2022, January — May: Russia in the Context of Slowing Down Socio-economic Development

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-4.184.2022.90-95

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for five months of 2022 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.


1. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii v yanvare — mae 2022 goda: Doklad [Socio-Economic Situation in Russia in January-May 2022: Report]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru/storage/mediabank/osn-05-2022.pdf.

2. Osnovnye parametry stsenarnykh uslovii prognoza sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii na 2023 god i na planovyi period 2024 i 2025 godov [Main Parameters of the Scenario Conditions for Forecasting Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for 2023 and for the Planned Period of 2024 and 2025]. Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya RF, available at: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/file/c56d9cd0365715292055fe5930854d59/scenarnye_usloviya_2023.pdf.

3. Informatsiya o Plenarnom zasedanii Peterburgskogo mezhdunarodnogo ekonomicheskogo foruma s uchastiem Prezidenta RF 17 iyunya 2022 g. [Information on the Plenary Meeting of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum with Participation of the President of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2022]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at: kremlin.ru/events/president/news/68669.

4. Frenkel’ A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Surkov A.A. 2021: stagflyatsiya ili tekhnologicheskii suverenitet — inogo ne dano! [2021: Stagflation or Technological Sovereignty — No Other Choice!]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, no 2, pp. 86–91, DOI: 10.33917/es-2.182.2022.86-91.

2021: Stagflation or Technological Sovereignty — No Other Choice!

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.182.2022.86-91

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for 2021 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out


1. Informatsiya o sotsial’no-ekonomicheskom polozhenii Rossii v yanvare 2022 g.: Doklad [Information on the Socio-Economic Situation in Russia in January 2022: Report]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru/storage/mediabank/osn-01-2022.pdf.

2. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii v yanvare — dekabre 2021 g. [Socio-Economic Situation in Russia in January — December 2021]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, available at:  https://rosstat.gov.ru/storage/mediabank/osn-12-2021.pdf.

3. Informatsiya o soveshchanii u Prezidenta RF o merakh sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi podderzhki sub”ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii 15 marta 2022 g. v rezhime videokonferentsii [Information About the Meeting with the President of the Russian Federation on Measures of Socio-Economic Support for the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation on March 15, 2022 Via Videoconference]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67996.

4. Frenkel’ A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Surkov A.A. 2021: itogi devyati mesyatsev — upushchennye vozmozhnosti uskoreniya sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya [2021: the Results of Nine Months — Lost Opportunities Accelerating Socio-Economic Development]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 6, pp. 76–81,

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-6.180.2021.76-81.

5. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 8 noyabrya 2021 g. N 633 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoi politiki v sfere strategicheskogo planirovaniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2021 No. 633 “On Approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at: http://kremlin.ru/acts/bank/47244.

6. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 6 oktyabrya 2021 g. N 2816-r “Ob utverzhdenii perechnya initsiativ sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya RF do 2030 goda” [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2021 No. 2816-r “On Approval of the Initiatives List for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation Until 2030”]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Pravitel’stva RF, available at: http://government.ru/news/43451/

2021: the Results of Nine Months — Lost Opportunities Accelerating Socio-Economic Development

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-6.180.2021.76-81

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for nine months of 2021 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.


1. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii v yanvare — sentyabre 2021 goda: Doklad [Socio-Economic Situation in Russia in January – September 2021: Report]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru/storage/mediabank/osn-09-2021.pdf.

2. Statistika vneshnego sektora. Vneshnyaya torgovlya RF [External Sector Statistics. Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation]. Tsentral’nyi Bank RF, available at: https://cbr.ru/statistics/macro_itm/svs/

3. Informatsiya o zasedanii Soveta bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii po voprosam sovershenstvovaniya sistemy strategicheskogo planirovaniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii 27 sentyabrya 2021 g. [Information on the Meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Improving the Strategic Planning System in the Russian Federation on September 27, 2021]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66777.

4. Frenkel’ A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Sergienko Ya.V., Surkov A.A. 2021: paradoksy yanvarya — maya [2021: Paradoxes of January — May]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 4, pp. 54–59, available at: DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-4.178.2021.54-59.

Assessment of the market situation and the development of the service of the meso-economic level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.57-62

The scientific article examines the terminological concepts of servicization, services and the service market within the framework of classical and modern scientific schools. Various types of services are classified and key factors contributing to the development of servicization and market conditions are identified. The competitive market of services is structured on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2021: Paradoxes of January — May

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-4.178.2021.54-59

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for five months of 2021 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

2020 is a Disastrous Year, but Not Hopeless: Lessons from the Pandemic

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.176.2021.98-103

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategies” (CIES) for 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Results of Nine Months 2020: Economy in Waves of Coronavirus

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.86-91

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for nine months of 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Milestone Half Year: Is Sustainable Growth Beginning Economy in 2020?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.32-37

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the first half of 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.

2019. The Year Was Not in Vain?!

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.96-101

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for 2019 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Stagnation: For How Long?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.90-95

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the first half of 2019 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out