Innovation Cluster as an Institution for Developing Russia’s Innovative Economy


Supply support policy, which is becoming more and more relevant in Europe and America due to overheated demand, is also relevant for Russia. At the same time, active growth of the state’s information capabilities can be used to mutually coordinate the goals of social and economic development under condition of the focus on integrated development of the innovation environment and in case when the innovation cluster is the optimal institution. First of all, it forms the structure of innovative industry with a wide layer of small and medium-sized businesses, reducing transaction costs. Secondly, the combination of competition and cooperation in a cluster is especially advantageous in the innovation culture of Russia, which is distinguished by the intrinsic value of mastery and innovative community. Thirdly, the cluster makes possible to resolve a conflict between digital platforms and local economy, using the advantages of digitalization and localization to meet mutual interests that contributes to the public welfare growth.


1. Obzor mezhdunarodnoi praktiki podderzhki ekonomiki i naseleniya v usloviyakh bor’by s pandemiei koronavirusa v Armenii, Velikobritanii, Germanii, Danii, Ispanii, Italii, Kazakhstane, Kitae, Niderlandakh, SShA, Finlyandii, Frantsii, Shvetsii, Yuzhnoi Koree, Yaponii [Review of International Practice of Supporting the Economy and the Population in the Context of Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic in Armenia, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Netherlands, USA, Finland, France, Sweden, South Korea, Japan], available at:

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3. Makhalina O.M., Makhalin V.N. Svoevremennye i adekvatnye mery po podderzhke ekonomiki i naseleniya Rossii v period pandemii [Timely and Adequate Measures to Support the Economy and Population of Russia During the Pandemic]. Vestnik RGGU. (Seriya: Ekonomika. Upravlenie. Pravo), 2021, no 1, pp. 56–70.

4. Vlasova V., Roud V. Cooperative Strategies in the Age of Open Innovation: Choice of Partners, Geography and Duration. Foresight and STI Governance, 2020, vol. 14, no 4, pp. 80–94, DOI: 10.17323/2500-2597.2020.4.80.94.

5. Bator F.M. Fine Tuning. In: Eatwell J., Milgate M., Newman P. (eds) The World of Economics. The New Palgrave, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1991, available at:

6. Minski Kh. Stabiliziruya nestabil’nuyu ekonomiku [Stabilizing Unstable Economy]. Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, fakul’tet svobodnykh iskusstv i nauk SPbGU, 2017, 624 p.

7. Berdin A.E., Berdina M. Regional’nye osobennosti razvitiya osobykh ekonomicheskikh zon. Na primere stran latinoamerikanskogo regiona [Regional Specific Features of Development of Special Economic Zones. On the Example of the Latin American Countries]. Latinskaya Amerika, 2021, no 3, pp. 33–54.

Digitalization of the process of electricity consumption in residential buildings of the Arctic zone

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.75-84

The article identifies negative factors affecting the economic state and development of electricity industry in Murmansk Oblast cities and towns and provides a rationale for smart systems of energy consumption management based on digitalisation of the metering process. In particular, the high demand for and the scarcity and inefficient use of energy in the Arctic have laid the groundwork for the Smart House Project within the National Projects for Housing and Urban Environment and Digital Economy. Key results of the project include a reduction in consumer debt for energy, reduced costs of reading and processing data from electricity meters, increased efficiency of enforcing energy consumption restrictions, increased economic efficiency of the sector, and safety for people living in residential houses.


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3. National Project Data Sheet: Housing and Urban Environment (2018). approved by the Board of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the RF President. Protocol of 24.12.2018 №16. Official website for legal information. URL:

4.  National Project Data Sheet: National Programme for a Digital Economy in the Russian Federation.  Аpproved by the Board of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the RF President. Protocol of 04.06.2019 №7. Official website for legal information. URL:

5. Bodrunov S., Demidenko D., Plotnikov V. Reindustrialization and the formation of the «Digital economy»: harmonization of trends through the process of innovative development // Managerial consulting. 2018;2 (110):43-54. (In Russ.).

6. Bodrunov S., Plotnikov V., Vertakova, Y. Technological Development as a Factor of Ensuring the National Security // Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference — Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth. Madrid. 2018. 8-9 November. pp.66-74.

7. Kelchevskaya N., Shirinkina E. Regional determinants of effective use of human capital in the digital economy // Economy of Region.2019;15(2):465-482. (In Russ.).

8.  Skotarenko O., Babkin A., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the region, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 302 (1). 6 August. kod 012147

9. Frolov D., Lavrentyeva A. Цифровая экономика как объект регулирования: взгляд институциональной теории // Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2019;15(4)33-44. (In Russ.).

Digital transformation in the context of socio-economic development of regions: problems and prospects

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.65-74

The article defines the purpose of the study, which is to identify the most pressing problems of digital transformation at the regional level. A brief description of the digital transformation strategies of several subjects of the Russian Federation, differing in the level of socio-economic development, is presented. The authors also present a comparative analysis of the regions in six mandatory areas of digitalization. It is concluded that it is necessary to create an appropriate infrastructure, including new models of interaction between business, scientific organizations, authorities and, as a result, the formation of a high level of public confidence in the reliability and security of digital infrastructure.


1. Voronina E.V., Ushakova E.V., Fugalevich E.V. Digital transformation of the activities of regional authorities as a form of crisis mitigation // Creative Economy. 2022;16(1):37. (In Russ.). doi: 10.18334/ce.16.1.114146

2. Dobrolyubova E.I., Yuzhakov V.N., Efremov A.A., Klochkova E.N., Talapina E.V., Startsev Ya.Yu. Digital future of public administration based on results.  M.: Publishing house «Delo» RANEPA, 2019.  pp. 37-38. (In Russ.).

3.  Pechatkin V.V., Vildanova L.M. The level of digitalization of types of economic activity as a factor of their competitiveness in a pandemic // Issues of innovative economics.  2021;11(1):48. (In Russ.).

4.  On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. URL:

5.  Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of St. Petersburg: approved at an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development and Project Activities in St. Petersburg, protocol No. 6 of 25.08.2021. URL:

6. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Tatarstan: approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 18, 2021, No. 748. URL:

7. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Kurgan region: approved by the Order of the Government of the Kurgan region of August 19, 2021, No. 161-r. URL: //

8. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Oryol region: approved by the Order of the Governor of the Oryol region dated August 20, 2021, No. 54-r. URL:;base=RLAW127;n=77576#uaYyXwSTwaUqy3rJ

9. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Kalmykia for the period 2022-2024: approved by the Decree of the Republic of Kalmykia dated August 16, 2021, No. 36. URL:

Housing and Construction Ecosystem: Technological Breakthrough


Based on methodological analysis and extensive empirical data involved, the article proposes an original approach to developing initial positions for the concept of forming housing and construction ecosystems. The main criteria for evaluating feasibility of using a new organizational form for implementing the plans to achieve strategic socio-economic goals, facing the country, and realizing a long-term development strategy for the construction industry as well as for housing and communal services are considered. It is proposed to choose technological engineering as a core of the construction ecosystem. The article formulates a number of practical recommendations



1. My govorim o programme razvitiya Sibirskogo regiona na desyatiletiya [We are Talking About the Development Program of the Siberian Region for Decades]. RBK, 2021, September, 6, available at:

2. Grishkin I.I. Ponyatie informatsii [The Notion of Information]. Moscow, Nauka, 1973, p. 12.

3. Vanisova E. Transformatsiya nauki v element marketinga ne bezobidna [Transformation of Science into an Element of Marketing is not Harmless]. NG-nauka, 2021, September, 22.

4. Chto takoe ekosistema [What is Ecosystem]. Profil’, 2021, no 48–49, December, 20, p. 48.

5. Tsutsumi S. Puti peremen [Pathways of Change]. Moscow, Progress, 1982, p. 97.

6. Proraby perekroiki [Foremen of Redrawing]. Kommersant”, 2021, December, 16, available at:

7. Mysli-NeMysli [Thoughts-NonThoughts]. Telegram, 2021, December, 9, available at:

8. Esli ty ne umeesh’ byt’ developerom, to stanovis’ podryadchikom [If You Can’t Be a Developer, then Become a Contractor]. Kommersant”, 2022, January, 12, available at:

9. Putin: stroitel’nyi kompleks stanet lokomotivom rosta pri vosstanovlenii ekonomiki [Putin: the Construction Complex will Become a Locomotive of Growth in the Economy Recovery]. TASS, 2020, April, 16, available at:

10. Borisov D. Drugogo kachestva stroika [Construction of a Different Quality]. Vedomosti, 2022, January, 26, available at:

11. Shokhina E. Renovatsiya s shirokim radiusom porazheniya [Renovation with a Wide Radius of Damage]. Vedomosti, 2020, September, 21, available at:

12. Shokhina E. Rossiiskoi ekonomike ne khvataet slozhnosti [Russian Economy Lacks Complexity]. Vedomosti, 2020, September, 29, available at:

13. Korolev N. AT Consulting obluchat investitsiyami [AT Consulting will be Irradiated with Investments]. Kommersant”, 2021, December, 20, available at:

Antimonopoly Regulation: Priorities in Changing World


The article focuses on changes in global markets induced by digitalization of economy that caused new challenges to antimonopoly regulation. In this context, the author considers digital platforms and use of algorithmic pricing by economic entities. The author proposes to delineate between different types of platforms and their classification in platforms — exchanges or trade spots and multisided markets and to assess the impact of both types on competition. The article also considers the use of digital algorithms by entities as a factor of concerted conduct and implicit collusion among the market participants. In this context, the author attempts to assess the influence of humans and algorithms on sustainability of implicit collusion.

Both problems are considered in the context of global scale of entities. It limits possibilities of law enforcement against their monopolistic conduct by national competition authorities, as well as national sovereignty when faced with global corporations. In conclusion, the author stresses the necessity of search of new means of countering monopolization in digital markets


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7. Kai-uwe K hn & Steve Tadelis, Algorithm Collusion. CRESSE, 2017, available at:

Development of the Strategic Management System in the Context of Digitalization


The introduction of digital technologies has a significant impact on the development of the entire public administration system and its most important element — the strategic planning system. Modern digital intelligent technologies and the work of government bodies based on the advanced achievements of management science and the unity of methodological approaches make it possible to raise the strategic planning system to a qualitatively new level. The key to success is the coordinated development of both the public administration system itself and the nationwide information and control systems. The authors, based on the analysis of the content of strategic management activities and the information used for this activity, formulated general approaches to the choice of information technologies to ensure the implementation of the stages of strategic  management.


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2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 8 noyabrya 2021 g. N 633 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoi politiki v sfere strategicheskogo planirovanii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2011 No. 633 “On Approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”]. Garant, available at:

3. Kudryashova E.V. Informatsionnye tekhnologii dlya strategicheskogo planirovaniya v Rossii: etapy razvitiya i perspektivy [Information Technology for Strategic Planning in Russia: Development Stages and Prospects]. Gosudarstvennaya vlast’ i mestnoe samoupravlenie, 2021, no 2, pp. 36–40.

4. Andreeva Z.K., Baryshnikov P.Yu., Zhurenkov D.A., et al. Strategicheskoe tselepolaganie v situatsionnykh tsentrakh razvitiya [Strategic Goal-setting in Situational Development Centers]. Pod red. V.E. Lepskogo, A.N. Raikova. Moscow, Kogito-Tsentr, 2018, 320 p.

5. Kupryashin G.L., Shramm A.E. O printsipakh datatsentrizma, setetsentrizma i komandnotsentrizma v kontekste informatizatsii gosudarstvennogo upravleniya [On Principles of Data, Network, and Chain-Of-Command Centricity in the Context of Digital Governance]. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Elektronnyi vestnik, vyp. 76, 2019, October.

6. Zatsarinnyi A.A., Il’in N.I., Kolin K.K., et al. Situatsionnye tsentry razvitiya v polisub”ektnoi srede [Situational Development Centers in a Multi-subject Environment]. Problemy upravleniya, 2017, no 5, pp. 31–42.

7. Kaplan R., Norton D. Strategicheskie karty. Transformatsiya nematerial’nykh aktivov v material’nye rezul’taty [Strategic Maps. Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Results]. Moscow, Olimp-Biznes, 2005, 512 p.

8. Kaplan R., Norton D. Sbalansirovannaya sistema pokazatelei. Ot strategii k deistviyu [The Balanced Scorecard. From Strategy to Action]. Moscow, Olimp-Biznes, 2017, 320 p.

Digitalization: Sociology and Law, Concept and Practice of Socialization


The article highlights the short history of the Russian and world digitalization in details, focusing on the identified problems and priorities, which must be resolved if to successfully build and further effectively function information society in all its aspects.

The theoretical part has formed important opinions and ideas about the topic under study and shows that the spread of digital technology in all spheres of life is evidence of an active stage in the transition of human civilization from an industrial development stage to a digital one with social reality relevant to it. An analysis to identify the process of digitalizing human civilization’s linear development vector based on creating an indicative planning system allowed the author to conclude that there is a long-awaited transition to a purposeful scientific management of society and the state.

As it follows from the title of the article, legal coverage and all-round socialization are dominant in providing a successful solution to many challenges of digitalization. Russia’s political class is fully aware of the need to develop legal provisions, which are able to successfully prevent and mitigate possible threats to information society. It is primarily about the data breach related to both the functioning of the State and corporate/personal data. But the proposed draft legal acts of various kinds do not provide enough insight into how these protective, desirably preventive measures will be globally and nationally ensured.

Digitalization offers great opportunities for a rapid economic and social recovery to society. Developing information and communication technology gives an unprecedented rise in productivity, creates new forms of work organization, ensures conditions for increased trade in goods and services, offers infinite possibilities for education, communication between representatives of various societies and cultures, community commitment and network. The challenges of digitalization are so complicated that they do not seem possible to be solved by legal precedents without enhancing the population’s moral upbringing. The efforts of the really responsible citizens, the users of digital technology, the Internet initially can only effectively confront a new global digital environment in which there are opportunities to act rather immorally while at the same time anonymously and with impunity. We shall have to act gradually, but as strict as possible in the domestic and international legalization of the “digital environment”, paying a special attention to its moral dimension and the creation of particular barriers for ethical violations.



1. Moiseev N.N. S myslyami o budushchem Rossii [Thinking About the Future of Russia]. Moscow, Fond sodeistviya razvitiyu sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh nauk, 1997, pp. 59–60.

2. Pochemu Mask ne da Vinchi. Kasperskaya — o tsifrovom kontrole i “kloune” iz SShA [Why Musk is not da Vinci. Mrs Kaspersky — About Digital Control and the “Clown” from the USA]. Argumenty i fakty, 2021, June, 25, available at:

Digitalization as a driver for the development of oil and gas companies in modern conditions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.74-79

The article provides a justification for the feasibility of introducing digital technologies into the oil and gas industry, which nowadays experiencing a period of tightening competition because of falling oil prices, complicating the conditions for geological exploration and oil production, the development of «green» energy. There is a downward trend in demand for oil and petroleum products, which forces oil and gas companies to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of oil production in order to withstand pressure from competitors. For these purposes, many oil and gas companies are digitalizing their business processes. As the advantages of digitalization of the industry, the article discusses the reduction of costs for exploration and production of oil, and as barriers – underdeveloped infrastructure, a lack of highly qualified personnel and cyber threats.

Characteristics of the Korean transnational corporations’ activities in the modern conditions of development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.47-54

The article is an analysis of the features of the key players, development in the South Korean economy – chaebols, which have become the leaders in the production of science-intensive products and have turned into transnational corporations that own a significant share of the world market. The key strategic lines of the current stage of operation of Samsung, Hyundai, LG and POSCO, as well as the impact of the pandemic on their key indicators, are investigated and identified.

Institutional Barriers to the Innovations Introduction in Implementing the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” Program

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.36-43

The institutional environment study makes it possible in an era of high uncertainty to identify patterns that impede changes, implementation of which currently determines not only performance indicators, but is also critical for survival. Based on analysis of the current state of the digital economy development in the Russian Federation, taking into account experience of the first half of 2020, as well as approaches to organization and performance indicators of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” national program, assumptions are made regarding the main components of the institutional environment for digital transformation. Institutional barriers, that impede economic growth as a result of increased informatization of processes, were compared. The main reason for the formation of institutional barriers is considered to be the low speed of response, the delay in transformation of the institutional environment in relation to establishment that ensures the maximum positive effect of applying digital technologies