Neurooperating the behavior of cognitive agents based on electronic semantic interpretation of states of consciousness and psyche with the effects of immersion, presence and unity with virtual reality

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.5-12

The article is devoted to the possibility of neurooperating behavior of heterogeneous groups of cognitive agents, which in the conditions of immersion of consciousness in virtual reality is based on the formation of a complex image of quasi-reality in the human mind using the information technology platform of non-invasive neurointerfaces. The necessity of using neural networks and fuzzy logic for identification and analysis of nonlinear neuro-fuzzy approximations of the psychosemantic state of the control object’s personality on the basis of electronic semantization (semantic interpretation) of the States of its consciousness and psyche is justified. It is proposed to develop software tools for quenching or activating, depending on the need, neurophysiological or psychoemotional stress as a source of aggressive behavior in real life, through neuro-linguistic elements and neuro-marketing mechanics with the effects of immersion, presence and unity of the individual with the digital virtual environment.

When the Possibility of Joint Action Come True

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.92-99

The issues of simplifying settlement operations have been and are still facing the participants of both domestic national and international markets. With a certain approach to their use, money can become a special commodity or may take the form of algorithms that apply cloud technologies, the level of volatility of which does not always meet the expectations. The present article outlines views on the possibility of resolving these issues through creating within the economic integration association of a common accounting unit in a digital format that is linked to one of the most liquid types of energy

Architecture of the National Data Management System for Creating Proactive Artificial Intelligence

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.94-104

The article examines two approaches to formation of a national data management system (NDMS). The first approach is based on applying statistical data for predictive analytics to forecast the future. However, to ensure social progress, a proactive approach is required, aimed at creation of such a NDMS, which can be used to build the future implementing moral values. The authors substantiate that a proactive approach should be based on the principles of economic cybernetics, which allow to develop and introduce proactive artificial intelligence (AI) for improving the economic management efficiency. Its core is a Dynamic Model of Interbranch-Intersectoral Balance (MIIB), representing a system of algorithms for matching end consumers’ orders and manufacturers’ capabilities. The MIIB table, which presents all the relationships of economic agents, defines the architecture of the National Data Management System (NDMS) for the proactive AI functioning

Designing Technological Environments and Post-Industrial Revolution

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.25-33

The article dwells on the post-industrial transition from the perspective of designing technological environments. A verified model of fundamentally stable post-industrial society is presented as a unity of two separated social layers: one — created by digital technologies based on measurements of a citizen’s social rating, the other — based on analogue evolution management

Quantum of the Production Digitization

#1. Minds Confusion
Quantum of the Production Digitization

Today, society is moving from generating income through digital platforms to digitizing the means of production at all levels. Transformation of the former monopoly enterprises into more competitive and flexible structures is the means and goal of the digitalization process. Politicians of 2017 provide the legal and institutional basis for the Russian entrepreneurs’ global leadership in the field of digital solutions. Successful implementation focuses on three main areas: expanding national economic opportunities, drawing regions together with the help of digital infrastructure and identifying trends in the global digital order. Trade, of course, is associated with the network, which is one of the synonyms used to describe the virtual sphere in certain languages. Trade and market are organically non-hierarchical and open classical structures. Synchronization of the digital space is carried out in bilateral and multilateral forums. The main issue is balancing digital sovereignty and security of national users with integration into the global economy. Eliminating the block structure in economy and simplifying networks is part of the digital revolution. A new form of development is the geo-economic model of a cluster network.

Digital Technologies in Developing and Producing Weapons, Military and Special Equipment

#8. Ideas Change the World
Digital Technologies in Developing and Producing Weapons, Military and Special Equipment

The article discusses the introduction of digital technologies in the military-industrial complex (MIC). Digital technologies ensure sustainable development and a significant increase in the efficiency of high-tech and high-tech production. The article deals with the problems and basic requirements for the digital production of weapons, military and special equipment, analyzed the depth of penetration of digital technologies in the production processes of the defense industry of Russia, identified promising areas of digitalization of production, considered issues of information security, formulated proposals to address the problems of implementation of digital technologies in the defense industry.

Digital Platform as an Institution of the Technological Breakthrough Era

#5. Longstanding Generation
Digital Platform as an Institution of the Technological Breakthrough Era

The article, for the first time in the domestic economic literature, presents results of the institutional-economic analysis of the unique phenomenon of the new technological order economy — digital platforms (DPs). Digital platform is positioned by the authors as a mediatory transaction institute (organizational attractor), functioning in a hybrid reality. Given the innovative nature of unique features inherent in the digital platforms and the lack of academic research on this topic, it can be stated that DPs are of particular interest for economic science and business practices.

“Soft Power” Like an Effective Tool of Foreign Policy Influence in Conditions of Transition to Multipolarity

#5. Longstanding Generation
“Soft Power” Like an Effective Tool of Foreign Policy Influence in Conditions of Transition to Multipolarity

The article analyzes “soft power” as an instrument for implementing foreign policy strategy in modern conditions; a comparative analysis of the impact of the “soft power” components on the electorate is made; the author analyzes opposite directions of the goal-setting vectors of “soft power” in conditions of total globalization and transition to multipolarity; it is stated that polycentrism determines the self-identification of societies and realization of national interests, the existence and development of historical, linguistic, traditional cultural and ethnic characteristics of nations and peoples, as well as the role of the state as an institution, maintaining social justice, which gives a definite specificity to the mechanism of implementing the “soft power” policy; the article also reflects the increasing role of information space in the context of globalization.

Information Technology as a Key Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Defense Industrial Enterprises in Modern Conditions

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Information Technology as a Key Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Defense Industrial Enterprises in Modern Conditions

The article deals with the problems of the introduction of the digital economy in the defense industry, ensuring sustainable development and a significant increase in the efficiency of their production. Information technologies are the basis of automation of production processes and together with the formation of a single information space allow you to move to a new higher level of production management.

The State and Economy: New Digital Opportunities

#5. Digital Agitation
The State and Economy: New Digital Opportunities

Crisis processes in the economy are often presented as consequences of external factors, and not of inefficient state decisions. The authors of the article propose to consider the economy as a complicated multi-factor system, which should be influenced through state economic regulation. The forthcoming digital transformation of economic processes and immersion of all economic entities in the digital space bring both opportunities and threats for the Russian Federation. Digital images of subjects and digital traces of their interactions in the course of economic processes are beginning to acquire value, becoming digital assets. Using a platform approach in the economy at the state level, on the one hand, will ensure digital sovereignty of the country, and on the other hand it will allow to use digital assets as an accurate and operative information base for modeling economic processes that will provide quality and effectiveness of the state regulation.