Innovation Cluster as an Institution for Developing Russia’s Innovative Economy


Supply support policy, which is becoming more and more relevant in Europe and America due to overheated demand, is also relevant for Russia. At the same time, active growth of the state’s information capabilities can be used to mutually coordinate the goals of social and economic development under condition of the focus on integrated development of the innovation environment and in case when the innovation cluster is the optimal institution. First of all, it forms the structure of innovative industry with a wide layer of small and medium-sized businesses, reducing transaction costs. Secondly, the combination of competition and cooperation in a cluster is especially advantageous in the innovation culture of Russia, which is distinguished by the intrinsic value of mastery and innovative community. Thirdly, the cluster makes possible to resolve a conflict between digital platforms and local economy, using the advantages of digitalization and localization to meet mutual interests that contributes to the public welfare growth.


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Technological Development of the Economy: “Creative Destruction” and Combinatorial Effect

#1. Event Horison
Technological Development of the Economy: “Creative Destruction” and Combinatorial Effect

A strong determinant of modern economic growth from the standpoint of evolutionary economy are new combinations that are considered to be the main generator of technological and institutional changes. However, review and description of economic development on the basis of the principle of “creative destruction” is not satisfactory, since it does not take into account the effects of technologies combination with obtaining a new quality of the economic system in terms of its technological level, affecting the work of specific institutions. Taxonomic approach to describing economic and technological evolution becomes unconvincing, at least insufficient for forming well-founded variants of economic policy of growth and decision-making on managing technological changes. The examples show the influence of the “combinatorial buildup” principle within the observed technological changes, as well as the need to use this principle at the level of both theoretical description of the problem of economic growth and formation of a scientific-technological policy of growth for developed and developing countries.