The annual reports data of organizations in the selected years was used as the main research material. Within the study framework, it is hypothesized that in conditions of digitalization substantial shifts occur in the systems of strategic HR management of organizations.

All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

#2. Breakthrough Betting
All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

The article is a review of strategic trends of the past year, which has become traditional for the Economic Strategies magazine. According to the authors, despite the fact that the year was not particularly remarkable, a number of significant events occurred. The main trend of the year was the confrontation of President Trump and the Democrats. This reflects the trend of cyclical development, when at a certain point a concentration of efforts of one or another nation occurs, and, if it is successful, then external expansion follows. Currently, the US foreign expansion, called globalization, does not have sufficient resources for its continuation. The authors describe the situation in nine different areas of the country’s life, corresponding to parameters of the national integral power: economics, foreign policy, army, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, government.

Quantum of the Production Digitization

#1. Minds Confusion
Quantum of the Production Digitization

Today, society is moving from generating income through digital platforms to digitizing the means of production at all levels. Transformation of the former monopoly enterprises into more competitive and flexible structures is the means and goal of the digitalization process. Politicians of 2017 provide the legal and institutional basis for the Russian entrepreneurs’ global leadership in the field of digital solutions. Successful implementation focuses on three main areas: expanding national economic opportunities, drawing regions together with the help of digital infrastructure and identifying trends in the global digital order. Trade, of course, is associated with the network, which is one of the synonyms used to describe the virtual sphere in certain languages. Trade and market are organically non-hierarchical and open classical structures. Synchronization of the digital space is carried out in bilateral and multilateral forums. The main issue is balancing digital sovereignty and security of national users with integration into the global economy. Eliminating the block structure in economy and simplifying networks is part of the digital revolution. A new form of development is the geo-economic model of a cluster network.

Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

#6. For the High Norm
Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

Most of the business conferences today are organized around the theme “How we realized the importance of Big Data and became the most successful in our market”. It is safe to say that since 2015, the business has been covered by a wave of so-called hype about digital technologies, and those who create these technologies have taken dominant positions in the economy structure. If we take the Fortune-100 list for the 1960s, we’ll find that about 80% of the companies on this list have ceased to exist, and one of the reasons for this is denying inevitability of digitalization.