Rigorousness of the Hydrogen Strategy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.183.2022.88-95

The main criterion for classifying hydrogen is the amount of carbon emissions generated during its production. Since only green hydrogen, received from renewable energy sources (RES), can be considered a fuel with a minimal carbon footprint, the article examines the question of to what extent the hydrogen strategies of various countries may be regarded as decarbonized. A typological approach is applied and a framework is established to define the stringency of green hydrogen regulation in national hydrogen strategies based on three parameters: fossil fuel penalties, hydrogen certification and exceptional technology development. According to these parameters, countries are classified into groups depending on the degree of regulation severity. The problems, associated with increasing the strictness of regulation for hydrogen production both at the national and international levels, are identified.



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6. Opublikovana vodorodnaya strategiya Norvegii [Norway has Published Its Hydrogen Strategy]. RenEn, 2020, available at: https://renen.ru/opublikovanavodorodnaya-strategiya-norvegii/

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Regulating Qualifications at Sectoral Labor Markets: Growth Opportunities for New Industries (by the Example of Renewable Energy Market in the Framework of Eurasian Economic Union)

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Regulating Qualifications at Sectoral Labor Markets: Growth Opportunities for New Industries (by the Example of Renewable Energy Market in the Framework of Eurasian Economic Union)

Establishment of uniform requirements for the specialists qualification and consecutive development of staffing and qualifications sectoral system can become the basis and an effective mechanism for barely emerging markets and industries. Successful solution of this task will entail consolidation of sectoral markets participants on the basis of public-private partnerships, will start up the processes of market self-identification and self-regulation. The article presents an analysis of opportunities and ways of forming the industry qualifications structure by the example of young and barely emerging sector of renewable energy and recycling.