Systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the competitiveness of enterprises on the example of tourism and recreation at the meso-level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.51-57

The scientific article puts forward theoretical and practical provisions, in aggregate, constituting a new method of managing competitiveness in a market environment. The proposed methodology serves as the basis for the development of practical measures, and can be used for subsequent scientific and theoretical research, as well as in the practical work of enterprises in the field of tourism services and in the development of effective management decisions. The competitive market of tourist services and recreation is investigated on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Assessment of the market situation and the development of the service of the meso-economic level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.57-62

The scientific article examines the terminological concepts of servicization, services and the service market within the framework of classical and modern scientific schools. Various types of services are classified and key factors contributing to the development of servicization and market conditions are identified. The competitive market of services is structured on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Differentiation of methods of competitiveness management on the example of the service market of services

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.32-38

The scientific article puts forward theoretical and practical provisions, in aggregate constituting a new method of managing competitiveness in the service sector. The methodology proposed by the author makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the process of managing competitiveness in market conditions and instability of economic development, and can also be used for subsequent scientific and theoretical research, and in the practical activities of service enterprises in the course of developing effective management decisions.

Attributive model of innovative solutions: from theory to practice

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.22-26

The scientific article reveals attributive models of innovative solutions on the example of information technology; the application of multichannel attribution in the field of small and medium-sized businesses has been substantiated, and key principles for the successful strategic development of innovations have been proposed.

Features of the development of a competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.99-104

The article presents the structural features of the competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District; the most active market segments were identified; empirically calculated market volume of paid services. On the basis of net profit indicators and the numerical characteristics of economically significant subjects of the service market, the factors hindering business activity of the level are identified.

Alpha Market Strategies, Beta and Gamma in the Context of Theory Economic Dominance

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.50-53

This article attempts to analyze the theory of economic dominance formulated by A.A. Blokhin, I.V. Lomakin-Rumyantsev and S.A. Naumov in the article “Alpha-business in the Russian food market” [1], from the point of view of the market behavior strategy of alpha-, beta- and gamma-businesses in modern Russian conditions

Structural and Investment Policy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Structural and Investment Policy

The regular meeting of the Bogomolov Club, held on February 27, 2017 in the RAS Institute for Economic Strategies was dedicated to discussing the issues of structural and investment policy aimed at sustainable growth and modernization of the economy.

A View in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction. Marxist’s Interpretation in the Pre-October 1917 Period

#2. Alliance Great
A View in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction. Marxist’s Interpretation in the Pre-October 1917 Period

The following two lectures of the series on the role of State in the economy (see ES–2016, N 2, 3, 4) deal with Concepts of the founders of Marxism and their adepts respectively, in the pre-October 1917 and the post-October period on the directions, methods and goals of the State economic policy towards the building of so-called communist society. I identify the vector of economic thought in a separate section due to significant influence that Marxism and Leninism ideas had impinged on the Economics and Politics. A rising tide of interest in the Marxist ideas in some social strata and countries nowadays is due to a slowdown in the global economy and to the aggravation of socio-economic problems. The Marxist views analysis of the State’s attitude towards entrepreneurship is needed to identify the roots of the tragic events that occurred in the twentieth century, and which mark the centenary in 2017.

State and Business Interaction: Survey of Economics and Policy Through Time

#3. Immortal Power
State and Business Interaction: Survey of Economics and Policy Through Time

The second lecture is devoted to the initiation and development of liberal ideas on the role of the State in a market economy. Several kinds of liberalism — from classical to neoliberalism are marked. Views of Western and Russian Liberal schools on the cooperation between government and business are compared. The ordoliberalizm school in which the necessity to combine private initiative, freedom of entrepreneurship, and the public interest in a competitive environment is justified. The German model of Social market economy that combines liberal values with active role of the State in the social sphere is recognized as basic in the European Union.

“Patent Box” for Innovations

#9. Preserving humanness
“Patent Box” for Innovations

Today the problems of efficient innovation development are in the spotlight of government bodies. Obviously, only in this way it is possible to succeed in improving the national economy competitiveness in the medium and especially in the long term. This understanding was formed as a result of evaluating the existing resource constraints, consequences and prospects of wide spread of information and computer technologies, biotechnology, alternative energy sources, automation of production processes and so on. It has become even more prominent on the background of the global financial crisis, hardly predictable high volatility in commodity markets and environmental problems aggravation caused by the use of technologies hostile to environment.