Comprehensive Approach to Harmonizing the Problem of Sustainable Development of the «Climate — Nature — Society» System

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.114-119

The author examines transformation of the “climate-nature-society” system (CNSS), identifying potential directions for sustainable development and improving the well-being of the Russian population. In this context, an example of the forestry complex shows the key role of the best available technologies in creating social production, minimizing losses, waste and negative impacts on the environment. It is proven that effective implementation of conceptual platforms within the digital economy depends both on the legislative framework and on national policies on environmental management issues that are consistent with the trend of CNSS stable development.


1. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Rossiyskaya ekonomika v nachale 2020 goda: o glubinnykh prichinakh narastayushchego khaosa i komplekse antikrizisnykh mer [The Russian Economy at the Beginning of 2020: About the Underlying Causes of the Growing chaos and a Set of Anti-crisis Measures]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy

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2. Khabibullina Z.R. Tvorcheskiy trud: spetsifika, dinamika razvitiya i kharakteristika sistemnoy transformatsii [Creative Work: Specificity, Dynamics of Development and Characteristics of Systemic Transformation]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii, 2020, no 1, pp. 32–40.

3. Bartalev S.A., Stytsenko F.V. Sputnikovaya otsenka gibeli drevostoev ot pozharov po dannym o sezonnom raspredelenii proydennoy ognem ploshchadi [Satellite Assessment of the Death of Tree Stands from Fires Based on Data on the Seasonal Distribution of the Area Covered by Fire]. Lesovedenie, 2021,

no 2, pp. 115–122.

4. Pavlov P.V. Prigranichnaya torgovlya kak chast’ prigranichnogo sotrudnichestva Rossii s inostrannymi gosudarstvami: problemy administrativnopravovogo

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5. Ryumina E.V. Vklyuchenie ekologicheskogo faktora v traditsionnye otsenki kachestva zhizni [Inclusion of the Environmental Factor in Traditional Assessments of the Quality of Life]. Ekonomika prirodopol’zovaniya, 2020, no 6, pp. 122–129.

6. Kryazhev A.M., Guseva T.V., Tikhonova I.O., et al. Tsellyulozno-bumazhnoe proizvodstvo: ustoychivoe razvitie i formirovanie ekonomiki zamknutogo tsikla [Pulp and Paper Production: Sustainable Development and the Formation of a Closed-cycle Economy]. Ekologiya i promyshlennost’ Rossii, 2020, vol. 24, no 11, pp. 48–53.

7. Broslavskiy L.I. Rossii nuzhen zakon o vozmeshchenii ekologicheskogo vreda [Russia Needs a Law on Compensation for Environmental Damage]. Ekologicheskoe pravo, 2020, no 3, pp. 37–43.

Analasys of FDI Flow in Russian Economy Taking into Account Some Global Trends


The author suggests a non-customary approach to the study and forecasting of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the Global Value Chains (GVC) — within the modern framework of Kondratieff long waves hypothesis. Taking into account long waves (about 40 years), in 2009 the author warned about the possible economic crises in Russia in 2014–2015,2020 and such crises actually happened. There were three economic crises in Russia — 40 years after the world economic crises of 1969, 1974–1975 and 1980. The question is raised about the large-scale spread of COVID-19. Also the author concludes that it is necessary to continue studying long waves approach with the aim of its use in forecasting.

War and World: Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Terms of Hybrid War. Psychoevotional Factors and Psychomatic Medicine in Combating SARS-CoV-2

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.62-69

The article provides a systematic analysis of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the theory of hybrid warfare, identifies the factors of psycho-emotional impact on citizens and society of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The author has formed a hypothesis of the specific influence of the psychoemotional factor in the context of a hybrid war on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic on a global scale, country, society, person; the key directions for preparing the Russian control system for “viral” crises (“second wave”, pandemic, biological warfare, etc.) are highlighted. The critical importance of the integrity of approaches to a person in medicine, an interdisciplinary approach not only to diagnosis, but also to treatment, rehabilitation, accompanying patients and their families — these are new social values

Modern World Crisis and Russia: Diagnostics and Status of Overcoming

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.20-31

The purpose of the study is to generalize the conditions that provoke the economic recession of 2020, taking into account the analysis of the pre-crisis dynamics of the Russian economy according to the parameters characterizing its innovative and technological development. The method of studying the relationships between the relevant development parameters is econometric modeling and regression analysis, which allow to identify the specific characteristics of the crisis in the innovative and technological development of the Russian economy. The analysis of the pre-crisis pattern of the movement of labor resources distracted from old industries in favor of new activities, and created specifically for new types of production. The sensitivity of the level of manufacturability to investments in old and new technologies, the influence of innovative agents on the economic dynamics in Russia are determined. The result of the study is the quantitative estimates obtained, which for the Russian economy, in comparison, for example, with other countries confirm the folding of the innovation process in its systemic dimension. Therefore, the diagnosis of the state of this sphere gives a conclusion about its crisis state. The decrease in the rate of economic growth in Russia was accompanied by a decrease in the number of innovative agents, the diversion of resources from old industries decreased, as did the creation of a new labor resource for new industries.

Agglomeration Confines and Coronavirus Diffusion

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.60-68

In the absence of vaccines the most effective in terms of countering coronavirus (COVID–19) diffusion are the measures aimed at minimizing and limiting the contacts of population (quarantine, isolation, sanitary protection of territories, social distancing), i.e. isolating sources of contagion, shutdown or interruption of transmission and infection routes. For example, restrictions on relocation at the epidemic epicentre in China have reduced the total number of infections in the country by more than 90%. If the measures already implemented will not allow to stop the epidemic development, while taking decisions on restricting transport movement in agglomerations and major cities it is necessary to take into account the importance of maintaining socioeconomic interaction within their territories. This approach is expedient if the population living in the hour and a half automobile accessibility from these cities exceeds 85% of the total region