Strategizing Education Development in the Context of Digital Transformation: European Experienc

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.64-69

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a powerful additional incentive for digitalization of education. The article examines the example of strategizing education development through the prism of digitalization presented by the European Union. In the context of increasing global competition for talent in the IT field, the European Union recognizes the current pace of IT personnel training as insufficient and aims to introduce effective measures to attract IT talent from all over the world. This poses a threat of intensified “brain drain” from Russia, which must be taken into account when strategizing the education development in Russia.


1. Good K.D. Multimedia. Digital Roots: Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age. In G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer, &C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.). Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 59–75.

2. Rensfeldt A.B., Rahm L. Automating Teacher Work? A History of the Politics of Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Education. Postdigital Science and Education, 2023, vol. 5, pp. 25–43. DOI: ht tps://

3. European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European economic and social committee and the Committee of the regions 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade. Brussels, 9.3.2021 COM(2021) 118 final. Brussels:

European Commission, 2021, available at:

4. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Agent-orientirovannye modeli kak instrument aprobatsii upravlencheskikh resheniy [Agent-based Models as a Testing Tool for Management Decisions]. Upravlencheskoe konsul’tirovanie, 2016, no 12(96), pp. 16–25.

5. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D., Ageeva A.F. Modelirovanie epidemii COVID-19 — preimushchestva agent-orientirovannogo podkhoda [Simulation of the COVID-19 Epidemic – Advantages of an Agent-Based Approach]. Ekonomicheskie i sotsial’nye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz, 2020, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 58–73.

6. Kvint V.L. Strategicheskoe upravlenie i ekonomika na global’nom formiruyushchemsya rynke [Strategic Management and Economics in a Global Emerging Market]. Moscow, Biznes Atlas, 2012, 626 p.

7. Kvint V.L. Ideya noosfery Vernadskogo i zakonomernosti, predopredelyayushchie formirovanie global’nogo noosfernogo miroporyadka XXI v. [Vernadsky’s Concept of the Noosphere and the Patterns that Predetermine Formation of the Global Noospheric World Order of the 21st Century]. Upravlencheskoe konsul’tirovanie, 2013, no 5(53), pp. 13–19.

8. European Council. EUCO 14/17 CO EUR 17 CONCL 5. Brussels, European Council, 19 October 2017, available at:

9. Kvint V. Strategy for the Global Market: Theory and Practical Applications. N.Y., L., Routledge-Taylor & Francis, 2015.

Strategic Planning in the Face of Digital Transformation Challenges

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.54-61

High dynamics of geopolitical changes, enhanced by expansion of the range of challenges facing the country, have exposed new requirements for government and economic management. The speed with which these requirements should be realized raises the issue of the need for a technological breakthrough in the field of management. And the scale of shifts in the global economy requires special attention to strategic planning, raising its role in the public administration system to a level that will ensure all government bodies’ orientation towards achieving the goals of social development that are being formed right now.

The article dwells on the issues of strategic planning technologization, the challenges to which a new strategic planning system should respond, some risks of digital transformation of the public administration sector and possible directions for overcoming them.


1. Aver’yanov M.A., Evtushenko S.N., Kochetova E.Yu. Tsifrovoe obshchestvo: novye vyzovy [Strategic Planning — Necessary Condition for Developing the Vital Activity of Modern Society]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2017, no 6, pp. 166–175.

2. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 8 noyabrya 2021 g. N 633 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoy politiki v sfere strategicheskogo planirovaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2021 No. 633 “On approval of theFundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”]. Garant, available at:

3. Putin prizval rasshirit’ natsional’nye tseli razvitiya [Putin called for expanding national development goals]. RIA Novosti, 2023, 21 dekabrya, available at:

Cognitive Collective Convergent Engineering. Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.52-61

The article presents an analysis of the fundamental problems of civilizational transit with digital transformation of Industry 4.0 and forms the requirements for methodology and technologies for reassembling transdisciplinary engineering knowledge. The authors propose alternative solutions and counterintuitive approaches to transform reindustrialization based on innovative technologies of cognitive collective convergent engineering – C3 engineering, graph-centric platforms of digital genesis, tools, models and systems of collective intellectual work. The new global trend, proposed by Russia, represents the closing technologies of C3 engineering, which have a colossal socio-political resource of ensuring national sovereignty and leadership with the potential for global technological accession.


5. Budanov V.G. Metodologiya sinergetiki v postneklassicheskoi nauke i v obrazovanii [Methodology of Synergetics in Post-non-classical Science and Education]. Izd. 4-e, dop. Moscow, LENAND, 2017, 272 p.

6. Budanov V.G. Obobshchennaya nauchnaya ratsional’nost’: istoki, struktura, perspektivy v tsifrovuyu epokhu: Antropomernost’ kak vyzov i otvet sovremennosti: Kollektivnaya monografiya [Generalized Scientific Rationality: Origins, Structure, Prospects in the Digital Age: Anthropomension as a Challenge and Response of Modernity: Collective Monograph]. Otv. red. V.G. Budanov. Kursk, Universitetskaya kniga, 2022, pp. 44–62.

7. #Gipergraf:Platforma, RKD [#Hypergraph:Platform, RKD]. Moscow, OOO “GiperGrafGrupp”, 2021.

8. Protocol of demonstration of the control system to representatives of the Kalashnikov Concern [Electronic resource], available at: https://7055ce99-63ff-

9. Taxonomic analysis of mandatory reporting of credit organizations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource], available at:

10. NATO RTO protocols. NATO-RUSSIAN working platform on defense R&T co-operation [Electronic resource], available at: https://7055ce99-63ff-424dab7e-

11. Expertise and reviews [Electronic resource]. M.: HyperGraphGroup LLC, 2021. URL: ht tps://

Cognitive Collective Convergent Engineering. Part I

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.100-109

The article presents an analysis of the fundamental problems of civilizational transit with digital transformation of Industry 4.0 and forms the requirements for methodology and technologies for reassembling transdisciplinary engineering knowledge. The authors propose alternative solutions and counterintuitive approaches to transform reindustrialization based on innovative technologies of cognitive collective convergent engineering – C3 engineering, graph-centric platforms of digital genesis, tools, models and systems of collective intellectual work. The new global trend, proposed by Russia, represents the closing technologies of C3 engineering, which have a colossal socio-political resource of ensuring national sovereignty and leadership with the potential for global technological accession.


1. Kutin V.N. Poema “Dary Tvortsa (Cidempotentnyi monoid)” [Poem “Gifts of the Creator (Сommutative Idempotent Monoid)”]. 2023.

2. Kutin V.N., Khokhlova M.N. Epik feil tsifrovoi transformatsii BigTekha. Gde klyuch k level ap? [Epic Fail of BigTech Digital Transformation. Where is the Key to Level Up?]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no 4, pp. 46–55, DOI:

3. Kutin V.N., Khokhlova M.N. Kak aitishniki “obuvayut” promyshlennikov. A u vas kakaya kollektsiya PPO [How IT Specialists “Shoe” Industrialists. What Kind of Software Collection do you have?]. GiperGrafGrupp, 2022, available at: ht tps://

4. Ma Khuaten. Tsifrovaya transformatsiya Kitaya. Opyt preobrazovaniya infrastruktury natsional’noi ekonomiki [Digital Transformation of China. Experience in Transforming the Infrastructure of the National Economy]. Moscow, Intellektual’naya literatura, 2019.

Japan 2040: Dialectics of Transhumanism and Society of the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.78-93

Analysis of the essence, content and forms of the scenario state of Japan in 2040, reflected in the 11th Scientific and Technical Forecast of NISTEP in 2019, revealed a number of conceptual dialectical contradictions. They narrow down to the question of admissibility and expediency of changing a man’s nature in order to ensure his prosperous, safe, meaningful and happy existence. The author proposes for discussion a conclusion on inevitability of the transhumanization of a mankind on the scale of a single country (Japan) and the whole world, given the nature of the great challenges facing it. The possibility of keeping the historical development in a conditionally humanistic direction is noted, given the emphasis of social reforms in Japan, reflected in the 6th Basic Plan for scientific, technical and innovative development of the country, on building a society for the fullest realization and use of human intellectual potential.


1. The 10th Science and Technology Foresight Scenario Planning from the Viewpoint of Globalization. Summary Report. Science and Technology Foresight Center, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). September, 2015, available at:

2. Report on the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan. Council on Science, Technology and Innovation. Cabinet office, Government of Japan, 2015, December 18, available at:

3. Toward Realization of the New Economy and Society — Reform of the Economy and Society by Deepening of the “Society 5.0” — Outline. Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), 2016, April 19, available at:

4. Mamed’yarov Z.A. Doroga k “Obshchestvu 5.0” [The Road to Society 5.0]. Ekspert, 2018, no 44, available at:


5. Uemura N.M. “Obshchestvo 5.0” — vzglyad Mitsubishi Electric [Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2017, no 4, pp.

122–131, available at:

6. Mitsubishi Electric predstavila platformu e-F@ctory rossiiskim kompaniyam [Mitsubishi Electric Presented the e-F@ctory Platform to Russian Companies]. OOO “Mitsubisi Elektrik (RUS)”, 2017, 20 iyulya, available at:

7. Overview of Japan’s Green Transformation (GX). GR Japan, 2023, January, available at:

8. Green Transformation (GX). Main points. Tentative translation. Keidanren, 2022, May 17, available at:

9. Kostyukova K.S. “Zelenaya” transformatsiya Yaponii i nekotorye kontury novoi energeticheskoi politiki strany [Elektronnyi resurs]. π-Economy, 2022, vol. 15, no 6, pp. 54–70, DOI:

Development of state regulation of the housing sector: methods and digital solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.29-36

The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop state regulation of the housing sector through the most effective methods and digital solutions aimed at ensuring the availability of housing for the population and improving the living conditions of citizens. The methods of regulation of the housing sector associated with state financial support for certain categories of participants in housing relations are analyzed in detail. In this regard, the need for digitalization of the housing sector and the transformation of production relations and procedures aimed at creating a digital ecosystem was noted. The most significant for the development of methods for regulating the housing sector in the context of digitalization are the State Information System for Housing and Communal Services and the State Services Portal. Based on the analysis of existing methods and digital solutions, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to form complex digital technologies and smooth out differences in the pace of digitalization of the housing sector in megacities and other cities.


1. Providing citizens with social support for paying for housing and utilities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. URL:

2. Evaluation of the business activity of housing developers. URL: https://xn--d1aqf.xn--p1ai/analytics/polls/

3. Shared multi-apartment construction in the Russian Federation URL: https://xn--d1aqf.xn--p1ai/analytics/housing-construction/

4. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 No. 203 «On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030». URL:

5. Botareva E.A. Improving the sector of housing and communal services with the help of GIS housing and communal services. Science of the 21st century: current directions of development. 2022;1-1:10-12. (In Russ.).

6. Silova, Y.A., Poyarkova E.I., Popov A.A. Modification of the functionality of the GIS housing and communal services portal to solve actual problems of BIG DATA in the field of housing and communal services. Economics and business: theory and practice.  2021;12-3 (82):66-72.  (In Russ.). DOI 10.24412/2411-0450-2021-12-3-66-72.

7. Vilenskaya E.V. Features of the use of digital technologies in the housing and communal services. Proceedings of the national scientific and practical conference «Information and technological support for business development in a digital economy». Publishing house: Orel State University of Economics and Trade. 2019. pp. 5-10. (In Russ.).

8. Lychagina A.A., Demenev A.V. Optimization of the housing and communal services sector through technological innovations. Service in Russia and abroad. 2020;14(5):164-174. (In Russ.).

9. Sologubova G.S. Components of digital transformation: monograph. Moscow:   Yurayt, 2018. 141 p. (In Russ.).

Epic Fail of BigTech Digital Transformation. Where is the Key to Level Up? [Epic Fail of Digital Transformation of Transnational Corporations. Where is the Key to a Level up Management?]


World trend of the XXI century — Industry 4.0 and digital platforms. In 2014, General Electric (GE) partnered with Big Tech giants — AT&T, Cisco, IBM and Intel — to take control of the global manufacturing industry created the Industrial Internet Contributors Association (Industry IoT Consortium IIC). By 2021, the IIC included Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Accenture, Huawei, Bosch, EMC, SAP, Siemens, SAS and others. GE together with BigTech created the industrial cloud platform Predix, declaring it to be practically an “operating system” for factories, analogous to Android or iOS in the world of machines, the language of the industrial Internet.

However, in 2020 GE and Predix suffered a devastating fiasco.

The article provides an analysis of the root causes and problems, and formulates the requirements for digital platforms of industrial software. The author describes alternative solutions and new principles for implementing digital transformation of Industry 4.0 based on the closing technologies of digital genesis, graph-centric platforms, tools, models and systems of collective conscious scientifically based balanced management (industrial, corporate, social, state). Closing technologies offered by Russia have got an enormous social and political resource.

Digital transformation in the context of socio-economic development of regions: problems and prospects

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.65-74

The article defines the purpose of the study, which is to identify the most pressing problems of digital transformation at the regional level. A brief description of the digital transformation strategies of several subjects of the Russian Federation, differing in the level of socio-economic development, is presented. The authors also present a comparative analysis of the regions in six mandatory areas of digitalization. It is concluded that it is necessary to create an appropriate infrastructure, including new models of interaction between business, scientific organizations, authorities and, as a result, the formation of a high level of public confidence in the reliability and security of digital infrastructure.


1. Voronina E.V., Ushakova E.V., Fugalevich E.V. Digital transformation of the activities of regional authorities as a form of crisis mitigation // Creative Economy. 2022;16(1):37. (In Russ.). doi: 10.18334/ce.16.1.114146

2. Dobrolyubova E.I., Yuzhakov V.N., Efremov A.A., Klochkova E.N., Talapina E.V., Startsev Ya.Yu. Digital future of public administration based on results.  M.: Publishing house «Delo» RANEPA, 2019.  pp. 37-38. (In Russ.).

3.  Pechatkin V.V., Vildanova L.M. The level of digitalization of types of economic activity as a factor of their competitiveness in a pandemic // Issues of innovative economics.  2021;11(1):48. (In Russ.).

4.  On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. URL:

5.  Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of St. Petersburg: approved at an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development and Project Activities in St. Petersburg, protocol No. 6 of 25.08.2021. URL:

6. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Tatarstan: approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 18, 2021, No. 748. URL:

7. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Kurgan region: approved by the Order of the Government of the Kurgan region of August 19, 2021, No. 161-r. URL: //

8. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Oryol region: approved by the Order of the Governor of the Oryol region dated August 20, 2021, No. 54-r. URL:;base=RLAW127;n=77576#uaYyXwSTwaUqy3rJ

9. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Kalmykia for the period 2022-2024: approved by the Decree of the Republic of Kalmykia dated August 16, 2021, No. 36. URL:

Digitalization of the healthcare sector in Japan based on artificial intelligence technology: key problems and solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.87-102

The article deals with a description and analysis of the policy of modernization of the healthcare sector implemented by the Japanese government on the basis of artificial technology, provides particular examples of some research projects and cases of practical application of the described technologies, identifies problem areas of the policy being implemented and projects being developed.

Modernization of the healthcare sector and medical services based on using of the latest digital technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence technology, is one of the key current global trends. In Russia, the digital transformation of healthcare is defined as one of the key tasks and is carried out within the framework of the National Project «Healthcare».

The study of successful examples of the introduction of artificial intelligence technology, as well as problems that hinder or slow down the integration of this technology and ways to overcome them, can be a valuable lesson for countries also involved in the development of national strategies for the development of artificial intelligence.

Supply chain management of offshore projects in the Arctic based on digital transformation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.76-87

The article provides a comparative assessment of the digital maturity of the leading oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation admitted to work on the Arctic shelf (PJSC Gazprom Neft and PJSC Rosneft) in the exploration and production segment according to the stages of the «thing-digit-thing» cycle, as well as a comparison with leading practices in the field of project logistics on the shelf. It identifies approximate cost-cutting limits of digital transformation in Arctic projects and factors limiting cost efficiency of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic. The goal of the study is to identify a potential increase in digital maturity and scope of digital transformation in the Arctic project supply chain in Russia. The study is based on modern approaches to sustainable supply chain management in oil industry and supply chain streamlining for offshore projects. The article identifies a group of factors limiting cost efficiency of Arctic projects, specific to the Russian Arctic. It is established that the main factor limiting digital transformation of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic is the increasing technological underperformance of oil service companies. To build capacity in digital maturity of the offshore project supply chain, it is necessary to focus on disruptive technologies that could significantly lower the cost of oil production in the Arctic area.