The systematization scientific approach to management competitiveness in sphere of the services: economic essence, criteria

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.29-37

In the scientific article scientific approaches to management of competitiveness in sphere of services in which frameworks classification signs of criteria of management are revealed by competitiveness are systematized, concepts of competitiveness and a competition of sphere of services are specified. On the basis of a substantiation of application of a method of the added cost of a share capital (share holder’s value added – SVA); a method of the economic added cost of Stewart (economic value added – EVA); a method of the added market cost (market value added – MVA) the rating estimation of an index of competitiveness GCI on an example Central and Privolzhsky Federal districts is made.

Methodological Approaches to Effective Implementation of Strategic Import Substitution Programs

#7. Foresight Boom
Methodological Approaches to Effective Implementation of Strategic Import Substitution Programs

The relevance of the study is based on the need to minimize the damage caused by the sanctions imposed on the country’s economy and to provide the economic growth of economic entities in this context. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of theoretical and methodological approaches to efficient implementation of import substitution programs in the radio electronic industry in the long run. Leading methods in studying this problem were the methods of factors analysis, organizational modeling, system analysis, innovation theory and enterprise economics, which allowed to reveal key contradictions of state policy in the sphere of import substitution in the radio electronic industry. As a result of the study, the original system of criteria was developed, as well as the fundamental management model taking into account the domestic economy’s ability to implement systematic management of competitive import substitution. Materials of the article can be useful for developing new and improving existing methods of regulating relations that arise between entities carrying out activities in the sphere of import substitution, as well as between organizations that are part of the infrastructure supporting the above activity, and public authorities when forming and implementing the corresponding industrial policy.

Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

For guiding the process of European integration to address economic development goals it is necessary to develop and adopt a common strategy of commercial-economic policy of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Concept of integrated industrial and agricultural policies, as well as plans for their implementation. This involves harmonization of national and EAEU development policies: industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical, energy, transport etc. Subsequently it is necessary to create strategic planning system of the EAEU development, including long-term projections, the medium-term concepts and strategies for commercial, industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical policy, the main aspects of socio-economic, monetary and fiscal policies, as well as interstate programs and action plans for their implementation. As soon as possible it is required to develop and adopt strategic plan of EAEU development and its implementation program for the next decade. Such approach to planning development of Eurasian economic integration will allow to fully realize its potential and to achieve maximum macroeconomic effect in the member states.

Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

#5. Space Like a Punishment
Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

The article deals with the problem of assessing competitiveness of projects on equipping health institutions with high-tech medical devices, for example — medical devices for active-passive mechanical therapy, taking into account their price characteristics, functional and operational capabilities as well as the type of health care institution and patient population needing rehabilitation with the use of such high-tech products. To assess the competitiveness and financing of such projects it is proposed to apply the expertise method and principles of project financing, widespread in the economy.

Situation Centre of Space Industry Control

#5. Space Like a Punishment
Situation Centre of Space Industry Control

Importance of problems solved by the Russian space industry determines application of the most modern management tools. Industry Situation Centre ensures a high level of aerospace industry competitiveness, development sustainability and holistic coverage of problem situations in making command decisions. The paper deals with its distinctive features in the system of distributed situation centers.

Cargo Dirigibles for Subsoil Use in Russia. A Balance Between Military and Civil Production in the Russian Federation is Required

#3. Countdown
Cargo Dirigibles for Subsoil Use in Russia. A Balance Between Military and Civil Production in the Russian Federation is Required

In modern conditions criticism of “raw bias” of the Russian economy is growing from the part of representatives of a number of “scienceintensive industries” the image of which is formed primarily by Russian defence-industrial complex, and the main customer is the Ministry of Defence. From the viewpoint of the author, the problem seems quite different. Large-scale production of oil, gas, ferrous, non-ferrous, rare metals and other types of mineral resources can be more knowledgebased, efficient and effective. Public and private investment (including foreign) in subsoil development will make Russia’s economy stronger and richer.

Operationalization of the Firm Strategic Theory

#1. Choice of Identity
Operationalization of the Firm Strategic Theory

The article examines development aspects of the strategic theory of a firm in terms of existing approaches integration, creation of the firm strategic model and its practical application. It analyzes contradictions between various approaches to firms study. It substantiates the method of practical confirmation or disproof of the dynamic capabilities concept.

Quality Management System — 100 Per Cent Basis of Industrial

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

Nowadays not only all leading companies of the world have the QMS, but these systems are also being introduced into the work of state bodies. It is obvious that for Russia such approach would be extremely productive.

“No” to Crimes on the Internet!

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Today communications are intensively developing, including cellular communication. It also requires an innovative, creative approach. Everything is changing very quickly, and we have to go through uncharted fields.