Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Creating Optimal Quality Indicators for Technical Vision in the Scientific Works of I.L. Geykhman

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.124-129

The article dwells on theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the creation of optimal quality indicators of technical vision in the scientific works of Professor I.L. Geykhman. Currently, technical vision systems (TVS) based on optical-electronic devices (OED) operating in conditions of low illumination of objects and facilities are becoming increasingly widespread. These TVS are intended to solve global problems of science and technology. Interest in the topic under consideration is related to the relevance of solving the problem of increasing labour productivity, as well as the need to prevent injuries during underground and open-pit mining, identifying modern capabilities and prospects for production automation based on technical vision tools.


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Assessment of Management and Planning Processes at Industrial Enterprise During Project Implementation

#1. Minds Confusion
Assessment of Management and Planning Processes at Industrial Enterprise During Project Implementation

The article analyzes implementation of projects by design department of the defence-industrial enterprise. As the main objects of study were chosen: projects (R&D, mass production); design department labour resources, implementing projects; tools for automation of management and implementation planning of the design department’s projects. Based on the assessment results, conclusions were drawn up and recommendations were made on recompensing multiple interrelationships of the head of the design department.