Author page: Yury Mishin

Mechanisms for Developing Military Production Diversification Programs Based on the Simulation Methods

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.187.2023.130-142

The main purpose of this work is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions for substantiation of strategic decisions in the field of forming (in the context of military production and import substitution diversification) plans for manufacturing high-tech civilian products by enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex (DIC).

The following issues are addressed and resolved in the paper: 1) comparative analysis of the specific features of the organization of the of military products manufacturing was carried out; 2) proposals were made on the range of high-tech civilian products that can be produced by defence industry enterprises in the context of the military production diversification; 3) the expediency of using simulation modeling in formation and justification of military production diversification programs was proved; 4) the fundamental principles of building simulation models were formulated and substantiated; 5) the sequence, order, methods and procedures for developing medium-term and annual plans for economic and social development of diversified defence industry enterprises in the context of diversifying military production were developed.

Scientific novelty of the present article consists primarily in qualitative assessment of the impact of changing external factors on the results and performance of economic entities (enterprises), carried out with the help of simulation modeling as a working tool.


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Basic Mechanisms for Developing State Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation


In modern conditions, implementation of sustainable progressive movement of the country by carrying out large-scale structural changes can be realized only on the basis of a centralized identification of areas, goals, priorities of socio-economic development, as well as indicators of strategies, programs and plans interconnected at all levels of the country’s national economy management. Methodologically the article is based on dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as systemic and institutional approaches. Scientific periodicals (monographs, scientific articles, etc.) and official documents of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation on the issues of state strategic and long-term planning in Russia and the USSR were used as an information and analytical base. The article dwells on the following issues: 1) as a result of analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, as well as regulatory and methodological guidelines in the field of state strategic planning, its main shortcomings were identified. According to the authors, these include: dissemination of program-targeted management methods not only into all spheres of socio-economic development, but also to the areas of budget allocations, the lack of sufficient information base of calculations; 2) methodological approach (stages, sequence of work, methods and procedures) to elaborating state programs for the economic development of the country, industries and regions is proposed; 3) application of the methods of hierarchies analysis (MHA) and network modeling (NPM) as the main methods for developing state programs is substantiated; 4) proposals on the composition and structure of the information base for calculating indicators of state programs are given.


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6. Bukhval’d E.M. Strategicheskii dolgostroi; viden li itog? [Strategic Long-Term Construction; is There Any Result?]. ETAP. Ekonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika, 2017, no 6, pp. 33–47.

Extended Substantiation of the Resource Provision Volumes for Russia’s Development National Projects


The purpose of this article is to concretize the main strategic goals formulated by the President of the Russian Federation in order to accelerate the country’s economic development in terms of creating new production capacities in priority areas of economic and social development — national projects, as well as to substantiate a methodological approach to calculating the required volume of their resource provision.

In addition to literary sources and official statistical reporting, normative and legal documents (strategies and government programs) in the field of strategic planning of the activities of the domestic defense industry branches were also used as an information base for the paper.

The article addresses the following issues: 1) ranking according to the level of capital investments efficiency in various sectors of the Russian economy is made; 2) methodological approach to forming a forecast assessment of the required volumes of capital investments and labor resources to ensure the established rates of the country’s economic development is proposed; 3) mechanism for identifying the volume of production depending on the capital investments amount is developed