Competence management of the personnel reserve of an oil and gas company based on the use of foresight technology

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.40-49

The avalanche-like flow of innovations, instability in the global political arena, sanctions policy, shortage of qualified personnel complicates the development of strategic sectoral solutions for staffing in the Russian labor market. The personnel support system, as a complex system, is formed by a set of interconnected and interacting, but structurally relatively autonomous subsystems. At the corporate level, the system of continuous training and human resource development is aimed at meeting the strategic need of the company for qualified personnel in its priority areas. The formation of training programs for the personnel reserve using foresight technologies allows you to focus the company’s resources and achieve the so-called «dynamic equilibrium» according to A. Bogdanov [1]. The transition from strategic forecasting of required qualifications in the industry to planning of demanded competencies based on foresight technologies makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the company.


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Personnel Selection and Training for Structures with Critical Cognitive and Psychological Workloads in the Conditions of Complex Special Situations (Operations)

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.78-87

A number of different kinds of critical situations (from natural and man-made disasters to coup attempts and military operations), which took place primarily in the very last period of our country’s life, demonstrated significantly more serious, close to the maximum possible pressure on security forces and other departments – more than it was envisaged for many post-Soviet years. It became clear that new, more rigorous and effective technologies for forming and developing specialists’ competencies are needed. The purpose of the present article is to develop tools and methodological recommendations for selecting and training personnel for work or service in structures whose functioning involves critical cognitive and psychological workloads, including in complex special situations (operations).


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