The state and prospects of hydrogen energy development within the framework of achieving carbon neutrality as a strategic priority of the national economy of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.18-30

It is shown that the hydrogen economy is considered one of the key directions in the implementation of state decarbonization and carbon neutrality programs today. The technological and organizational and economic aspects of the production of environmentally friendly types of hydrogen are considered, depending on the method of production and the volume of carbon dioxide emissions, namely «green», «yellow», «blue», «turquoise», «brown» and «gray». It has been established that hydrogen technologies are the basis in the foundation of the future global economy, in which environmental protection issues come first, and as a result, the use of hydrogen will become a new driver of development.

It is shown that Russia has a huge potential for hydrogen production and export on a global scale. Therefore, hydrogen technologies are not only talked about in a positive way both at the largest Russian forums, but also as part of the discussion of innovative strategies of the largest Russian companies, but also move on to the practical implementation of a number of government programs and national projects.


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6. Saitova A.A., Ilyinsky A.A., Dzhemilev E.R. Prospects for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Economics. 2023;18(4):423–444.

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8. Chopanov D.A. Hydrogen energy as the future of the energy industry and renewable energy sources. Internauka. 2022;(15-3 (238)):44–45.           

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Methodological features of structuring the subjects of the Russian gas industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.45-52

The article is devoted to approaches to structuring the subjects of the Russian gas industry taking into account the role of the gas industry in the state economy and its unique features. The article discusses global challenges for the Russian gas industry in the conditions of energy transition. An analysis of the structuring of the subjects of the gas industry of Russia is being carried out; foreign experience is being considered with the identification of key features. An author’s approach to structuring the subjects of the gas industry of Russia is offered, combining the strengths of Russian and foreign approaches.


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Rigorousness of the Hydrogen Strategy


The main criterion for classifying hydrogen is the amount of carbon emissions generated during its production. Since only green hydrogen, received from renewable energy sources (RES), can be considered a fuel with a minimal carbon footprint, the article examines the question of to what extent the hydrogen strategies of various countries may be regarded as decarbonized. A typological approach is applied and a framework is established to define the stringency of green hydrogen regulation in national hydrogen strategies based on three parameters: fossil fuel penalties, hydrogen certification and exceptional technology development. According to these parameters, countries are classified into groups depending on the degree of regulation severity. The problems, associated with increasing the strictness of regulation for hydrogen production both at the national and international levels, are identified.



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