Role of BRICS in the World Economy Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.16-23

The authors propose a vector for developing BRICS as an operator of an intercountry digital platform complex (IDPC), within the framework of which international economic transactions are accelerated, simplified and cheapened. Simplification and acceleration occur due to the fact that the documents, required for transaction, are prepared by ICPC algorithms in accordance with the current legislation of the countries and international standards. Cost reduction is achieved by reducing transaction costs, international multilateral clearing, optimizing logistics costs, introducing an internal electronic platform currency for mutual settlements, etc. In this case BRICS, receiving a commission of about 0.5% from each transaction, becomes independent of the budgets of participating countries and a self-sustaining international organization with significant influence in the field of international economic cooperation, including performing the international arbitration functions.


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Two Demographic Threats of BRICS

#7. Connected Space
Two Demographic Threats of BRICS

The author’s analysis of UN demographic statistics revealed two internal problems that objectively impede to the BRICS countries to become new drivers of global economic growth — reduction of economically active population and increase of the social burden on one working person in the form of reducing the potential support ratio. Projected labour shortage could trigger serious socio-economic upheavals in the nearest future.

Demographic Phenomenon of BRICS

#7. Foresight Boom
Demographic Phenomenon of BRICS

The article examines the phenomenon of BRICS, which has now acquired a global visibility. The article focuses on the main potential of the BRICS countries — human capital, those demographic resources that, being combined with a growing economy and a standard of living, can break the current picture of the world.

Main Trends in Development of the BRICS Countries Agriculture

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Main Trends in Development of the BRICS Countries Agriculture

BRICS countries today are the most intensively developing countries of the world economy, since they have a rich resource base, scientific and labor potential. According to leading economists it is economic growth of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the Republic of South Africa that will ensure the future economic growth of the world economy. At the same time, the BRICS countries are the largest agricultural producers, accounting one third of the world agricultural production. About half of the world’s pork volume and about one third of poultry and beef are produced at their territory. At the same time, there are certain trends of specialization of each country in the world agricultural market. All of above enumerates stipulate relevance to study of current state and development prospects of agriculture in the BRICS countries. The methodological basis of the study, results of which are presented in the article, are statistical methods for analyzing the level of development of agriculture and cross-country comparisons. They make it possible to obtain a quantitative assessment of the place of each country in the world market of agricultural product.

International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

#3. Immortal Power
International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

This article deals with the analysis of global financial imbalances that have emerged in the modern world. A review of the international division of powers at the stages of development of the capitalist world-economy is submitted in the article. The role of the BRICS countries as regards to overcoming global imbalances is defined. Formation of the complete balanced global financial system is the way to a qualitatively new stage of development in the world economy.

Labor Globalization and New International Currency Emission as an Opportunity and Means of Technological and Infrastructural Renaissance of BRICS and EAEU Countries in the XXI Century

#7. Maint Games
Labor Globalization and New International Currency Emission as an Opportunity and Means of Technological and Infrastructural Renaissance of BRICS and EAEU Countries in the XXI Century

The paper dwells on the prospects of labor globalization with the help of online-controlled bots and networks structures. It specifies directions and amount of investments for technological and infrastructural renaissance of BRICS and EAEU countries in the XXI century. The article proposes issue and backing principles for a new international currency as an investment source of infrastructure renaissance. The above measures should be implemented as an integrated project.

The New Strategic Role of Russia as a Guarantor — Operator of the System for Global and Regional Economic Balances Maintenance

#1. Change of Leader
The New Strategic Role of Russia as a Guarantor — Operator of the System for Global and Regional Economic Balances Maintenance

Crimean events — the significant information signal of the new world era beginning, the era that came to substitute the epoch associated with the Soviet Union collapse. In these circumstances, the strategic role of Russia as a guarantor — operator of the system for global and regional balances maintenance allows it to permanently integrate into the system mechanisms determining the contours of the global macroeconomic models and well-being of national and international economic and political institutions: Russia is back among the great powers.

Russia and Latin America: for Long in Earnest

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
 Russia and Latin America: for Long in Earnest

The actual results of the Russian President’s visit to Latin America in summer 2014 and signed there documents allow to assume that the trip was quite pragmatic: to seize the opportunities for expansion of the Russian economic cooperation with close to us and friendly developing states. Cooperation, which has become even more important in the context of sanctions introduced by the West against Russia. In his interview with Alexander Ageev and Alexander Sidorov, director of the Institute of Latin American, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Davydov told about economic and geopolitical effects of the new vector of cooperation with Latin American countries.